Apigee Edge is a platform for developing and managing APIs. By fronting services with a proxy layer, Edge provides an abstraction or facade for your backend service APIs and provides security, rate limiting, quotas, analytics, and more.


A container for all the objects in an Apigee Edge account, including API proxies, API products, API packages, apps, and developers. A user account is required for each organization for which you are a member (most users will have an account in only one organization).


A runtime execution context for API proxies. An API proxy must be deployed to an environment before the API it exposes is accessible over the network. By default, organizations are provisioned with two environments; test and prod.

  • The test environment is typically used for deploying API proxies during development.
  • The prod environment is typically used for promoting API proxies from the test environment after they have been fully developed and tested.

Api Proxy

A facade on Edge for one or more APIs, generic HTTP services, or applications (such as Node.js).

An API proxy is implemented as a set of configuration files, policies, and code that rely on a set of resources provided by Apigee Edge. API proxies can be generated and configured using the Apigee Edge management UI, or they can be implemented locally in a text editor or IDE.

The facade provided by an API proxy decouples the developer-facing API from backend services, shielding developers from code changes and enabling innovation at the edge without impacting your internal development teams. As development teams make backend changes, developers continue to call the same interface uninterrupted. Apigee enables you to expose multiple interfaces to the same API, freeing you to customize the signature of an API to meet the needs of various developer niches simultaneously.

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
ResourceMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitsDescription
Environmentapigee_environment_ax_cache_executedResponse Cache ExecutedcountThe total number of times a Response Cache policy is executed over the given time period.
apigee_environment_ax_cache_l1_countL1 Cache Elements CountcountReturns the number of elements in L1 (in-memory) cache per transaction over a given time period.
apigee_environment_cache_hitCache HitcountThe number of successful API requests that use the Response Cache instead of the response from the target service.
apigee_environment_is_errorProxy ErrorscountThe total number of times API proxies failed over the specified time period.
apigee_environment_message_countTrafficcountThe total number of API calls processed by Edge in the specified time period.
apigee_environment_policy_errorPolicy ErrorscountThe total number of policy errors over the specified time period.
apigee_environment_request_processing_latencyRequest Processing LatencymillisecondsThe amount of time (average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, that it takes Edge to process incoming requests.
apigee_environment_request_sizeRequest SizebytesThe size of the request payload received by Edge, in bytes.
apigee_environment_response_processing_latencyResponse Processing LatencymillisecondsThe amount of time (average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, that it takes Edge to process API responses.
apigee_environment_response_sizeResponse SizebytesThe size of the response payload returned to the client, in bytes.
apigee_environment_target_errorTarget ErrorscountThe total number of 5xx responses from the target service. These are target service errors not caused by Apigee.
apigee_environment_target_latencyTarget LatencycountTarget Latency.
apigee_environment_target_response_timeTarget Response TimemillisecondsThe amount of time (sum, average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, for the target server to respond to a call.
apigee_environment_total_latencyTotal LatencycountTotal Latency.
apigee_environment_total_response_timeTotal Response TimemillisecondsThe amount of time (sum, average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, from when Edge receives a request from a client to when Edge sends the response back to the client.
apigee_environment_tpsAverage Transactions per SecondcountThe average number of transactions, meaning API proxy requests, per second.
API Proxyapigee_apiproxy_ax_cache_executedResponse Cache ExecutedcountThe total number of times a Response Cache policy was executed over the given time period.
apigee_apiproxy_ax_cache_l1_countL1 Cache Elements CountcountReturns the number of elements in L1 (in-memory) cache per transaction over a given time period.
apigee_apiproxy_cache_hitCache HitcountThe number of successful API requests that use the Response Cache instead of the response from the target service.
apigee_apiproxy_is_errorProxy ErrorscountThe total number of times API proxies failed over the specified time period.
apigee_apiproxy_message_countTrafficcountThe total number of API calls processed by Edge in the specified time period.
apigee_apiproxy_policy_errorPolicy ErrorscountThe total number of policy errors over the specified time period.
apigee_apiproxy_request_processing_latencyRequest Processing LatencymillisecondsThe amount of time (average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, that it takes Edge to process incoming requests.
apigee_apiproxy_request_sizeRequest SizebytesThe size of the request payload received by Edge, in bytes.
apigee_apiproxy_response_processing_latencyResponse Processing LatencymillisecondsThe amount of time (average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, that it takes Edge to process API responses.
apigee_apiproxy_response_sizeResponse SizebytesThe size of the response payload returned to the client, in bytes.
apigee_apiproxy_target_errorTarget ErrorscountThe total number of 5xx responses from the target service. These are target service errors not caused by Apigee.
apigee_apiproxy_target_latencyTarget LatencycountTarget Latency.
apigee_apiproxy_target_response_timeTarget Response TimemillisecondsThe amount of time (sum, average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, for the target server to respond to a call.
apigee_apiproxy_total_latencyTotal LatencycountTotal Latency.
apigee_apiproxy_total_response_timeTotal Response TimemillisecondsThe amount of time (sum, average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, from when Edge receives a request from a client to when Edge sends the response back to the client.
apigee_apiproxy_tpsAverage Transactions per SecondcountThe average number of transactions, meaning API proxy requests, per second.

Configure the Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.

  2. Go to Setup > Account.

  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.

  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed.
    Note: If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the ADD APP page.

  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: You can even search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.

  6. Click ADD under Apigee Edge:

  7. In the Add Apigee Edge page, enter your account information:


    Name(required) User-defined, descriptive integration name.
    User Name(required) Enter user name.
    Password(required) Enter password.
    Confirm Password Key(required) Re-enter the password.
    Account Number(required) Unique number for a tenant.
    Auth End Point(required) Enter host name for authentication.
    Single OrganizationSelect this checkbox to discover and monitor against a single organization.
    OrganizationEnter required organization name.
  8. Click Next.

  9. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:

    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  10. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:

    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  11. Click Finish.
    The application is now installed and displayed on the Installed Integration page. Use the search field to find the installed application.

  12. After configuring the integration, the Apigee Edge metrics can be viewed from the Infrastructure page.


Discovery and Monitoring

  • After configuring the integration, Apigee Edge discovery and monitoring is enabled. The discovered services and metrics can be viewed from the Infrastructure page.

  • No templates need to be applied on discovered devices. The alerts can be enabled using alert policies.

  • Once discovery is completed, Apigee Edge Organization, Apigee Edge Environment, Apigee Edge Api Proxy are discovered.

External reference