NetApp Cluster Array RAID


It monitors,,,,,,,


Need Gateway version 18.0.0 or above

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array Cluster RAID Tetris WrittensTetrises written per second Cluster RAID Stripes WrittensStripes written per second Cluster RAID Partial StripessPartial stripes written per second Cluster RAID Full StripessFull stripes written per second Cluster RAID Blocks WrittensBlocks written per second Cluster RAID Blocks ReadsBlocks read per second Cluster RAID - RAID Read LatencymsAverage time for reads from the RAID Cluster RAID - RAID Read OpssTotal number of RAID read operations per second

Netapp Storage Enclosure - Hardware Ext


Monitors the Netapp Storage Enclosure - Hardware statistics like Fans Speed, Fans Failed Status, Power Supplies Failed Status, Electronics Failed Status, Temperature Sensor Current Temperature, Voltage Sensor Current Voltage, Current Sensor Current.[ NETAPP-MIB :: enclFansSpeed :, enclFansFailed:, enclPowerSuppliesFailed :, enclElectronicsFailed :, enclTempSensorsCurrentTemp :, enclVoltSensorsCurrentVolt :, enclCurSensorsCurrentCur : ], Component Name is combination of enclChannelShelfAddr:, enclNodeName : Validated on model : NetApp Cluster, OS version: NetApp Release 9.13.1P7, SysObjectOID : enterprises.789.2.5


Device must have support for NETAPP-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Storage Enclosure - Hardware Extnetapp_storage_enclosure_FanSpeedNetapp Storage Enclosure Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the list of netapp storage enclosure fan speeds in revolutions per minute (RPM) for fans or fan modules present and for which speed status is known in this enclosure. Not all enclosure types report fan speeds. Fans are numbered as described in enclFansPresent. [ NETAPP-MIB :: enclFansSpeed : ]
netapp_storage_enclosure_FanFailedStatusNetapp Storage Enclosure Fan Failed StatusMonitors the netapp storage enclosure fans failed status,The list of failed fans or fan modules in this enclosure. Fans are numbered as described in enclFansPresent. [ NETAPP-MIB :: enclFansFailed : ]. Possible Values are 1: normal, 2: failed
netapp_storage_enclosure_PowerSupplyFailedStatusNetapp Storage Enclosure PowerSupply Failed StatusMonitors the netapp storage enclosure powersupplies failed status. The list of failed power supplies in this enclosure, numbered as in enclPowerSuppliesPresent. [ NETAPP-MIB :: enclPowerSuppliesFailed : ]. Possible Values are 1: normal, 2: failed
netapp_storage_enclosure_ElectronicsFailedStatusNetapp Storage Enclosure Electronics Failed StatusMonitors the netapp storage enclosure electronics failed status. The list of failed electronics elements. Valid only if enclElectronicsPresent shows that some are present.[ NETAPP-MIB :: enclElectronicsFailed : ]. Possible Values are 1: normal, 2: failed
netapp_storage_enclosure_TemperatureSensorValueNetapp Storage Enclosure Temperature Sensor ValueCMonitors the netapp storage enclosure tempearture sensor current Temperature.The list of temperatures reported by all temperature sensors in the enclosure, including the ambient temperature. Sensors are numbered as in TempSensorsPresent. [ NETAPP-MIB :: enclTempSensorsCurrentTemp : ].
netapp_storage_enclosure_VoltageSensorValueNetapp Storage Enclosure Voltage Sensor ValuemVMonitors the netapp storage enclosure voltage sensor current voltage.The list of voltages reported by all voltage sensors in the enclosure, Sensors are numbered as in VoltSensorsPresent. [ NETAPP-MIB :: enclVoltSensorsCurrentVolt : ].
netapp_storage_enclosure_CurrentSensorValueNetapp Storage Enclosure Current Sensor ValuemAMonitors the netapp storage enclosure current sensor current. The list of currents reported by all current sensors in the enclosure, Sensors are numbered as in CurSensorsPresent. [ NETAPP-MIB :: enclCurSensorsCurrentCur : ]

