This page describes how to configure the installed reporting apps and generate the report as per your configurations.

Configurations of Reporting Apps

The configuration process is the same for all the apps except for a few minor changes, so given examples for two different types of apps to configure with all the required steps.

Before you start configuring the apps, make sure you have installed the specific apps from the Available tab.

Example-1: Alert Listing

To configure the Alert Listing app, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Installed tab.
  2. To configure the Alert Listing app, click on the app card to open it.
  3. In configuration Parameter section:
    • Add Query: Using an OpsQL query, you can customize the report result. If users did not select “updatedTime” attributes in the query string, in that case the user selection query would be appended by default. For example: If a user only selects the alertType attributes, the query will automatically append with AND updatedTime > ‘-7d’ The query will look like below: (alertType = “MONITORING”) AND updatedTime > ‘-7d’
    • Select Client: You can select Single client / All clients from dropdown the list. Only selected client data will get into report.
    • Select Attributes: Only selected attributes related data will be included in the report. If no attributes are selected, the default attributes data will be included in the report.
    • Format: Choose the format (XLSX) of your report to be generated.
  4. Once you have selected the configuration parameters, click Run.
    Event Management

Example-2: Asset Insights

To configure the Asset Insights app, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Installed tab.
  2. To configure the Asset Insights app, click on the app card to open it.
  3. In configuration Parameter section:
    • Select Client: You can select a single client/ All clients from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
    • Analysis Period: Default analysis period as Snapshot is selected.
    • Format: Choose the format (PDF or XLSX) of your report to be generated.
  4. Once you have selected the configuration parameters, click Run.
    Event Management

Once run has successfully configured the app, you will be able to download and save the report.

Next Steps

Refer below documents: