Solr - Cache
It monitors solr metrics related to document cache,filter cache and query result cache metrics like evictions, hits, inserts and lookups. Validated this template on solr 7.5.3
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Solr - Cache | apache.solr.filter_cache.evictions | Apache Solr Filter Cache Evictions | s | The total number of filter cache evictions per second. |
apache.solr.document_cache.inserts | Apache Solr Document Cache Inserts | s | The total number of cache inserts per second. | |
apache.solr.filter_cache.hits | Apache Solr Filter Cache Hits | s | The number of filter cache hits per second. | |
apache.solr.filter_cache.lookups | Apache Solr Filter Cache Lookups | s | The total number of filter cache lookups per second. | |
apache.solr.document_cache.evictions | Apache Solr Document Cache Evictions | s | The total number of cache evictions per second. | |
apache.solr.query_result_cache.lookups | Apache Solr Query Result Cache Lookups | s | The total number of query cache lookups per second. | |
apache.solr.document_cache.lookups | Apache Solr Document Cache Lookups | s | The total number of cache lookups per second. | |
apache.solr.query_result_cache.hits | Apache.solr Query Result Cache Hits | s | The number of query cache hits per second. | |
apache.solr.query_result_cache.evictions | Apache Solr Query Result Cache Evictions | s | The total number of query cache evictions per second. | |
apache.solr.query_result_cache.inserts | Apache Solr Query Result Cache Inserts | s | The total number of query cache inserts per second. | |
apache.solr.document_cache.hits | Apache Solr Document Cache Hits | s | The number of cache hits per second. | |
apache.solr.filter_cache.inserts | Apache Solr Filter Cache Inserts | s | The total number of filter cache inserts per second. |
Solr - Jvm
It monitors Solr Jvm metrics related to buffers, garbage collector, memory and operating system. Validated this template on Solr7.5.3
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Solr - Jvm - Buffer | | Apache Solr Jvm Buffers Direct Count | NULL | Estimate of the number of buffers in the direct pool |
apache.solr.jvm.buffers.mapped.memoryused | Apache Solr Jvm Buffers Mapped Memory Used | Bytes | estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for the mapped buffer pool | |
apache.solr.jvm.buffers.mapped.count | Apache Solr Jvm Buffers Mapped Count | count | Estimate of the number of buffers in the mapped pool | | | Apache Solr Jvm Buffers Direct Memory Used | Bytes | Estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for the direct buffer pool | |
Solr - Jvm - GarbageCollector | apache.solr.jvm.gc.concurrentmarksweep.time | Apache Solr Jvm Gc Concurrent Marksweep Time | count | The number of JMS connections (local and remote) created by the JMS server |
apache.solr.jvm.gc.parnew.time | Apache Solr Jvm Gc Parnew Time | ms | The approximate accumulated garbage collection time elapsed. | |
apache.solr.jvm.gc.concurrentmarksweep.count | Apache Solr Jvm Gc Concurrent MarkSweep Count | count | The total number of garbage collections that have occurred | |
Solr - Jvm -Os | apache.solr.jvm.os.freephysicalmemorysize | Apache Solr Jvm OS FreePhysicalMemorySize | GB | Displays the amount of free physical memory available to the operating system. |
apache.solr.jvm.os.committedvirtualmemorysize | Apache Solr Jvm OS CommittedVirtualMemorySize | Bytes | The total number of virtutal memory committed to be used | |
apache.solr.jvm.os.systemloadaverage | Apache Solr Jvm OS SystemLoadAverage | m | Displays the system load average for the last time. | |
apache.solr.jvm.os.totalphysicalmemorysize | Apache Solr Jvm OS TotalPhysicalMemorySize | GB | Displays the total amount of physical memory available operating system. | |
apache.solr.jvm.os.totalswapspacesize | Apache Solr Jvm OS Totalswapspacesize | MB | Displays the amount of total swap space available to the operating system. | |
apache.solr.jvm.os.freeswapspacesize | Apache Solr Jvm OS FreeSwapSpaceSize | MB | Displays the amount of free swap space available to the operating system. | |
Solr - Jvm- Memory | apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.par-survivor-space.committed | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Par Survivor Space Committed | KB | The total par survivor space committed to be used |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.non-heap.init | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Non Heap Init | Bytes | The initial Java non-heap memory allocated. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.par-eden-space.used-after-gc | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Par Eden Space Used After Gc | KB | Displays the usage of par eden space after gc in kilo bytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.cms-old-gen.used | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Cms Old Gen Used | KB | Displays the peak usage of cmd-old-gen in kilo bytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.cms-old-gen.committed | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Cms Old Gen Committed | KB | The total cms-old-gen memory committed to be used | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.metaspace.used | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Metaspace Used | KB | Displays the usage of metaspace in kilo bytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.metaspace.committed | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Metaspace Committed | KB | The total metaspace memory committed to be used | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.par-survivor-space.used | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Par Survivor Space Used | KB | Displays the usage of par survivor space in kilobytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.code-cache.used | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Code Cache Used | KB | Displays the peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.heap.committed | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Heap Committed | Bytes | The total Java heap memory committed to be used. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.heap.max | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Heap Max | Bytes | The maximum Java heap memory available. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.non-heap.committed | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Non Heap Committed | Bytes | The total Java non-heap memory committed to be used. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.par-eden-space.used | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Par Eden Space Used | KB | Displays the usage of par eden space in kilo bytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.heap.init | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Heap Init | Bytes | The initial Java heap memory allocated. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.par-eden-space.committed | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Par Eden Space Committed | KB | Displays the par eden space memory committed to be used | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.code-cache.committed | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Code Cache Committed | KB | The total code cache memory committed to be used | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.cms-old-gen.used-after-gc | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Cms Old Gen Used After Gc | KB | Displays the peak usage of cms-old-gen after gc in kilo bytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.heap.used | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Heap Used | Bytes | The total Java heap memory used. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.non-heap.used | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Non Heap Used | Bytes | The total Java non-heap memory used. | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.pools.par-survivor-space.used-after-gc | Apache Solr Jvm MemoryPools Par Survivor Space Used After Gc | KB | Displays usage of par survivor space after gc in kilobytes | |
apache.solr.jvm.memory.non-heap.max | Apache Solr Jvm Memory Non Heap Max | Bytes | The maximum Java non-heap memory available. |