Netapp - Fastpath Switch Hardware


Template to monitor Netapp Fastpath Switch Hardware parameters like Fan State,Fan Speed,Power Supply State,Temp Sensor State,Temp Sensor Value.[FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState :,boxServicesFanSpeed :,boxServicesPowSupplyItemState :,boxServicesTempSensorState :,boxServicesTempSensorTemperature :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp - Fastpath Box Services Fannetapp_fastpath_BoxServicesFanStateNetapp Fastpath Box Services Fan StateIt monitors the status of fan. Possible values are notpresent(1),operational(2),failed(3).[FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState :].
netapp_fastpath_BoxServicesFanSpeedNetapp Fastpath Box Services Fan SpeedrpmIt monitors the the speed of fan.[FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanSpeed :].
Netapp - Fastpath Box Services Power Supply Statenetapp_fastpath_BoxServicesPowSupplyStateNetapp Fastpath Box Services Power Supply StateIt monitors the status of Power Supply.Possible values are notpresent(1),operational(2),failed(3),nopower(4).[FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB ::]
Netapp - Fastpath Box Services Temperature Sensornetapp_fastpath_BoxServicesTempSensorTemperatureNetapp Fastpath Box Services Temp Sensor ValueCelsiusIt monitors the temperature value reported by sensor.[FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesTempSensorTemperature :]
netapp_fastpath_BoxServicesTempSensorStateNetapp Fastpath Box Services Temp Sensor StateIt monitors the state of temperature sensor. Possible values are low(0),normal(1),warning(2),critical(3),shutdown(4),notpresent(5),notoperational(6).[FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesTempSensorState :]

Netapp - Fastpath Switch Performance


Template to monitor Netapp Fastpath Switch Performance parameters like CPU Process Memory Free , CPU Process Memory Total , CPU Process Memory Utilization , CPU Process Utilization 5Min.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp - Fastpath Switch CPU Process Performancenetapp_fastpath_switch_CpuProcessUtilization5MinNetapp Fastpath Switch CPU Process Utilization 5Min%It monitors the Total CPU utilization over a period of 300 seconds.[FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessTotalUtilization :]
netapp_fastpath_switch_CpuProcessMemoryFreeNetapp Fastpath Switch CPU Process Memory FreeKBMonitors the total switch CPU process memory free for utilization in KBytes.[FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree :]
netapp_fastpath_switch_CpuProcessMemoryTotalNetapp Fastpath Switch CPU Process Memory TotalKBMonitors the The total switch CPU process memory available in KBytes.[FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable :]
netapp_fastpath_switch_CpuProcessMemoryUtilizationNetapp Fastpath Switch CPU Process Memory Utilization%Monitors the Netapp fastpath switch CPU process memory utilization in %.[FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable :]

Netapp Cluster Aggregate Template


Netapp Cluster Aggregate Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Aggregate Monitornetapp.cluster.aggregate.stateNetapp Cluster Aggregate StateNetapp Cluster Aggregate State
netapp.cluster.aggregate.percent-used-capacityNetapp Cluster Aggregate Utilization%The percentage of disk space currently in use on the referenced file system. Cluster Aggregate Raid StatusNetapp Cluster Aggregate Raid Status
netapp.cluster.aggregate.total_transferssNetapp Cluster Aggregate Total TransferssTotal number of disk operations serviced by the aggregate
netapp.cluster.aggregate.user_readsNetapp Cluster Aggregate User ReadssNumber of user read operations performed by the aggregate
netapp.cluster.aggregate.user_writesNetapp Cluster Aggregate User WritessNumber of user write operations performed by the aggregate
netapp.cluster.aggregate.size-availableNetapp Cluster Aggregate Size AvailableGBNetapp Cluster Aggregate Size Available

