Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with the following macros so that it can generate alerts accordingly.

Supported macros keys:

${}${Custom attributes on the resource}

Resource Filter Input keys

Vast Data Platform application resources are filtered and discovered based on the following keys.

Note: You can filter the resources with the discoverable keys only.

Filter Keys for API Communication

Resource TypeSupported Input KeyResource TypeSupported Input Key
All TypesresourceNameVast Data SSDSSD ArchType
hostNameAttached DNodes
dnsNameCarrier Serial
ipAddressCarrier Hardware Version
macAddressCarrier Software Version
osFirmware Version
Vast Data ClusterClusterIdVast Data NVRAMNvram ArchType
Cluster SoftwareVersionShelf
Leader CNodeFirmware Version
Management CNodeCarrier Software Version
Mgmt Inner Vip CNodeCarrier Hardware Version
Vast Data CBoxCBoxUIdCarrier Serial
ClusterAttached DNodes
Vast Data CNodeCNode New NameVast Data NICFirmware Version
CNode BiosVersionNode HostName
CNode BoxVendorIPV6 Address
CNode PositionLinkType
CNode HostLabelVast Data PSULocation
CNode IdFirmware Version
CNode Ip1Vast Data FanLocation
CNode Ip2Firmware Version
CNode Ipmi IpVast Data SwitchManagementIp
CNode Ipv6Firmware Version
ManagementIpSwitch Ipv6
Switch Type
Vast Data DBoxDBoxIdSwitch Role
ArchTypeVast Data QuotaPath
DriveTypeTenant Name
Vast Data DNodeDNode New NameQuotaId
DNode BiosVersion
DNode ArchType
DNode Position
DNode HostLabel
DNode Id
DNode Ip1
DNode Ip2
DNode Ipmi Ip
DNode Ipv6