Supported Target Versions

Application Version Details

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
2.0.0Initial deployment


Dell EMC PowerStore is designed to deliver the performance, availability, automation and agility that modern applications require, while reducing complexity across hybrid cloud deployments.

With VMware users in mind, PowerStore integrates seamlessly into VMware management frameworks to simplify storage management for administrators and increase overall efficiency.

OpsRamp integrates with Dell PowerStore through REST APIs.

Key features and benefits

  • Integrates with VMware management, improving administrator efficiency

  • Allows you to run virtualised applications co-resident with data, reducing latency

  • Optimised for the latest modern data storage technology (NVMe and SCM)

  • Linear scale-out and scale-up capability increases storage capacity and performance for VMware environments

  • Enables always inline data reduction (compression and deduplication), improving vVols storage footprint


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
  • OpsRamp NextGen Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
    Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc.
  • Make sure to uncheck ByPass Resource reconciliation checkbox, while installing the sdk 2.0 application during migration.
  • Required Operator level user with rest API read permissions to fetch Discovery and monitoring related information.

Hierarchy of PowerStore Storage Cluster resources:

• Powerstore Storage Cluster
        • Powerstore Storage Appliance
                • Powerstore Storage Node
                • Powerstore Storage Volume
                        • Powerstore Volume Group
                • Powerstore Storage FC port
                • Powerstore Storage ETH Port
        • PowerStore Host
                • Powerstore Host Group
        • Powerstore NAS server
                • Powerstore Storage File System