Netapp Cluster Array Disk Template


Netapp Cluster Array Disk Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array Disk Cluster Storage Disk Offline StateTrue if the disk is offline. If the disk is not offline, this element will not be included with the output. Cluster Storage Disk Prefailed StateTrue if the admin issued a 'disk fail' or if the the system marked this disk for Rapid RAID Recovery. This flag is expected to remain set until the system has copied the contents of this disk to a system-selected replacement disk. At that point, this disk is expected to be removed from service and placed in in the broken pool.
netapp.cluster.disk.user_readsNetapp Cluster Disk User ReadssNumber of user read operations performed by the aggregate
netapp.cluster.disk.user_writesNetapp Cluster Disk User WritessNumber of user write operations performed by the aggregate
netapp.cluster.disk.cp_readsNetapp Cluster Disk consistency-point ReadssNumber of read operations to the aggregate during consistency point processing
netapp.cluster.disk.user_read_latencyNetapp Cluster Disk User Read LatencymicrosecAverage latency per block, in microseconds, for user read operations
netapp.cluster.disk.user_write_latencyNetapp Cluster Disk User Write LatencymicrosecAverage latency per block, in microseconds, for user write operations
netapp.cluster.disk.cp_read_latencyNetapp Cluster Disk consistency-point Read LatencymicrosecAverage latency per block, in microseconds, for consistency-point read operations Cluster Storage Disk Available CapacityGBAvailable Capacity of the disk Cluster Storage Disk Utilization%Percentage of disk utilization

Netapp Cluster Array Extended SnapMirror Template


Netapp Cluster Array Extended SnapMirror Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Array Extended SnapMirror Monitornetapp.cluster.snapmirror.lag-timeNetapp Cluster Snapmirror Lag Times

Netapp Cluster Array Failover Template


Netapp Cluster Array Failover Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Array Controller Failover Cluster Failover Node StateState of the Storage Failover of the node. Cluster Failover StateNetapp Cluster Storage Failover State

Netapp Cluster Array Interface Template


Template to monitor network interface metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Array Interface Operational StatusNULLSpecifies the operational status of the LIF. Possible values: up, down, unknown, undefined Administrative StatusNULLSpecifies the administrative status of the LIF. Possible values: up, down, unknown, undefined

Netapp Cluster Array NFSv3 Template


Netapp Cluster Array NFSv3 Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array NFSV3 Monitornetapp.cluster.nfsv3.nfsv3_opsNetapp Cluster NFSv3 OpssTotal number of NFSv3 operations
netapp.cluster.nfsv3.nfsv3_read_opsNetapp Cluster NFSv3 Read OpssTotal NFSv3 read operations
netapp.cluster.nfsv3.nfsv3_write_opsNetapp Cluster NFSv3 Write OpssTotal NFSv3 write operations

Netapp Cluster Array Peer Template


Netapp Cluster Array Peer Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Array Cluster Cluster Peer Health StatusThe status of peer cluster health.

Netapp Cluster Array Port Template


Template to monitor network port metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Array Port of the portNULLRepresents the state of the port. Possible values are up, undefined status of the port.NULLSpecifies the link status of the port. Possible values are up, down, unknown, undefined

Netapp Cluster Array Processor Template


Netapp Cluster Array Processor Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array Processor Monitornetapp.cluster.processor.processor_busyNetapp Cluster Processor Busy%Percentage of elapsed time that the processor is executing non-idle processes

Netapp Cluster Array QTree Template


Netapp Cluster Array QTree Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array QTree Monitornetapp.cluster.qtree.nfs_opsNetapp Cluster QTree NFS OpssNFS operations per second
netapp.cluster.qtree.cifs_opsNetapp Cluster QTree CIFS OpssCIFS operations per second
netapp.cluster.qtree.stateNetapp Cluster QTree StatusStatus of the qtree. Possible values include: "snapvaulted", "snapmirrored", "normal", and "readonly".

Netapp Cluster Array SnapMirror Template


Netapp Cluster Array SnapMirror Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Array SnapMirror Monitornetapp.cluster.snapmirror.mirror-stateNetapp Cluster Snapmirror Mirror StateSpecifies the mirror state of the SnapMirror relationship.

