The Overview Page of patch management provides a snapshot of the current overall Patch status in your Windows and Linux devices for the selected clients. Follow the below steps to access the Patch Overview page.

  1. Login to OpsRamp Portal.
  2. To see a client level overview, select a client from the All Clients list. To see a partner level overview, select All Clients.
  3. Navigate to Configuration Management > Patch Management.

The Overview page contains few pre-built widgets to provide a status info about the configured Patching parameters of the agent installed devices.

By Patch

You can get individual widget data through drill down links:

  • Click on the Resource tile to view the data for unscanned resources.
    By Patch
  • Click on the Scanned tile to view the data for scanned resources.
    By Patch
  • Click on the Installed tile to view the data for installed resources.
    By Patch
  • Click on the Failed tile to view the data for failed resources.
    By Patch
  • Click on the Rebooted tile to view the data for rebooted resources.
    By Patch


Below is the list of pre-built widgets and description:

FailedNumber of patches failed to install on the Resources/Devices
InstalledNumber of Patches installed Successfully
Missing Critical & SecurityNumber of Missing Critical and Security category patches across all devices as per the last Missing Scan Schedule for the selected Client
Non-ComplianceNumber of Non-Compliant Resources/Devices as per the defined compliance configuration
Patch Compliance ResourceList of defined Compliance configuration under the selected client
Patch ConfigurationsLast and Next 24 Hrs. Patch installation configuration list under the selected client
Patch Scan ScheduleLast and Next 24 Hrs. Patch Scan Schedule Jobs list under the selected client
Reboot RequiredNumber of patches installed successfully and Resource/Device reboot is required
ScannedNumber of Resources/Devices scanned as per the last missing patch scan schedule
UnScannedNumber of Resources\Devices which were not scanned for any missing patches by the agent

Users can access the Patch Management Configurations by clicking on the Menu bar on the top left corner of the page as shown below. This Menu provides the list of Patch Capabilities of the platform.

Below are the list of Configurations available to setup under the Menu. You can find more details on each of these configurations in the following documentation of Patch Management.

By Patch


  1. Can Users rename or re-order the widgets on the Overview Page?

    No. Users would not be able to make any changes to the pre-built widgets for now, look for the future enhancements of the page.

  2. Can Users export the widget data from the Overview page?

    No. Users would not be able to export any data generated in the pre-built widgets for now, look for the future enhancements of the page.

  3. Why Users are getting the message as “No Rows To Show”?

    There are no related Patch Configuration created under the client, hence “No Rows To Show”. Check the each configuration list by accessing through the Menu.