Azure Synapse is an integrated analytics service that accelerates time to insight across data warehouses and big data systems. Azure Synapse brings together the best of SQL technologies used in enterprise data warehousing, Spark technologies used for big data, Pipelines for data integration and ETL/ELT, and deep integration with other Azure services such as Power BI, CosmosDB, and AzureML.

External reference

Azure Synapse Workspace


To set up the Azure integration and discover the Azure service, go to Azure Integration Discovery Profile and select Synapse Workspace.

Event support

  • Supported
  • Configure Azure Events in OpsRamp Azure Integration Discovery Profile.

Supported metrics

Workspace metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Amount of data processed by queries.
Data processedBytesTotal

Count of login attempts that succeeded or failed.
Login attemptsCountTotal

Count of Requests that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled.
Requests endedCountTotal

Count of integration activities that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled.
Activity runs endedCountTotal

Count of integration pipeline runs that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled.
Pipeline runs endedCountTotal

Count of integration triggers that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled.
Trigger Runs endedCountTotal

Count of Apache Spark pool applications ended.
Ended Apache Spark applicationsCountTotal

SQL pool metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Active queries. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system.
Active queriesCountTotal

Adaptive cache hit percentage. Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache hit percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache.
Adaptive cache hit percentagePercentMaximum

Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache used percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache.
Adaptive cache used percentagePercentMaximum

Count of total logins to the SQL pool.

Count of connections blocked by firewall rules. Revisit access control policies for your SQL pool and monitor these connections if the count is high.
Connections blocked by firewallCountTotal

CPU utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool.
CPU PercentPercentMaximum

Service level objective of the SQL pool.
DWU limitCountMaximum

Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by DWU limit * DWU percentage.
DWU usedCountMaximum

Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by taking the maximum between CPU percentage and Data IO percentage.
DWU used percentagePercentMaximum

Local tempdb utilization across all compute nodes - values are emitted every five minute.
Local tempdb used percentagePercentMaximum

Memory utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool.
Memory used percentagePercentMaximum

Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached.
Queued queriesCountTotal

Active queries within the workload group. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system.
Workload group active queriesCountTotal

Queries for the workload group that have timed out. Query timeouts reported by this metric are only after the query has started executing (it does not include wait time due to locking or resource waits).
Workload group query timeoutsCountTotal

Displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the Effective cap resource percent per workload group. This metric provides the effective utilization of the workload group.
Workload group allocation by max resource percentPercentMaximum

Percentage allocation of resources relative to the entire system.
Workload group allocation by system percentPercentMaximum

Effective cap resource percent for the workload group. If there are other workload groups with min_percentage_resource > 0, the effective_cap_percentage_resource is lowered proportionally.
Effective cap resource percentPercentMaximum

Effective min resource percentage setting allowed considering the service level and the workload group settings. The effective min_percentage_resource can be adjusted higher on lower service levels.
Effective min resource percentPercentMaximum

Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached.
Workload group queued queriesCountTotal

Spark pool metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Allocated vCores for an Apache Spark Pool.
vCores allocatedCountMaximum

Allocated Memory for Apache Spark Pool (GB).
Memory allocated (GB)CountMaximum

Total Active Apache Spark Pool Applications.
Active Apache Spark applicationsCountMaximum

Count of Apache Spark pool applications ended.
Ended Apache Spark applicationsCountTotal