Netapp Cluster Array System Template


Netapp Cluster Array System Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array System Monitornetapp.cluster.system.nvram-battery-statusNetapp Cluster System NVRam Battery StatusStatus of the NVRAM battery
netapp.cluster.system.sys_read_latencyNetapp Cluster System Read LatencymsAverage latency for all read operations in the system in milliseconds
netapp.cluster.system.sys_write_latencyNetapp Cluster System Write LatencymsAverage latency for all write operations in the system in milliseconds
netapp.cluster.system.sys_avg_latencyNetapp Cluster System Average LatencymsAverage latency for all read and write operations in the system in milliseconds
netapp.cluster.system.cpu_utilizationNetapp Cluster System CPU Utilization%System CPU resource utilization
netapp.cluster.system.size-availableNetapp Cluster System Size AvailableGBSystem Available size
netapp.cluster.system.utilizationNetapp Cluster System Utilization%System Utilization
netapp.cluster.system.read_opsNetapp Cluster System Read OpssRead operations per second
netapp.cluster.system.write_opsNetapp Cluster System Write OpssWrite operations per second

NetApp Cluster Array Time Sync Template


NetApp Cluster Array Time Sync Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Array Time Sync Monitornetapp.cluster.monitor.timesyncNetapp Cluster Monitor TimesyncsAlert on NetApp Cluster Disconnect (Out of sync time). We get the current time of the Netapp Cluster including the timezone and convert the same to Gateway timezone and derive the difference. If the difference is more than given Thresholds raise Alert.

Netapp Cluster Extended Aggregate Template


Netapp Cluster Extended Aggregate Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Extended Aggregate Monitornetapp.cluster.aggregate.snapshot-reserved-percentageNetapp Cluster Aggregate Snapshot Reserved Percentage%Netapp Cluster Aggregate Snapshot Reserved Percentage
netapp.cluster.aggregate.aggr-over-commitmentNetapp Cluster Aggregate Aggr Over Commitment%The total space allocated to volumes exceeds that of what is allowable by the containing aggregate

Netapp Cluster Extended Volume Template


Netapp Cluster Extended Volume Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Extended Volume Monitornetapp.cluster.volume.volume-snapshot-countNetapp Cluster Volume Volume Snapshot CountcountSpecifies the number of snapshots in the volume.
netapp.cluster.volume.grow-threshold-percentageNetapp Cluster Volume Grow Threshold Percentage%Used space threshold size, in percentage, for the automatic growth of the volume. When the amount of used space in the volume becomes greater than this threhold, the volume automatically grows unless it has reached the maximum size.
netapp.cluster.volume.percentage-snapshots-reservedNetapp Cluster Volume Percentage Snapshots Reserved%space reserved for volume Snapshot copies in the volume.
netapp.cluster.volume.spacefull-threshold-percentageNetapp Cluster Volume Spacefull Threshold Percentage%Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered full.
netapp.cluster.volume.tooold-snapshotNetapp Cluster Volume Too Old SnapshotsSpecifies about the snapshots created before 52 weeks.
netapp.cluster.volume.over-dedupplicationNetapp Cluster Volume Over DedupplicationNULLPercentage of the deduplication-enabled logical stored data in a volume over the actual physical capacity of that volume.

Netapp Cluster LUN Template


Netapp Cluster LUN Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Lun Monitornetapp.cluster.lun.size-percentage-usedNetapp Cluster LUN Utilization%Percentage of LUN utilization
netapp.cluster.lun.onlineNetapp Cluster LUN Online StateState of the LUN, ("online" or "offline"). "true" if online, "false" otherwise.
netapp.cluster.lun.avg_latencyNetapp Cluster LUN Average LatencymsAverage latency for all operations on the LUN
netapp.cluster.lun.avg_read_latencyNetapp Cluster LUN Average Read LatencymsAverage latency for read operations on the LUN
netapp.cluster.lun.avg_write_latencyNetapp Cluster LUN Average Write LatencymsAverage latency for write operations on the LUN.
netapp.cluster.lun.read_opsNetapp Cluster LUN Read OpssRead operations per second.
netapp.cluster.lun.write_opsNetapp Cluster LUN Write OpssWrite operations per second.
netapp.cluster.lun.size-availableNetapp Cluster LUN Size AvailableGBNumber of bytes available in the LUN.

