The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) makes it easy to build applications that coordinate work across distributed components. Amazon SWF gives full control over implementing and coordinating tasks without worrying about underlying complexities such as tracking their progress and maintaining their state.

In Amazon SWF, a task represents a logical unit of work that is performed by a component of your application. Coordinating tasks across the application involves managing intertask dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of the application.

External reference

Amazon Simple Workflow Service


To set up the AWS integration and discover the AWS service, go to AWS Integration Discovery Profile and select SWF.

Event support

CloudTrail event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.

CloudWatch alarm support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.

Supported metrics

Domain metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Count of pending tasks in a 1 minute interval for a specific Task List.
Pending TasksCountSum

Activity type metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Time interval, in milliseconds, between the time when the activity was scheduled and when it closed.
Activity Task Schedule To Close TimeMillisecondsAverage

Time interval, in milliseconds, between the time when the activity task was scheduled and when it started.
Activity Task Schedule To Start TimeMillisecondsAverage

Time interval, in milliseconds, between the time when the activity task started and when it closed.
Activity Task Start To Close TimeMillisecondsAverage

Count of activity tasks that were canceled.
Activity Tasks CanceledCountSum

Count of activity tasks that completed.
Activity Tasks CompletedCountSum

Count of activity tasks that failed.
Activity Tasks FailedCountSum

Count of activity tasks that were scheduled but timed out on close.
Scheduled Activity Tasks TimedOut On CloseCountSum

Count of activity tasks that were scheduled but timed out on start.
Scheduled Activity Tasks TimedOut On StartCountSum

Count of activity tasks that were started but timed out on close.
Started Activity Tasks TimedOut On CloseCountSum

Count of activity tasks that were started but timed out due to a heartbeat time-out.
Started Activity Tasks TimedOut On HeartbeatCountSum

Workflow type metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Time interval, in milliseconds, between the time that the decision task was scheduled and when it was picked up by a worker and started.
Decision Task Schedule To Start TimeMillisecondsAverage

Time interval, in milliseconds, between the time that the decision task was started and when it closed.
Decision Task Start To Close TimeMillisecondsAverage

Count of decision tasks completed.
Decision Tasks CompletedCountSum

Count of decision tasks that started but timed out on closing.
Started Decision Tasks Timed Out On CloseCountSum

Time, in milliseconds, between the time the workflow started and when it closed.
Workflow Start To Close TimeMillisecondsAverage

Count of workflows that were canceled.
Workflows CanceledCountSum

Count of workflows that completed.
Workflows CompletedCountSum

Count of workflows that continued as new.
Workflows Continued As NewCountSum

Count of workflows that failed.
Workflows FailedCountSum

Count of workflows that were terminated.
Workflows TerminatedCountSum

Count of workflows that timed out, for any reason.
Workflows Timed OutCountSum