Create a Ticket Tile

  1. From Dashboard > Dashboard 2.0, create a new dashboard or select from an existing dashboard collection.

    See Create Dashboards to learn about creating dashboards.

  2. Click CREATE TILE or + from the toolbar.

  3. In the ADD TILE screen that appears, select TICKET.

Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. Select one of the following:
Tile OptionFunctionality
Build my ownVisualize tickets split out by priority, assignee, status, or other common attributes.
Ticket statsVisualize total count of new and open incidents.

Build my own

Click here to view how to Build Your Own Query
  1. Select the Build my own tab. This enables you to create a custom tile.
Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. Click the + QUERY and select the attributes from the drop-down list as you build the query. Click the + button to add additional attributes.

    Note: You can combine multiple filters together to view only the required alerts. The query is completed and the results are displayed in the preview graph.

  2. Alternatively, click </> to use the advanced query builder.
    Note: Click </> again to close the advanced query field and switch back to the basic query builder format.

  3. Enter a query or click inside the box to see a list of OpsQL attributes.

  4. Click the optional Legend icon and enter {{ in the EDIT LEGEND field to see a list of options.

  5. Select the data type from the following options:

Chart TypeDescription
PieDisplays a pie chart.
Single ValueDisplays a single value.
ListDisplays values in a list format.
BarDisplays the bar representation of the values
  1. From the GROUP BY option, select an attribute. You can select up to two attributes.

The following is a sample illustration of a multi-column list:

Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. In the CUSTOMIZE COLUMNS section, select the checkbox to display the information.
Ticket TypeType of the ticket
Notes: By default Ticket Type is checked and cannot be unchecked.
Ticket CountThe total count of ticket.
  1. Enable the Split subgroups to view each grouping as a separate row.
    • The multi-column list and split subgroup options are available for List chart only.
    • The colors are displayed based on the default color categorization of tickets.
    • Click the count or any column in the multi-column list to drill down and see the contextual list of tickets in the alerts browser.
    • Enable or disable the Resource Count and the Group Count column in the listview displays the count of the Device Groups Names.
Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. See Visualization to know on how to customize the Ticket Tile.
  2. Click CREATE. The Resource tile is created and displayed on the main dashboard page.

Ticket stats

Click here to view Ticket stats
  1. Select the Ticket stats tab. This enables you to create a custom tile.
Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. Click the + QUERY and select the attributes from the drop-down list as you build the query. Click the + button to add additional attributes.


    • By default the OPSQL query is already generated. Below is the OpsQl:
        ticketType = "Incident" AND status IN ("New", "Open")

    Note: You can combine multiple filters together to view only the required alerts. The query is completed and the results are displayed in the preview graph.

  2. Alternatively, click </> to use the advanced query builder.
    Note: Click </> again to close the advanced query field and switch back to the basic query builder format.

  3. Enter a query or click inside the box to see a list of OpsQL attributes.

  4. Select the data type from the following options:

Chart TypeDescription
PieDisplays a pie chart.
Single ValueDisplays a single value.
ListDisplays values in a list format.
BarDisplays the bar representation of the values
  1. From the GROUP BY option, select an attribute. You can select up to two attributes.

The following is a sample illustration of a multi-column list:

Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. In the CUSTOMIZE COLUMNS section, select the checkbox to display the information.
Ticket TypeType of the ticket
Notes: By default Ticket Type is checked and cannot be unchecked.
Ticket CountThe total count of ticket.
  1. Enable the Split subgroups to view each grouping as a separate row.
    • The multi-column list and split subgroup options are available for List chart only.
    • The colors are displayed based on the default color categorization of tickets.
    • Click the count or any column in the multi-column list to drill down and see the contextual list of tickets in the alerts browser.
    • Enable or disable the Resource Count and the Group Count column in the listview displays the count of the Device Groups Names.
Add Metric Tile Screen
  1. See Visualization to know on how to customize the Ticket Tile.
  2. Click CREATE. The Resource tile is created and displayed on the main dashboard page.


  1. Click the Visualization tab to customize the visualization further:
    • HEADER: Set a name, color, size, and alignment for the header.
    • Grid Lines: Select the color of the grid lines, enable or disable the grid lines by clicking the toggle ON or OFF, Grid Lines option.
      Note: By default the Grid Lines is enabled
    • Background Color: Select the background color, enable or disable the background color by clicking the toggle ON or OFF background color.
      Note: By default the Background Color is disabled.
    • Attribute: Select the color for the attribute, the size, bold or Italics.
Service Tile


The following are example illustrations for each visualization:

  • See Value to view example illustrations for each visualization.
  • See Line/Bar to view example illustrations for each visualization.
  • See Pie to view example illustrations for each visualization.
  • See Geomap to view example illustrations for each visualization.
  • See List to view example illustrations for each visualization.