Netapp Cluster Node - Hardware


Monitors the Netapp Cluster Node - Hardware Metrics like Node Health ,Node Nvram Battery Status, Node Env Over Temperature, Node Env Failed Fan Count, Node Env Failed Power Supply Count. [ NETAPP-MIB :: nodeHealth : ,nodeNvramBatteryStatus :, nodeEnvOverTemperature :, nodeEnvFailedFanCount :, nodeEnvFailedPowerSupplyCount : ]


Device must have support for NETAPP-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Node - Hardwarenetapp_cluster_node_HealthNetapp Cluster Node HealthMonitors the Node Health.Whether or not the node can communicate with the cluster.[ NETAPP-MIB :: nodeHealth : ] possibe avlues are
netapp_cluster_node_NvramBatteryStatusNetapp Cluster Node Nvram Battery StatusMonitors the Netapp Cluster Node Nvram Battery Statu. An indication of the current status of the NVRAM battery or batteries. Batteries which are fully or partially discharged may not fully protect the system during a crash.The end-of-life status values are based on the manufacturer's recommended life for the batteries.[ NETAPP-MIB :: nodeNvramBatteryStatus : ] possible values are 1: ok, 2: partiallyDischarged, 3: fullyDischarged, 4: notPresent, 5: nearEndOfLife, 6: atEndOfLife, 7: unknown, 8: overCharged, 9: fullyCharged
netapp_cluster_node_EnvOverTemperatureNetapp Cluster Node Env Over TemperatureMonitors the Netapp Cluster Node Env Over Temperature. An indication of whether the hardware is currently operating outside of its recommended temperature range. The hardware will shutdown if the temperature exceeds critical thresholds. [ NETAPP-MIB :: nodeEnvOverTemperature : ]. posssible Values are 1 : no, 2 : yes
netapp_cluster_node_EnvFailedFanCountNetapp Cluster Node Env Failed Fan CountcountMonitors the Netapp Cluster Node Env Failed Fan Count. Count of the number of chassis fans which are not operating within the recommended RPM range. [ NETAPP-MIB :: nodeEnvFailedFanCount : ]
netapp_cluster_node_EnvFailedPowerSupplyCountNetapp Cluster Node Env Failed PowerSupply CountcountMonitors the Netapp Cluster Node Env Failed PowerSupply Count.Count of the number of power supplies which are in degraded mode.[ NETAPP-MIB :: nodeEnvFailedPowerSupplyCount : ]

Netapp Storage - HA State


Monitors the Netapp Storage High Availability State.[ NETAPP-MIB :: haState : ]. Possible values are 1: dead, 2: canTakeover, 3: cannotTakeover, 4: takeover, 5: partialGiveback. Validated on model : NetApp Cluster, OS version: NetApp Release 9.13.1P7, SysObjectOID : enterprises.789.2.5


Device must have support for NETAPP-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Storage - HA Statenetapp_storage_HaStateNetapp Storage High Available StateMonitors the Netapp Storage High Availability State.[ NETAPP-MIB :: haState : ]. Possible values are 1: dead, 2: canTakeover, 3: cannotTakeover, 4: takeover, 5: partialGiveback

Netapp Cluster Node Template


Netapp Cluster Node Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Node Monitornetapp.cluster.processor:node.processor_busyNetapp Cluster Processor Node Busy%Percentage of elapsed time that the processor is executing non-idle processes, at node level. Cluster Node Health StatusThis parameter is used to determine health of a node in a cluster. A boolean value of true means the node is healthy.

Netapp Cluster Volume QTree Template


This template monitors Qtree performance metrics like netapp.qtree.OtherOps, netapp.qtree.ReadOps, netapp.qtree.status, netapp.qtree.TotalOps, netapp.qtree.WriteOps on Netapp Cluster Volume. It works from the gateway 14.0.0 onwards


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Volume QTree Monitornetapp.qtree.OtherOpsNetApp Volume Qtree Other OpssNumber of other operations performed. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp.qtree.WriteOpsNetApp Qtree Write OpssNumber of write I/O operations performed
netapp.qtree.ReadOpsNetApp Qtree Read OpssNumber of read I/O operations performed
netapp.qtree.statusNetapp Qtree StatusNULLReturns status of Qtree. Possible states are ok(0), error(1), partial_no_data(2), partial_no_uuid(3), partial_no_response(4), partial_other_error(5),negative_delta(6), backfilled_data(7), inconsistent_delta_time(8), inconsistent_old_data(9)
netapp.qtree.TotalOpsNetApp Qtree Total OpssPerformance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations