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameMetric LabelUnitsApplication VersionDescription
Powerstore Storage Clusterpowerstore_cluster_StatePowerStore Cluster StateAvailability2.0.0Cluster state.
Possible values are Unconfigured_Faulted, Unconfigured, Configuring, Configured, Expanding, Removing,Clustering_Failed.
powerstore_cluster_avg_ReadLatencyPowerStore Cluster Average Read LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_avg_LatencyPowerStore Cluster Average LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read and write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_avg_WriteLatencyPowerStore Cluster Average Write LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_avg_WriteSizePowerStore Cluster Average Write SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_avg_ReadSizePowerStore Cluster Average Read SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_ReadIOPSPowerStore Cluster Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0Total number of read operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_ReadBandwidthPowerStore Cluster Read BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_avg_IOSizePowerStore Cluster Average IO SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average size of read and write operations in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_TotalIOPSPowerStore Cluster Total IOPSPerformance2.0.0Total read and write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_TotalBandwidthPowerStore Cluster Total BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total data transfer rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_WriteIOPSPowerStore Cluster Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Total write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_WriteBandwidthPowerStore Cluster Write BandwidthPerformancebps2.0.0Write rate in byte/sec collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_PhysicalDriveTotalPowerStore Cluster Physical Drive TotalUsageGB2.0.0The total combined space on the physical drives of the cluster available for data collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_PhysicalDriveUsedPowerStore Cluster Physical Drive UsedUsageGB2.0.0The total physical space consumed in the cluster, accounting for all efficiency mechanisms, as well as all data protection collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_PhysicalDriveUtilizationPowerStore Cluster Physical Drive Utilization%2.0.0The total physical space consumed in the cluster in percentage collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_logicalStorageObjects_ProvisionedPowerStore Cluster Logical Storage Objects ProvisionedUsageGB2.0.0Total configured size of all storage ojects within the cluster. This metric includes all primaries, snaps and clones collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_logicalStorageObjects_UsedPowerStore Cluster Logical Storage Objects UsedUsageGB2.0.0Amount of data in bytes written to all storage objects within the cluster, without any deduplication and/or compression. This metric includes all primaries, snaps and clones collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_logicalStorageObjects_UtilizationPowerStore Cluster Logical Storage Objects UtilizationPerformance%2.0.0Total configured size of all storage ojects within the cluster in percentage collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_EfficiencyRatioPowerStore Cluster Efficiency RatioUsagecount2.0.0The overall efficiency is computed as a ratio of the total space provisioned to physical used space. For example, ten 2 GB volumes were provisioned and 1 GB of data is written to each of them. Each of the volumes has one snapshot as well, for another ten 2 GB volumes. All volumes are thinly provisioned with deduplication and compression applied, there is 4 GB of physical space used. Overall efficiency would be (20 * 2 GB) / 4 GB or 10:1. The efficiency_ratio value will be 10 in this example.
powerstore_cluster_DataPhysicalUsedPowerStore Cluster Physical Data UsedUsageGB2.0.0This metric represents total amount of physical space user data occupies after deduplication and compression collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_cluster_SnapshotSavingsPowerStore Cluster Snapshot SavingsUsagecount2.0.0Ratio of the amount of space that would have been used by snapshots if space efficiency was not applied to logical space used solely by snapshots. For example, an object is provisioned as 1 GB and it has two snapshots. Each snapshot has 200 MB of data. Snapshot savings will be (1 GB + 1 GB) / (0.2 GB + 0.2 GB) or 5:1. The snapshot_savings value will be 5 in this case.
powerstore_cluster_SharedLogicalUsedPowerStore Cluster Shared Logical UsedUsageGB2.0.0Cluster shared logical used is sum of appliances' shared logical used in the cluster collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_resource_APIStatsPowerStore Resource API StatisticsUsage2.0.0Provides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources.
powerstore_event_StatisticsPowerStore Event StatisticsNo category2.0.0Provides Dell PowerStore Event Statistics.
Powerstore Storage Appliancepowerstore_appliance_avg_ReadLatencyPowerStore Appliance Average Read LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_avg_ReadSizePowerStore Appliance Average Read SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_avg_WriteLatencyPowerStore Appliance Average Write LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_avg_LatencyPowerStore Appliance Average LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read and write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_avg_WriteSizePowerStore Appliance Average Write SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_ReadIOPSPowerStore Appliance Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0Total read operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_ReadBandwidthPowerStore Appliance Read BandwidthPerformancebps2.0.0Read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_TotalIOPSPowerStore Appliance Total IOPSPerformance2.0.0Total read and write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_TotalBandwidthPowerStore Appliance Total BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total data transfer rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_WriteIOPSPowerStore Appliance Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Total write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_WriteBandwidthPowerStore Appliance Write BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Write rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_avg_IOSizePowerStore Appliance Average IO SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average size of read and write operations in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_IOWorkLoadCPUUtilizationPowerStore Appliance IO Work Load CPU UtilizationUsage%2.0.0The percentage of CPU Utilization on the cores dedicated to servicing storage I/O requests collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_logicalStorageObjects_UtilizationPowerStore Appliance Logical Storage Objects UtilizationUsage%2.0.0Total configured size of all storage objects on an appliance in percentage collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_logicalStorageObjects_ProvisionedPowerStore Appliance Logical Storage Objects ProvisionedUsageGB2.0.0Total configured size of all storage objects on an appliance. This metric includes all primaries, snaps and clones collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_logicalStorageObjects_UsedPowerStore Appliance Logical Storage Objects UsedUsageGB2.0.0Amount of data in bytes written to all storage objects on an appliance, without any deduplication and/or compression collected at twenty second interval. This metric includes all primaries, snaps and clones.
powerstore_appliance_PhysicalTotalPowerStore Appliance Physical TotalUsageGB2.0.0Total combined space on the physical drives of the appliance available for data collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_PhysicalUsedPowerStore Appliance Physical UsedUsageGB2.0.0Total physical space consumed in the appliance, accounting for all efficiency mechanisms, as well as all data protection collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_PhysicalUtilizationPowerStore Appliance Physical UtilizationUsage%2.0.0Total combined space on the physical drives of the appliance available in percentage collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_DataPhysicalUsedPowerStore Appliance Data Physical UsedUsageGB2.0.0This metric represents amount of physical space user data occupies after deduplication and compression collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_appliance_EfficiencyRatioPowerStore Appliance Efficiency RatioUsagecount2.0.0The overall efficiency is computed as a ratio of the total space provisioned to physical used space. For example, ten 2 GB volumes were provisioned and 1 GB of data is written to each of them. Each of the volumes has one snapshot as well, for another ten 2 GB volumes. All volumes are thinly provisioned with deduplication and compression applied, there is 4 GB of physical space used. Overall efficiency would be (20 * 2 GB) / 4 GB or 10:1. The efficiency_ratio value will be 10 in this example.
powerstore_appliance_ThinSavingsPowerStore Appliance Thin SavingsUsagecount2.0.0Ratio of all the vVol provisioned to data they contain collected at twenty second interval. This is the ratio of logical_provisioned to logical_used. For example, a cluster has two 2 GB objects and have written 500 MB bytes of data to them. The thin savings would be (2 * 2 GB) / (2 * 0.5 GB) or 4:1, so the thin_savings value would be 4.0.
powerstore_appliance_SharedLogicalUsedPowerStore Appliance Shared Logical UsedUsageGB2.0.0Amount of space the volume family needs to hold the data written by host and shared by snaps and fast-clones in the family collected at twenty second interval. This does not include deduplication or compression.
powerstore_appliance_SnapshotSavingsPowerStore Appliance Snapshot SavingsUsagecount2.0.0Ratio of the amount of space that would have been used by snapshots if space efficiency was not applied to logical space used solely by snapshots collected at twenty second interval. For example, an object is provisioned as 1 GB and it has two snapshots. Each snapshot has 200 MB of data. Snapshot savings will be (1 GB + 1 GB) / (0.2 GB + 0.2 GB) or 5:1. The snapshot_savings value will be 5 in this case.
powerstore_appliance_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Appliance Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_appliance_LEDStatusPowerStore Appliance LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1).
powerstore_appliance_drive_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Appliance Drive Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_appliance_drive_LEDStatusPowerStore Appliance Drive LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1).
Powerstore Storage Volumepowerstore_volume_StatePowerStore Volume StateAvailability2.0.0Volume State.Possible values are Ready, Initializing, Offline, Destroying.
powerstore_volume_avg_ReadLatencyPowerStore Volume Average Read LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_avg_ReadSizePowerStore Volume Average Read SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_avg_WriteLatencyPowerStore Volume Average Write LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_avg_LatencyPowerStore Volume Average LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read and write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_avg_WriteSizePowerStore Volume Average Write SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_ReadIOPSPowerStore Volume Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0Total read operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_ReadBandwidthPowerStore Volume Read BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_TotalIOPSPowerStore Volume Total IOPSPerformance2.0.0Total read and write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_TotalBandwidthPowerStore Volume Total BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total data transfer rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_WriteIOPSPowerStore Volume Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Total write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_WriteBandwidthPowerStore Volume Write BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Write rate in byte/sec collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_avg_IOSizePowerStore Volume IO SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average size of read and write operations in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_logicalStorageObjects_UtilizationPowerStore Volume Logical Storage Objects UtilizationUsage%2.0.0Configured size of a volume in percentage collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_logicalStorageObjects_ProvisionedPowerStore Volume Logical Storage Objects ProvisionedUsageGB2.0.0Configured size in GB of a volume which amount of data can be written to. This metric includes primaries, snaps and clones collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_logicalStorageObjects_UsedPowerStore Volume Logical Storage Objects UsedUsageGB2.0.0Amount of data in GB host has written to a volume without any deduplication, compression or sharing. This metric includes primaries, snaps and clones collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_volume_ThinSavingsPowerStore Volume Thin SavingsUsagecount2.0.0Ratio of all the volumes provisioned to data being written to them collected at twenty second interval. For example, an appliance has two 2 GB volumes and have written 500 MB of data to them. The thin savings would be (2 GB * 2) / (0.5 GB * 2) or 4:1, so the thin_savings value would be 4.0.
Powerstore Storage File Systempowerstore_file_system_TotalSizePowerStore File System Total SizeUsageGB2.0.0Size, in GB presented to the host or end user collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_UsedSizePowerStore File System Used SizeUsageGB2.0.0Size used, in GB, for the data and metadata of the file system collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_UtilizationPowerStore File System UtilizationUsage%2.0.0File system total size in percentage collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_avg_ReadLatencyPowerStore File System Average Read LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_avg_ReadSizePowerStore File System Average Read SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_avg_WriteLatencyPowerStore File System Average Write LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_avg_LatencyPowerStore File System Average LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read and write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_avg_WriteSizePowerStore File System Average Write SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_ReadIOPSPowerStore File System Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0Total read operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_ReadBandwidthPowerStore File System Read BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_TotalIOPSPowerStore File System Total IOPSPerformance2.0.0Total read and write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_TotalBandwidthPowerStore File System Total BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total data transfer rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_WriteIOPSPowerStore File System Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Write rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_WriteBandwidthPowerStore File System Write BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_file_system_avg_SizePowerStore File System Average SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read and write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
Powerstore Storage FC portpowerstore_fc_port_avg_ReadLatencyPowerStore FC Port Average Read LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_LinkStatusPowerStore FC Port Link StatusAvailabilitycount2.0.0Port Link Up Status.Possible values are true(1) and false(0).
powerstore_fc_port_avg_ReadSizePowerStore FC Port Average Read SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_avg_WriteLatencyPowerStore PowerStore FC Port Average Write LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_avg_LatencyPowerStore PowerStore FC Port Average LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read and write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_avg_WriteSizePowerStore PowerStore FC Port Average Write SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_ReadIOPS<PowerStore FC Port Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0br/>
Total number of read operations by the node collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_ReadBandwidthPowerStore FC Port Read BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_TotalIOPSPowerStore FC Port Total IOPSPerformance2.0.0Total read and write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_TotalBandwidthPowerStore FC Port Total BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total data transfer rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_WriteIOPSPowerStore FC Port Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Total write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_WriteBandwidthPowerStore FC Port Write BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Write rate in byte/sec collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_avg_IOSizePowerStore FC Port IOPS SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average size of read and write operations in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_CurrentLoginsPowerStore FC Port Current LoginsUsagecount2.0.0The number of logins to the target from initiators collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_LossOfSignalCountPerSecPowerStore FC Port Loss Of Signal Count PerSecUsagemps2.0.0Loss of signal count per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_InvalidCRCCountPerSecPowerStore FC Port Invalid CRC Count PerSecUsagecount2.0.0Invalid crc count per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_LossOfSyncCountPerSecPowerStore FC Port Loss Of Sync Count PerSecUsagemps2.0.0Loss of sync count per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_fc_port_LinkFailureCountPerSecPowerStore FC Port Link Failure Count PerSecUsagecount2.0.0Link failure count per second collected at twenty second interval.
Powerstore Storage ETH Portpowerstore_eth_port_pkt_RX_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Packets Received PerSecPerformancepackets/sec2.0.0The number of packets received per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_pkt_TX_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Packets Transmitted PerSecPerformancepackets/sec2.0.0The number of packets transmitted per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_bytes_TX_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Bytes Transmitted PerSecPerformancebps2.0.0The total bytes transmitted per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_bytes_RX_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Bytes Received PerSecPerformancebps2.0.0The total bytes received per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_pkt_RX_NoBufferError_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Packets Discarded PerSecPerformancepackets/sec2.0.0The number of packets discarded per second due to lack of buffer space collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_pkt_RX_CRC_Error_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Packets Received With CRC Errors PerSecPerformancepackets/sec2.0.0The number of packets received with CRC error (and thus dropped) per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_pkt_TX_Error_PerSecPowerStore ETH Port Packets Failed PerSecPerformancepackets/sec2.0.0The number of packets that failed to be transmitted per second due to error collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_eth_port_LinkStatusPowerStore ETH Port Link StatusAvailability2.0.0Port Link Up Status.Possible values are true(1) and false(0).
Powerstore Storage Nodepowerstore_node_avg_ReadLatencyPowerStore Node Average Read LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_avg_ReadSizePowerStore Node Average Read SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average read size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_avg_WriteLatencyPowerStore Node Average Write LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_avg_LatencyPowerStore Node Average LatencyPerformancecount2.0.0Average read and write latency in microseconds collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_avg_WriteSizePowerStore Node Average Write SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average write size in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_ReadIOPSPowerStore Node Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0Total number of read operations by the node collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_ReadBandwidthPowerStore Node Read BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_TotalIOPSPowerStore Node Total IOPSPerformance2.0.0br/>
Total read and write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_TotalBandwidthPowerStore Node Total BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Total data transfer rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_WriteIOPSPowerStore Node Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Total write operations per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_WriteBandwidthPowerStore Node Write BandwidthPerformancebps2.0.0Write rate in byte/sec collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_avg_IOSizePowerStore Node Average IO SizeUsagecount2.0.0Average size of read and write operations in bytes collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_UnalignedWriteBandwidthPowerStore Node Unaligned Write BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Unaligned write rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_UnalignedReadBandwidthPowerStore Node Unaligned Read BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Unaligned read rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_UnalignedReadIOPSPowerStore Node Unaligned Read IOPSPerformancerops2.0.0Unaligned read input/output per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_UnalignedWriteIOPSPowerStore Node Unaligned Write IOPSPerformancewops2.0.0Unaligned write input/output per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_UnalignedBandwidthPowerStore Node Unaligned BandwidthUsagebps2.0.0Unaligned read/write rate in bytes per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_UnalignedIOPSPowerStore Node Unaligned IOPSPerformancebps2.0.0Unaligned total input/output per second collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_IOWorkloadCPUUtilizationPowerStore Node IO Workload CPU UtilizationPerformance%2.0.0The percentage of CPU Utilization on the cores dedicated to servicing storage I/O requests collected at twenty second interval.
powerstore_node_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7).
powerstore_node_LEDStatusPowerStore Node LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1).
powerstore_node_fan_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node Fan Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7).
powerstore_node_fan_LEDStatusPowerStore Node Fan LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1)
powerstore_node_powerSupply_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node Power Supply Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_node_powerSupply_LEDStatusPowerStore Node Power Supply LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1)
powerstore_node_DIMM_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node DIMM Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_node_DIMM_LEDStatusPowerStore Node DIMM LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1)
powerstore_node_M2Drive_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node M2Drive Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_node_M2Drive_LEDStatusPowerStore Node M2Drive LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1)
powerstore_node_IO_Module_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node IO Module Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_node_IO_Module_LEDStatusPowerStore Node IO Module LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1)
powerstore_node_battery_LifeCycleStatePowerStore Node Battery Life Cycle StateAvailability2.0.0Life cycle state of the node.
Possible values are: Healthy(0),Empty(1),Initializing(2),Trigger_Update(3),Disconnected(4),Uninitialized(5),Failed(6),Prepare_Failed(7)
powerstore_node_battery_LEDStatusPowerStore Node Battery LED StatusAvailability2.0.0Indicator of the state of the component status LED.
Possible values are: Off(0) and On(1).

