
The Resources screen offers a comprehensive 360-degree view of all the resources available in your IT environment. It provides dynamic monitoring of your entire infrastructure, including network devices, services on cloud or dedicated servers, and containers in orchestrated setups.

The system is designed to help modern operations teams by collecting data from managed resources in real-time. The data collection allows the teams to keep an eye on the resources round the clock everyday.

Following are the permissions required to perform various tasks.

ALERTS CountView AlertsTICKETS CountView Service Desk
PATCHES CountView Patch ApprovalNOTES CountView Device
ANTI-VIRUSView DeviceSCHEDULESView Scheduled Maintenance
ACTIONS - EditEdit DeviceACTIONS - ReSyncManage Device
ACTIONS - Assign Custom AttributesView Custom Attributes, Edit DeviceACTIONS - Assign CredentialView Credentials, Manage Device
ACTIONS - UnmanageManage DeviceACTIONS - Add NoteEdit Device
ACTIONS - Copy IdView DeviceACTIONS - DeleteManage Device
ACTIONS - Execute CommandAllow to Run Commands, View ScriptsACTIONS - Launch Remote ConsoleRemote access management, View Console Launch, View Device
ACTIONS - Add Maintenance WindowManage Scheduled MaintenanceACTIONS - View LogsLogs View
OVERVIEW TabView DeviceMETRICS TabView Metrics
METRICS Tab - TEMPLATESView Monitors, View MetricsATTRIBUTES TabView Device, View Custom Attributes
RELATED INFO - EXTERNAL RESOURCE IDsView IntegrationAvailability TimeLineView Metrics
Group By AlertsView Alerts

Navigation: Follow these steps to navigate to resource details screen.

  1. To select your client, click the Client/Partner dropdown menu.
    Note: You may either type your client’s name in the search bar or select your client from the list.
  2. Click Infrastructure → Search.
  3. You can either select a resource from the categories or use the search icon to search for resource.
  4. Click resource name. In the RESOURCE slide-out, click resource name or click the three dots icon and select View Details. The resource details screen is displayed.

Resource screen layout

The Resources screen is divided into the following sections:

1HeaderThe Header consists of MY RESOURCE VIEWS menu, Home Tab, and Search icon.
2Summary ViewIncludes basic resource information like resource name, IP address, resource type, Model, Operating System.
3Detailed informationContains resource properties in a tabbed structure. This allows you to navigate between different property sections and view detailed information about the resource.

The following sections provide a detailed description of the resource properties:

  1. The Header consists of MY RESOURCES VIEWS menu, Home Tab, and Search icon.

    • MY RESOURCE VIEWS: Use the MY RESOURCE VIEWS menu to add resources manually, Download resources. You can Add current view, Rename, Copy, Set Default View, Share, Move view, Set Favorite, and Remove views.
      See Views for more information.

    • Home Tab: The Home Tab shows a summary of all the resources in your IT environment. It allows you to manage the performance of your infrastructure.
      See Resources Home Tab for more information.

    • Use the search icon to search for resources. See Advanced Search to know how to build queries using OpsQL.

      MY RESOURCE VIEWSUse the **MY RESOURCE VIEWS** menu to add resources manually, Download resources. You can Add current view, Rename, Copy, Set Default View, Share, Move view, Set Favorite, and Remove views.
      See [Views](/platform-features/feature-guides/advanced-search/#views) for more information.
      Home TabThe Home Tab shows a summary of all the resources in your IT environment. It allows you to manage the performance of your infrastructure.
      See [Resources Home Tab](/platform-features/feature-guides/infra-search/#resources-home-tab) for more information.
      Search iconUse the search icon to search for resources. See [Advanced Search](/platform-features/feature-guides/advanced-search/) to know how to build queries using OpsQL.
  2. Summary View

    Displays the following resource information:

    Resource nameName of the resource.
    Availability stateAvailability state of the resource.
    Example: Undefined, Down, Unknown, Up, Undefined.
    LAST MONITOREDDisplays the date and time the resource was last monitored.
    Managed and Discovered by (displayed based on the resource type)Managed by Collector type like Agent, Gateway. Discovered by integration.
    IP AddressIP address of the resource.
    Resource Native TypeNative type of the resource.
    ModelModel of the resource.
    Operating SystemOperating System of the resource.
    UUIDResource UUID information
    ALERTS countCount of critical and warning alerts on the resource. Click the count to navigate to Alerts listing page.
    TICKETS countCount of tickets on the resource. Click the count to navigate to Tickets listing page.
    PATCHES countCount of patches on the resource. Click the count to navigate to PATCHES listing page.
    NOTES countCount of notes assigned to the resource. Click the count to navigate to NOTES screen, from which you can view, search, edit, and remove note(s).
    ANTI-VIRUSProvides anti-virus related information (active or outdated) and additional details about the anti-virus.
    SCHEDULESDisplays scheduled maintenance information.
    Click VIEW ALL to view the list of active maintenance windows. You can add maintenance windows, view pending, suspended, and completed windows.
    ACTIONSPerform actions on resource like Add Maintenance Window, View Logs, Edit, Delete, Re-sync, Unmanage, Execute Command, Launch Remote Session, Assign Custom Attribute, Assign Credential, Add Note, Copy ID.
    For more information, see Resource actions.
  3. Detailed information

    Displays the resource properties in tab structure:

Tabbed Interface with Table

OVERVIEW: Displays basic information about resource attributes and AVAILABILITY TIMELINE.

The AVAILABILITY TIMELINE provides a visual representation of the availability states over a specified period.

  • Hovering over the Availability Timeline displays the following information in a tooltip. This includes:
    • State: Availability state (UP, DOWN, UNKNOWN, UNDEFINED).
    • Total Time: Duration (in Hours, Minutes, Seconds) the resource has been in this particular state.
    • Start Date and Time: The exact date and time when the resource entered this state.
    • End Date and Time: The date and time when the resource exited this state.

The availability states (Up, Down, Unknown, Undefined) are also shown as percentages, indicating the proportion of time the resource has been in each state during the monitored period.

A list of alerts with their states like CRITICAL, WARNING, OK, INFO, OBSERVED is displayed. By default, the information is displayed for the past 4 hours. Use the calendar icon to change the date range to Last 8 Hours, Last 12 Hours, Last 30 Days, and so on.

  • To view detailed attributes information, click SHOW ALL. It will navigate to ATTRIBUTES tab.

Display of Resource Monitored Data: The monitored data of the device(s) is presented in various locations in OpsRamp, allowing you to access information easily. The data that is monitored within the past week is shown with the most recent timestamps and values.

The Last monitored time is displayed next to the host name, in the Summary View section.

Other place where the Last monitored time is displayed:

  • View the Last monitored time on the Resources > OVERVIEW screen.

Navigate to Infrastructure > Resources > OVERVIEW.

The Resource overview screen displays the values based on the below scenarios:

View Last Monitored Time

The last monitored time of a device is shown only for the past one week.

1Device was created within the past one week and it is monitored successfully.Last updated value (Date and Time).
Device was created more than a week ago and it is monitored successfully.Last updated value (Date and Time).
Device was created within the past one week and it is not monitored.Empty
Device was created more than a week ago and it is not monitored.Data not available for more than a week.

METRICS: This section displays graphical representation of the performance of the metrics.

  • Synchronize Tooltip (toggle switch): This toggle switch, when enabled, synchronizes tooltips across metrics. When enabled, it ensures that all tooltips display the same information or are aligned when hovering over multiple metrics. This is helpful for comparing data across different metrics at the same point in time or other shared criteria.

  • Size (L/S): This option allows you to adjust the size of the graphs. “L” stands for Large and “S” for Small. Selecting Large will display the graphs in large size, while selecting Small will display the graphs in small size.

  • Metrics dropdown: This dropdown lists the metrics. The number in brackets indicates the total number of available metrics.

    • Clicking this dropdown will open a list where you can choose or filter which metrics to show.
    • Clicking Select All or Deselect All will select all metrics or deselect all metrics respectively.

Assign Templates: You can assign monitoring templates to the resource from METRICS section.

To assign templates to the resource:

  1. Click TEMPLATES link to navigate to TEMPLATES screen.

See Assign Templates for more information on assigning templates.

ATTRIBUTES: This section is divided into three categories:

  • GENERAL ATTRIBUTES: This section contains resource information like Resource Type, Operating System, First Created Time, Agent Last Connected Time, Resource UUID, Agent Connectivity, Host Name, IP Address, Make, Model, Description, Serial Number.

    • Use the search icon to search for the fields.

  • DOMAIN ATTRIBUTES: Contains information like DomainName, RAM, powerState, registeredUser, productKey, deployment, agentInstalledDirectory. Note: If an attribute does not have any value, the attribute is not displayed in the DOMAIN ATTRIBUTES section.

  • CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES: Lists the custom attributes assigned to the resource. Information is displayed in a tabular format with columns including Custom Attribute Name, Custom Attribute Value, Scope, and Source.

    • Assign custom attributes: You can assign custom attributes from this section.
      1. Click ASSIGN.
      2. Select custom attribute name and value from the Name and Value dropdowns.
    • Edit Attribute details - Follow these steps to edit attribute details:
      1. Hover over the custom attribute name and click edit icon.
      2. Select a value from the dropdown and click SAVE.
    • Unassign custom attributes - Follow these steps to unassign custom attributes:
      1. Select custom attribute(s) and click UNASSIGN.

COMPONENTS: Displays all the relationships associated with the resource.

The above image displays the list of components that are related to the resource, with their availability state.

The information that is shown in COMPONENTS section is displayed in a tabular format. The following table describes the details:

NameName of the component that is related to the resource.
Native TypeNative Type of the component.
TypeType of the component.
Example: Server, VMware Host.
IP AddressIP Address of the component.
OSOperating System of the component.
MakeMake of the component.
  • Click the component name to get component details information.


  • HARDWARE: This tab has resource hardware details like PHYSICAL COMPONENTS AND SOFTWARE MODULES, BIOS, CPU, and VIDEO CARDS.
  • DISKS: This tab has resource logical disk drives and physical disk drives information.
  • NETWORK: This tab has resource network related information related to NETWORK CARD and OUT-OF-BAND (OOB) NETWORK INTERFACE.
  • SERVICES: This tab lists the Services. You can start or stop a service.
    Note: You cannot start a service, if it is disabled.
  • SOFTWARE: This tab lists the installed softwares on the resource.


  • ARTICLES: Displays the list of article(s) assigned to the resource.
    • You can add article(s) to the resource.
    • You can unassign articles from the resource.
    • Click the article to view the Articles screen.
      See Knowledge Base for more information.
  • CREDENTIALS: Displays the list of credential(s) assigned to the resource.
    • You can add credential(s) to the resource.
    • You can unassign credential(s) from the resource.
  • AUDIT RECORDINGS: Displays the list of audit recordings.
  • SCRIPTS ACTIVITY: Displays script related information.
  • EXTERNAL RESOURCE IDs: Displays Installed App Name and External ID information.