Netapp Cluster Volume Quota Template


This template monitors Quota performance metrics like netapp.volume.QuotaSpaceHardLimit, netapp.volume.QuotaSpaceHardLimitPercentageUsed, netapp.volume.QuotaTotalFilesUsed,netapp.volume.QuotaTotalSpaceUsed on Netapp Cluster Volume. It works from the gateway 14.0.0 onwards.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster Volume Quota Monitornetapp.volume.QuotaTotalSpaceUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Total Space UsedGBTotal space used
netapp.volume.QuotaTotalFilesUsedNetApp Cluster Quota Total Files UsedcountTotal files used
netapp.volume.QuotaSpaceHardLimitNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Space Hard LimitBytesSpace hard limit in bytes
netapp.volume.QuotaSpaceHardLimitPercentageUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Space Hard Limit Percntage Used%Total space used as a percentage of space soft limit
netapp.volume.QuotaStateNetApp Cluster Volume Quota StateNULLQuota state of the volume. Possible states are corrupt(0), initializing(1), mixed(2), off(3), on(4) and resizing(5)

Netapp Cluster Volume Template


Netapp Cluster Volume Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Cluster Volume Monitornetapp.cluster.volume.stateNetapp Cluster Volume StateVolume State. Possible values: 'online', 'restricted', 'offline', 'mixed' If an Infinite Volumes constituents are not all in the same state, it will return 'mixed'. The 'mixed' state is read-only. Attributes: optional-for-create, modifiable
netapp.cluster.volume.inode-utilizationNetapp Cluster Volume iNode Utilization%Percentage of volume iNode utilization
netapp.cluster.volume.percentage-size-usedNetapp Cluster Volume Utilization%Percentage of the volume size that is used. This field is valid only when the volume is online.
netapp.cluster.volume.write_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume Write LatencymicrosecAverage time for writes to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.read_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume Read LatencymicrosecAverage time for reads from the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.avg_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume Average LatencymicrosecAverage latency for all the operations on the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.total_opsNetapp Cluster Volume Total OpssNumber of operations performed by the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.read_opsNetapp Cluster Volume Read OpssNumber of reads to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.write_opsNetapp Cluster Volume Write OpssNumber of writes to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.size-availableNetapp Cluster Volume Size AvailableGBThe size (in bytes) that is still available in the volume. This field is valid only when the volume is online.
netapp.cluster.volume.other_opsNetapp Cluster Volume Other OpssNumber of other operations to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.nfs_read_opsNetapp Cluster Volume NFS Read OpssNumber of NFS reads to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.nfs_read_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume NFS Read LatencymicrosecAverage time for NFS reads from the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.nfs_write_opsNetapp Cluster Volume NFS Write OpssNumber of NFS writes to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.nfs_write_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume NFS Write LatencymicrosecAverage time for NFS writes to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.nfs_other_opsNetapp Cluster Volume NFS Other OpssNumber of other NFS operations to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.san_read_opsNetapp Cluster Volume SAN Read OpssNumber of block protocol reads to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.san_read_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume SAN Read LatencymicrosecAverage time for block protocol reads to the volume.
netapp.cluster.volume.san_write_opsNetapp Cluster Volume SAN Write OpssNumber of block protocol writes to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.san_write_latencyNetapp Cluster Volume SAN Write LatencymicrosecAverage time for block protocol writes to the volume
netapp.cluster.volume.files-usedNetapp Cluster Volume Files UsedNumber of user-visible files (inodes) used.

Netapp Cluster vServer Status Template


Netapp Cluster vServer Status Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Cluster vServer Status Monitornetapp.cluster.vserver.stateNetapp Cluster vServer StateState of the vServer. This field represents the data serving ability of a vServer, hence is applicable only for Data vServers.

