Microsoft Azure provides a rich set of integrated public cloud services for all your IoT solution needs. The IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service is a helper service for IoT Hub that enables zero-touch, just-in-time provisioning to the right IoT hub without requiring human intervention, enabling customers to provision millions of devices in a secure and scalable manner.

There are many provisioning scenarios in which the Device Provisioning Service is an excellent choice for getting devices connected and configured to IoT Hub, such as:

  • Zero-touch provisioning to a single IoT solution without hardcoding IoT Hub connection information at the factory (initial setup).
  • Load balancing devices across multiple hubs.
  • Connecting devices to their owner IoT solution based on sales transaction data (multitenancy).
  • Connecting devices to an IoT solution depending on use-case (solution isolation).
  • Connecting a device to the IoT hub with the lowest latency (geo-sharding).
  • Reprovisioning based on a change in the device.
  • Rolling the keys used by the device to connect to IoT Hub (when not using X.509 certificates to connect).

External reference

Provisioning devices with Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service


To set up the Azure integration and discover the Azure service, go to Azure Integration Discovery Profile and select Device Provisioning Service.

Event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp Azure Integration Discovery Profile.

Supported metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Number of device registrations attempted.
Registration attemptsCountTotal

Number of devices assigned to an IoT hub.
Devices assignedCountTotal

Number of device attestations attempted.
Attestation attemptsCountTotal