After getting the authentication credentials and downloading the MSI file, you can use the command line to configure the MSI file for agent installation.
Get authentication credentials and download the MSI file
Log in using your Partner/Client credentials.
Navigate to Setup > Downloads > Agent.
Make sure that you verify the SHA-256 checksum of the downloaded file.
In the Windows Agent MSI tile, click Instructions. Follow the instructions or continue with these instructions.
Your authentication credentials are populated in the Syntax for command line argument example. Copy the values for the apiserver, key, and secret arguments.
Only the values copied from this page are valid and should be used in the following steps. Any other values will cause agent misbehavior.In the Windows Agent MSI tile, click Download and follow the download instructions.
View the installation logs in the C:\Windows\Temp\OpsRampAgentInstallation.log.
Configure the MSI file using the command line
Open the command window with administrator privileges.
Using the authentication credentials from the Instructions, run the following command to install the agent with core functionality and all features enabled. See the following command examples for other installation options:
msiexec.exe /i ".msi file path" /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} "
To connect using a proxy, without credentials:
msiexec.exe /i ".msi file path" /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver=apiserver /key=key /secret=secret /proxyip=proxyIP /proxyport=proxyport /gatewayprofileuuid=profile_UUID_of_the_gateway**"
To connect using a proxy, using credentials:
msiexec.exe /i ".msi file path" /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver=apiserver /key=key /secret=secret /proxyip=proxyIP /proxyport=proxyport /gatewayprofileuuid=profile_UUID_of_the_gateway /proto=http or https /proxyusername=proxy_server_username /proxypassword=proxy_server_b64encoding_password"
Specify the features you want to enable if you do not want all features enabled by default. Supported feature command line arguments, comma-separated, include:
- agent:RemoteConsole
- agent:RemoteCommand
- agent:PatchManagement
- agent:Automation
The following command line example uses the feature argument to enable all features:
The following example installs the agent with RemoteConsole and RemoteCommand features, only:
The following example installs the agent with the auto-monitoring option enabled: