Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications. Traditional load balancers operate at the transport layer (OSI layer 4 - TCP and UDP) and route traffic based on a source IP address and port, to a destination IP address and port.

Application Gateway

With Application Gateway, you can make routing decisions based on more attributes of an HTTP request, such as URI path or host headers. For example, you can route traffic based on the incoming URL.

  • If /images are in the incoming URL, you can route traffic to a specific set of servers (known as a pool) configured for images.
  • If /video is in the URL, that traffic is routed to another pool optimized for videos.
Application Gateway

This type of routing is known as application layer (OSI layer 7) load balancing. Azure Application Gateway can do URL-based routing and more.


To set up the Azure integration and discover the Application Gateway resources, do the following:

  1. Create an Azure Integration if not available in your installed integrations. For more information on how to install the Azure Integration, refer to Install Azure integration.

  2. Create a discovery profile.

  3. Select Azure Application Gateway under the Filter Criteria on the Edit Discovery Profile page.

  4. Save the discovery profile to make it available in the list of Discovery Profiles.

  5. Scan to discover the resources at any time independent of the predefined schedule.

  6. Once the scan is completed, you can view the Azure Application Gateway resources under Infrastructure > Resources > Microsoft Azure category.

  7. Create a template with collector type Azure and applicable for Application Gateway. See Create a Template for more information on how to create a template.

  8. Refer to Assign a Template on how to assign a template to a resource.

  9. Click the Metrics tab to view the monitoring data of Azure Application Gateway.

Event support

OpsRamp supports Azure events for Azure Application Gateway. Configure Azure Events in OpsRamp Azure integration discovery profile. See Process Azure Events for more information on how to configure Azure events.

Supported metrics

OpsRamp MetricAzure MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescriptionAggregation Type
azure_network_applicationgateways_ThroughputThroughputThroughputBytesPerSecondVolume of data transmitted through the gateway within a given period.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_UnhealthyHostCountUnhealthyHostCountUnhealthy Host CountCountNumber of backend hosts that are currently marked as unhealthy.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_HealthyHostCountHealthyHostCountHealthy Host CountCountNumber of backend hosts that are currently marked as healthy.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_TotalRequestsTotalRequestsTotal RequestsCountCount of successful requests processed by the application gateway within a specific timeframe.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_FailedRequestsFailedRequestsFailed RequestsCountNumber of requests that were not successfully processed by the gateway within a specific timeframe.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_ResponseStatusResponseStatusResponse StatusCountStatus codes returned by the application gateway.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_CurrentConnectionsCurrentConnectionsCurrent ConnectionsCountCount of active connections established with the application gateway.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_CapacityUnitsCapacityUnitsCurrent Capacity UnitsCountCount of the units consumed by the application gateway.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_AzwafSecRuleAzwafSecRuleWAF Managed Rule MatchesCountRefers to the Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) Security rules.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_AzwafCustomRuleAzwafCustomRuleWAF Custom Rule MatchesCountRefers to the matched custom rules within the Azure WAF.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_AzwafBotProtectionAzwafBotProtectionWAF Bot Protection MatchesCountRefers to the matched bot rules within the Azure WAF.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_ApplicationGatewayTotalTimeApplicationGatewayTotalTimeApplication Gateway Total TimeMilliSecondsRefers to the time that it takes for a request to be processed and its response to be sent.
This duration spans from the moment the Application Gateway receives the initial byte of an HTTP request to the completion of the response send operation. It is important to note that this interval includes several components, including the processing time of the Application Gateway, the duration for request and response packets to traverse the network, and the time taken by the backend server to respond.
azure_network_applicationgateways_AvgRequestCountPerHealthyHostAvgRequestCountPerHealthyHostRequests per minute per Healthy HostCountRefers to the average number of requests processed per healthy backend server over a certain period of time.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_AzwafTotalRequestsAzwafTotalRequestsWAF Total RequestsCountRefers to the total number of requests processed by the Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) within a specified timeframe.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_BackendConnectTimeBackendConnectTimeBackend Connect TimeMilliSecondsRefers to the time taken for the Application Gateway to establish a connection with the backend server.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_BackendFirstByteResponseTimeBackendFirstByteResponseTimeBackend First Byte Response TimeMilliSecondsRefers to the time interval between the initiation of a connection to the backend server and the receipt of the first byte of the response header, approximating the processing time of the backend server.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_BackendLastByteResponseTimeBackendLastByteResponseTimeBackend Last Byte Response TimeMilliSecondsRefers to the time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the last byte of the response body.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_BackendResponseStatusBackendResponseStatusBackend Response StatusCountThe count of HTTP response codes originating from the backend members, excluding any response codes generated by the Application Gateway.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_BlockedCountBlockedCountWeb Application Firewall Blocked Requests Rule DistributionCountRefers to the number of requests that have been blocked by the gateway within a specified time period.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_BytesReceivedBytesReceivedBytes ReceivedBytesThe total number of bytes received by the Application Gateway from the clients.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_BytesSentBytesSentBytes SentBytesThe total number of bytes sent by the Application Gateway to the clients.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_ClientRttClientRttClient RTTMillisecondsRepresents the Round-Trip Time (RTT) between clients and application gateway. RTT is the duration it takes for a packet to travel from the client to the application gateway and back to the client. This metric provides insights into the latency experienced by clients when communicating with the gateway.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_ComputeUnitsComputeUnitsCurrent Compute UnitsCountRefers to the measure of the computational resources allocated to the gateway to handle incoming traffic and process requests efficiently.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_CpuUtilizationCpuUtilizationCPU UtilizationPercentRefers to the current CPU utilization of the application gateway.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_EstimatedBilledCapacityUnitsEstimatedBilledCapacityUnitsEstimated Billed Capacity UnitsCountRefers to an estimate of the billed capacity units consumed by the gateway over a specific period.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_FixedBillableCapacityUnitsFixedBillableCapacityUnitsFixed Billed Capacity UnitsCountRefers to minimum capacity units that will be charged over a specific period.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_MatchedCountMatchedCountWeb Application Firewall Total Rule DistributionCountRefers to the count of requests that have matched specific criteria configured within the gateway's routing or processing logic.Total
azure_network_applicationgateways_NewConnectionsPerSecondNewConnectionsPerSecondNew connections per secondCountPerSecondRefers to the new connections per second established with gateway.Average
azure_network_applicationgateways_TlsProtocolTlsProtocolClient TLS ProtocolCountThe number of TLS and non-TLS requests initiated by the client that established connection with the application gateway. To view TLS protocol distribution, you can filter by the dimension "TLS Protocol".Total

External reference

Azure Application Gateway