
The new Metrics feature in the logs configuration allows you to define custom log metric names and queries, similar to the capabilities available in the log explorer. With this feature, you can create unique log metric names and associate them with specific queries, enabling precise monitoring and tracking of particular data points.

Once the data is calculated for each defined metric, the metrics and their counts are seamlessly integrated into Dashboard 2.0.

To add a metric:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Logs.

  2. On the left side of this page, click the Menu icon.

  3. From the MY LOGS VIEWS page, under QUICK LINKS, select Logs Configuration.
    The configuration page is displayed.

  4. From the configurations page, select the METRICs tab.
    The metric details page is displayed.

  5. Click Add.
    The ADD METRIC page is displayed.

  6. Enter the following information on the Definition Details page:

    • Name: Provide a unique name for the metric.
    • Filter Query: Build a valid LOGQL query to add filters to refine the log data you want to measure. This helps in targeting specific log entries relevant to your metric.
      You can define how you want to group the data by adding metric labels.
  7. Once all the details are provided, click the ADD METRIC to save your new metric.

Your newly created metric will now be available and integrated into Dashboard 2.0.