App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale.

Standard environment

The App Engine standard environment is based on container instances running on Google infrastructure. Containers are preconfigured with one of several available runtimes. The App Engine standard environment makes it easy to build and deploy an application that runs reliably even under heavy loads and with large amounts of data.

Applications run in a secure, sandboxed environment, allowing the App Engine standard environment to distribute requests across multiple servers, and scaling servers to meet traffic demands. Your application runs within its own secure, reliable environment that is independent of the hardware, operating system, or physical location of the server.

Flexible environment

App Engine allows developers to focus on doing what they do best, writing code. Based on Google Compute Engine, the App Engine flexible environment automatically scales your app up and down while balancing the load. Microservices, authorization, SQL and NoSQL databases, traffic splitting, logging, versioning, security scanning, and content delivery networks are all supported natively.


To set up the Google integration and discover the Google service, go to Google Integration Discovery Profile and select GOOGLE/Appengine Service.

Supported metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Total number of CPU cores allocated to an App Engine flexible environment version.
Flex CPU Reserved CoresCountAverage

Fraction of allocated CPU in use across an App Engine flexible environment version.
Flex CPU UtilizationCountAverage

Delta count of bytes read from disk across an App Engine flexible environment version.
Flex Disk Read Bytes CountBytesAverage

Delta count of bytes written from disk across an App Engine flexible environment version.
Flex Disk Write Bytes CountBytesAverage

Delta count of incoming network bytes across all VMs in an App Engine flexible environment version Sampled every 60 seconds.
Flex Network Received Bytes CountBytesAverage

Delta count of interceptions performed to prevent DoS attacks.
Http Server Dos Intercept CountCountAverage

Delta count of requests that failed due to the app being over quota.
Http Server Quota Denail CountCountAverage

Delta HTTP response count.
Http Server Response CountCountAverage

HTTP response latency.
Http Server Response LatenciesCountAverage

Delta counts on the HTTP serve style.
Http Server Response LatenciesCountAverage

Memcache utilization in one hundredth of Memcache Compute Unit grouped by command.
Mamcache Centi Mcu CountCountAverage

Count of memcache key operations, grouped by command and status.
Mamcache Operation CountCountAverage

Number of bytes received by app from the memcache API, grouped by status and memcache command.
Mamcache Received Bytes CountBytesAverage

Number of bytes sent by app through the memcache API, grouped by memcache command.
Mamcache Sent Bytes CountBytesAverage

CPU usage in megacycles.
System CPU UsageCountAverage

Number of instances that exist.
System Insatnce CountCountAverage

Total memory used by running instances.
System Memory UsageCountAverage

Delta count of incoming network bandwidth.
System Network Received Bytes CountCountAverage

Delta count of outgoing network bandwidth.
System Network Sent Bytes CountCountAverage

Delta count of outgoing network bytes across all VMs in an App Engine flexible environment version Sampled every 60 seconds.

Event support

  • Not supported

External reference