Netapp Filer Aggregate Template


Netapp Filer Aggregate Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Aggregate Monitornetapp.filer.aggregate.stateNetapp Filer Aggregate StateAggregate State
netapp.filer.aggregate.total_transfersNetapp Filer Aggregate Total TransferssTotal number of disk operations serviced by the aggregate
netapp.filer.aggregate.user_readsNetapp Filer Aggregate User ReadssNetapp Filer Aggregate User Reads
netapp.filer.aggregate.user_writesNetapp Filer Aggregate User WritessNumber of user write operations performed by the aggregate
netapp.filer.aggregate.size-percentage-usedNetapp Filer Aggregate Utilization%Percentage of aggregate used. Filer Aggregate RAID StatusAggregate RAID Status
netapp.filer.aggregate.size-availableNetapp Filer Aggregate Size AvailableGBAvailable bytes in the aggregate.

Netapp Filer Array Controller Failover Template


Netapp Filer Array Controller Failover Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Array Controller Failover Filer Controller Failover Node StateState of the storage failover of the node
Netapp Filer Array Controller Failover Filer Controller Failover StateController Failover State

Netapp Filer Array Disk Template


Netapp Filer Array Disk Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Array Disk Filer Disk Offline StateTrue if the disk is offline. If the disk is not offline, this element will not be included with the output. Filer Disk Prefailed StateTrue if the disk is prefailed and undergoing disk copy (as the source) or waiting for such disk copy to be started, false otherwise.
netapp.filer.disk.size-percentage-usedNetapp Filer Disk Utilization%Percentage of disk used. Filer Disk RAID stateDisk RAID state
netapp.filer.disk.size-availableNetapp Filer Disk Size AvailableGBAvailable bytes in the disk.

Netapp Filer Array ISCSI Template


Netapp Filer Array ISCSI Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Array ISCSI Monitornetapp.filer.iscsi.iscsi_opsNetapp Filer ISCSI OpssISCSI operations per second
netapp.filer.iscsi.iscsi_write_dataNetapp Filer ISCSI Write DataBpsISCSI bytes written per second
netapp.filer.iscsi.iscsi_read_dataNetapp Filer ISCSI Read DataBpsISCSI bytes read per second
netapp.filer.iscsi.iscsi_read_opsNetapp Filer ISCSI Read OpssTotal number of read operations for all the LUNs in the system accessed over ISCSI
netapp.filer.iscsi.iscsi_write_opsNetapp Filer ISCSI Write OpssTotal number of write operations for all the LUNs in the system accessed over ISCSI
netapp.filer.iscsi.iscsi_latencyNetapp Filer ISCSI LatencymsNetapp Filer ISCSI Latency

Netapp Filer Array SnapMirror Template


Netapp Filer Array SnapMirror Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Array SnapMirror Monitornetapp.filer.snapmirror.stateNetapp Filer SnapMirror StateSnapMirror pair state.
netapp.filer.snapmirror.statusNetapp Filer SnapMirror StatusSnapMirror pair transfer status

Netapp Filer Array System Template


Netapp Filer Array System Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Array System Monitornetapp.filer.system.utilizationNetapp Filer System Utilization%System Utilization
netapp.filer.system.sys_read_latencyNetapp Filer System Read LatencymicrosecNetapp Filer System Read Latency
netapp.filer.system.sys_write_latencyNetapp Filer System Write LatencymicrosecNetapp Filer System Write Latency
netapp.filer.system.sys_avg_latencyNetapp Filer System Average LatencymicrosecNetapp Filer System Average Latency
netapp.filer.system.size-availableNetapp Filer System Size AvailableGBNetapp Filer System Size Available
netapp.filer.system.read_opsNetapp Filer System Read OpssRead operations per second
netapp.filer.system.write_opsNetapp Filer System Write OpssWrite operations per second

NetApp Filer Array Time Sync Template


NetApp Filer Array Time Sync Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp Filer Array Time Sync Monitornetapp.filer.monitor.timesyncNetapp Filer Monitor TimesyncsAlert on NetApp Filer Disconnect (Out of sync time). We get the current time of the Netapp Filer including the timezone and convert the same to Gateway timezone and derive the difference. If the difference is more than given Thresholds raise Alert.