Default Monitoring Configurations

Dell Power Store has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: dell-power-store Powerstore Storage Volume - 2 (i.e, appName = dell-power-store, nativeType = Powerstore Storage Volume , version = 2)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: dell-power-store Powerstore Storage Appliance Template - 2(i.e, appName = dell-power-store, nativeType = Powerstore Storage Appliance, version = 2)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Powerstore Storage Appliance Monitor dell-power-store Powerstore Storage Appliance 2 (i.e, monitorKey =Powerstore Storage Appliance Monitor, appName = dell-power-store, nativeType = Powerstore Storage Appliance , version = 2)

Configure and Install the Dell PowerStore Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed integrations are displayed. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page.
  5. If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations page. The Available Integrations page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click +Add in the Dell Power Store tile.
  7. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  8. Enter the following BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host NameIP address/host name of the target device.

Example: Default port value is 443.
CredentialSelect the Credential from the drop-down list.

(Optional): Click + Add to create a credential. The ADD CREDENTIAL window is displayed. Enter the following information.
  • Name: Credential name.
  • Description: Brief description of the credential.
  • User Name: User name.
  • Password: Password.
  • Confirm Password: Confirm password


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Ip Address/Host Name and Port should be accessible from Gateway.
  • Select the following:
    • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
    • Event Polling: enables integrating third party alerts into OpsRamp using further configurations.
    • Alert On Root Resource: Event Polling alerts get generated on root resource
      • Below are the default values set for:
        • Alert Severity Filter: Provides alerts severity and gets integrated out of all possible alerts.
          • Default Values: NONE, INFORMATION, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL.
        • Alert Cleared Status:
          • Default Values: CLEARED.
          • Possible values of Event/Alert Cleared Status configuration property are “ACKNOWLEDGED”,“SUPPRESSED”,“RESOLVED”.
        • Alert Severity Mapping:
          • Default Values: {“Critical”:“Critical”,“Major”:“Critical”,
          • Possible values of Alert Severity Mapping Filter configuration property are “new”:{“critical”: “Critical”,“error”: “Critical”,“warning”: “Warning”,“information”: “Info”,“normal”: “Info”},“acknowledged”: {“critical”: “Critical”,“error”: “Critical”,“warning”: “Warning”,“information”: “Info”,“normal”: “Info”},“obsolete”: {“critical”: “Ok”,“error”: “Ok”,“warning”: “Ok”,“information”: “Ok”,“normal”: “Ok”},“resolved”: {“critical”: “Ok”,“error”: “Ok”,“warning”: “Ok”,“information”: “Ok”,“normal”: “Ok”}.
  1. Select the following Custom Attributes:
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the drop down list box.
ValueSelect the value from the drop down list box.

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.

  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly

  3. Click ADD.
Dell Powerstore configuration

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it. From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.

  1. Select an existing registered profile.
  1. Click FINISH.

The application is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the Dell Power Store details

To discover resources for Dell Power Store.

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search > Storage > Dell Power Store.
  2. The Dell Power Store page is displayed, select the application name.
  3. The RESOURCE DETAILS page appears from the right.
  4. Click the ellipsis () on the top right and select View details.
  5. Navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.
Dell Power Store
  1. Click the Metrics tab to view the metric details for Dell Power Store.
Dell Power Store

Resource Filter Input Keys

Dell Power Store application Resources are filtered and discovered based on below keys:

Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource TypeSupported Input Keys
All TypesresourceName
Powerstore Storage ApplianceExpress Service Code
Part Number
Powerstore Storage NodeCPU model
Part Number
Powerstore Storage VolumeSize

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alerts based on customisation.

Supported macros keys:

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros














                                    ${Custom attributes on the resource}

Risks, Limitations And Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure alert notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration:
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Application will send duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.
  • Application cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts. Metrics can be used to monitor Powerstore resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.
  • OpsRamp has provided 443 as default Port value for processing Power store Rest APIs. Users can modify this value from the application configuration page at any point of time if required.
  • The Template Applied Time will only be displayed if the collector profile (Classic and NextGen Gateway) is version 18.1.0 or higher.
  • Power store Event/Alert polling will be started only if the user enables Event/Alert Polling in configuration. Possible values of Alert Severity Filter configuration are Critical, Major, Minor, Info, None.
  • OpsRamp has given default mappings to map Power store Severity with OpsRamp Severities as part of Alert Severity Mapping configuration. Users can modify them as per their use-case at any point of time from the application configuration page. Possible OpsRamp Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info.
  • Provided below default severity mapping in configuration {“Critical”:“Critical”,“Major”:“Critical”,“Minor”:“Warning”,“Info”:“Info”,“None”:“Info”}
  • Latest snapshot metric support from gateway version 14.0.0.


Dell EMC PowerStore REST API Developer’s Guide: