This guide provides you with a list of common issues with NextGen Gateway pods in a Kubernetes cluster. It includes commands to check pod status, identify problems, and apply solutions to restore your pods to a healthy state.

Ensuring that your pods are running correctly is essential for maintaining the availability and reliability of your applications. Pods that fail to run or restart frequently can lead to application downtime, degraded performance, or incomplete deployments. Addressing these issues promptly helps maintain the overall health of your Kubernetes environment.

Common Issues with NextGen Gateway Pods

IssuePossible ReasonsSymptomQuick Resolution
CreateContainerConfigErrorMissing ConfigMap or Secret required by the pod.Pod shows below status:
Run following command to identify the missing ConfigMap or Secret, create it, and restart the pod.
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
ImagePullBackOff / ErrImagePullIncorrect image name/tag in the pod manifest or missing/incorrect registry credentials.Pod shows below status:
or ErrImagePull
Run following command to verify the image name/tag and registry credentials. Correct them if necessary.
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
CrashLoopBackOffInsufficient resources on the node, volume mounting issues, or use of hostPort limiting pod scheduling.Pod is restarting frequently, showing below status:
Run following command to check for insufficient resources, volume mounting issues, or use of hostPort. Adjust resources or configuration as needed.
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
Pod Stays PendingInsufficient CPU or memory resources in the cluster, or issues with PVC/PV creation or attachment.Pod remains in Pending status for an extended period.Run following command to address resource shortages in the cluster, or resolve PVC/PV issues.
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
Pod Stays WaitingIssues with image name or availability, or incorrect permissions for pulling the image.Pod shows Waiting status but does not start running.Run following command to check for issues with the image name or availability. Test images pull manually if necessary.
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
Kubernetes Node Not ReadyNode has shut down or crashed, affecting stateful pods scheduled on it.Node status appears as NotReady, and pods may show Unknown or ContainerCreating status.Wait for node recovery or manually remove the node from the cluster. Delete stateful pods with Unknown status to force rescheduling on another node.