Netapp Filer Array vFiler Template


Netapp Filer Array vFiler Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Array vFiler Monitornetapp.filer.vfiler.vfiler_read_opsNetapp Filer vFiler Read OpssRead operations on the vFiler unit
netapp.filer.vfiler.vfiler_write_opsNetapp Filer vFiler Write OpssWrite operations on the vFiler unit

Netapp Filer LUN Template


Netapp Filer LUN Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer LUN Monitornetapp.filer.lun.read_opsNetapp Filer LUN Read OpssRead operations per second
netapp.filer.lun.write_opsNetapp Filer LUN Write OpssWrite operations per second
netapp.filer.lun.onlineNetapp Filer LUN Online StateState of the LUN, ("online" or "offline"). "true" if online, "false" otherwise.
netapp.filer.lun.size-percentage-usedNetapp Filer LUN Utilization%Percentage of LUN used.
netapp.filer.lun.size-availableNetapp Filer LUN Size AvailableGBAvailable bytes in the LUN.

Netapp Filer Volume Template


Netapp Filer Volume Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netapp Filer Volume Monitornetapp.filer.volume.total_opsNetapp Filer Volume Total OpssNumber of operations performed by the volume
netapp.filer.volume.read_opsNetapp Filer Volume Read OpssNumber of reads to the volume
netapp.filer.volume.write_opsNetapp Filer Volume Write OpssNumber of writes to the volume
Number of writes to the volumeNetapp Filer Volume StateState of the volume.
netapp.filer.volume.size-availableNetapp Filer Volume Size AvailableGBNumber of bytes still available in the volume. If the volume is restricted or offline, a value of 0 is returned. Range : [0..2^64-1].
netapp.filer.volume.size-percentage-usedNetapp Filer Volume Utilization%Percentage of the volume size that is used. This field is valid only when the volume is online.
netapp.filer.volume.read_latencyNetapp Filer Volume Read LatencymicrosecVolume Read Latency
netapp.filer.volume.write_latencyNetapp Filer Volume Write LatencymicrosecVolume Write Latency
netapp.filer.volume.avg_latencyNetapp Filer Volume Average LatencymicrosecVolume Average Latency

NetApp Hardware - SNMP - G2


Template for NetApp storage devices. Monitors Hardware components like Disk, FAN, Power Supply, Temperature, NVRAM battery status including the Global status like Volume, CPU, Fabric port & switch details.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NetApp CPU utilizationnetapp.cpu.utilizationNetApp CPU utilization%Monitors the NetApp CPU utilization in Percentage(%). [OID:].
netapp.cpu.idle.timeNetApp CPU Idle time%Displays the NetApp CPU Idle time in Percentage (%). [OID:].
NetApp Fabric Port Statusnetapp.port.statusNetApp Port StatusProvides the current state of the port which is connected to Fabric. [OID:,].
NetApp Fabric Statusnetapp.fabric.statusNetApp Fabric StatusProvides the overall status of the SAN Fabric, indicates the WWN (world wide name) of the fabric along with the status message. [OID:,,]
NetApp Fabric Switch Statusnetapp.fabric.switch.statusNetApp Fabric Switch StatusProvides the current status and status message of the switch which is connected to fabric. [OID:,,].
NetApp Global Global StatusProvides the overall status of the appliance. The algorithm to determine the value uses both hardware status and volume status. [OID:,].
NetApp Hardware Monitorsnetapp.failed.diskNetApp Failed Disk CountProvides the details on the number of disks which are currently broken or failed [OID:].
netapp.failed.fanNetApp Failed FAN CountProvides the count of the number of chassis fans which are not operating within the recommended RPM range. [OID:,].
netapp.failed.powersupplyNetApp Failed Power Supply CountProvides the count of the number of power supplies which are in degraded mode. [OID:,]
netapp.nvram.battery.statusNetApp NVRAM battery StatusProvides the current status of the NVRAM battery [OID:].
netapp.over.temperatureNetApp Over Temperatureprovides an indication of whether that the hardware is currently operating outside of its recommended temperature range. The hardware will shutdown if the temperature exceeds critical thresholds. [OID:].
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]