The following example script describes how to monitor Cisco IPsec Phase-1 IKE Site-to-Site Tunnel status. The monitor observes the tunnels provided while assigning a template. Apply scripts on each device individually and not through device management policy.

Script - example

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic;
import com.vistara.gateway.plugin.snmp.monitor.SnmpExtendedAPI;

class CiscoIpSecTunnelStatus {
 private static final String VPN_TUNNEL_STATUS = (String) "cisco.vpn.ike.tunnel.status";
 private static final String VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY = (String) "cisco.vpn.remote.peer.identity";
 private static final String VPN_REMOTE_PEER_NAME = (String) "";

 private static final String VPN_DOWN_STATUS = (String) "2";
 private static final String VPN_UP_STATUS = (String) "1";

 private static final String EMPTY_STRING = (String) "";

 private static final String VPN_TUNNEL_REMOTE_PEER_TABLE = (String) "";

 void execute(SnmpExtendedAPI api) throws Exception {

  HashSet<String> currentPeers = new HashSet<>();
  HashMap<String, String> reqVpnEntries = new HashMap<>();

  * Step 1: Fetching user given component inputs using API Call and
  * prepares reqVpnEntries hash with VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IP as key and

  List<HashMap<String, String>> compList = (List<HashMap<String, String>>) api.getComponentScopeMap();
  if (compList == null || compList.size() <= 0)

  for (int i = 0; i <= compList.size() - 1; i++) {
   HashMap<String, String> compMap = (HashMap<String, String>) compList.get(i);
   if (compMap != null && compMap.size() > 0) {
    String compRemoteIp = (String) compMap.get(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY);
    String compName = (String) compMap.get(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_NAME);
    if (compName == null || EMPTY_STRING.equals(compName) || compRemoteIp == null || EMPTY_STRING.equals(compRemoteIp)){
    reqVpnEntries.put(compRemoteIp, compName);

  * Step 2: SNMPWALK for IKE Remote Peer IP table and prepares
  * currentPeers hashset

  HashMap<String, String> resultant = (HashMap<String, String>) api.getSnmpTable(VPN_TUNNEL_REMOTE_PEER_TABLE);

  if (resultant != null){
   for (String peerVariable : resultant.values()) {
    if (peerVariable != null && !peerVariable.isEmpty()) {

  for (String reqVpnIP : reqVpnEntries.keySet()) {
   if (currentPeers.contains(reqVpnIP)) {
    HashMap<String, String> temp = new HashMap<>();
    temp.put(VPN_TUNNEL_STATUS, VPN_UP_STATUS); // Here: 1=>OK and
             // 2=>Critical
    temp.put(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY, reqVpnIP);
    api.addOutputMetric(reqVpnEntries.get(reqVpnIP), temp);
   } else {
    HashMap<String, String> temp = new HashMap<>();
    temp.put(VPN_TUNNEL_STATUS, VPN_DOWN_STATUS); // Here: 1=>OK andG
             // 2=>Critical
    temp.put(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY, reqVpnIP);
    api.addOutputMetric(reqVpnEntries.get(reqVpnIP), temp);

Script description

Import libraries

Import all libraries in this section based on your requirement.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic;
import com.vistara.gateway.plugin.snmp.monitor.SnmpExtendedAPI;

Define a user-defined class

The user-defined class enables you to declare and initialize global variables.

Use the same metric name on the Setup > Monitoring > Monitors > Create a Monitor screen and in the script.

class CiscoIpSecTunnelStatus {
 private static final String VPN_TUNNEL_STATUS = (String) "cisco.vpn.ike.tunnel.status";
 private static final String VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY = (String) "cisco.vpn.remote.peer.identity";
 private static final String VPN_REMOTE_PEER_NAME = (String) "";

 private static final String VPN_DOWN_STATUS = (String) "2";
 private static final String VPN_UP_STATUS = (String) "1";

 private static final String EMPTY_STRING = (String) "";

 private static final String VPN_TUNNEL_REMOTE_PEER_TABLE = (String) "";

Implement business logic

Implement business logic using the following required function:

void execute(SnmpExtendedAPI api) throws Exception {

Do not change the method signature.

Parse user-defined input

Parse user-defined input using the following API methods depending on the component or monitor level scope:

  • api.getComponentScopeMap();
  • api.getComponentScopeMap(index);
  • api.getMonitorScopeValue(key);
Parsing Using User-Defined Input
List<HashMap<String, String>> compList = (List<HashMap<String, String>>) api.getComponentScopeMap();
 if (compList == null || compList.size() <= 0)
 for (int i = 0; i <= compList.size() - 1; i++)

  HashMap<String, String> compMap = (HashMap<String, String>) compList.get(i);
  if (compMap != null && compMap.size() > 0)
   String compRemoteIp = (String) compMap.get(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY);
    String compName = (String) compMap.get(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_NAME);
    if (compName == null || EMPTY_STRING.equals(compName) || compRemoteIp == null || EMPTY_STRING.equals(compRemoteIp))
    reqVpnEntries.put(compRemoteIp, compName);


Query SNMP OIDs using one of the following API methods based on your requirement:

  • api.getSnmpRequest(String sOid);
  • api.getSnmpRequest(String[] sOids);
  • api.getSnmpRequest(String sOid, String format);
  • api.getSnmpTable(String sOid);
  • api.getSnmpTable(String sOid, String format);
HashMap<String, String> resultant = (HashMap<String, String>) api.getSnmpTable(VPN_TUNNEL_REMOTE_PEER_TABLE);

Process SNMP OID results

Use one of the following API methods to store or delete previous poll values in the cache:

  • api.getPersistantValue(uuid);
  • api.deletePersistantValue(String uuid);

Use the following API methods to get device details into the script:

  • api.getResourceIp();
  • api.getResourceName();
  • api.getResourceUuid();

Use the following API methods based on user requirement:

  • api.getBigDecimalMetricValue(String instance, String metric);
  • api.getInstanceNames();
  • api.getMetrics(String instance);
  • api.getStringMetricValue(String instance, String metric);
if (resultant != null)
 for (String peerVariable : resultant.values())
  if (peerVariable != null && !peerVariable.isEmpty())

Add output metric values

Add output metric values in a standard JSON format using the following API methods based on your requirement:

  • api.addOutputMetric(HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String» metricResultMap);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String compName, HashMap<String, String> metricResultMap);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String metric, String value);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String metric, String instance, String value);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String metric, String instance, int value);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String metric, String instance, long value);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String metric, String instance, double value);
  • api.addOutputMetric(String metric, String instance, float value);
for (String reqVpnIP : reqVpnEntries.keySet())
 if (currentPeers.contains(reqVpnIP))
  HashMap<String, String> temp = new HashMap<>();
  temp.put(VPN_TUNNEL_STATUS, VPN_UP_STATUS); // Here: 1=>OK and
  // 2=>Critical
    temp.put(VPN_REMOTE_PEER_IDENTITY, reqVpnIP);
    api.addOutputMetric(reqVpnEntries.get(reqVpnIP), temp);

  HashMap<String, String> temp = new HashMap<>();
  temp.put(VPN_TUNNEL_STATUS, VPN_DOWN_STATUS); // Here: 1=>OK andG
              // 2=>Critical
  api.addOutputMetric(reqVpnEntries.get(reqVpnIP), temp);