An Amazon ECS cluster is a logical grouping of tasks or services.

  • If tasks or services are being run that use the EC2 launch type, a cluster is also a grouping of container instances.
  • If capacity providers are being used, a cluster is also a logical grouping of capacity providers.

When Amazon ECS is first used, a default cluster is created. Multiple clusters can be created in an account and help to keep resources separate.

An Amazon ECS service runs and maintains the requested number of tasks and associated load balancers.

External reference

Amazon ECS clusters


To set up the AWS integration and discover the VPN resources, do the following:

  1. Create an AWS Integration if not available in your installed integrations.
  2. Create a discovery profile.
  3. Select ECS Clusters in the AWS Integration Discovery Profile.
  4. Save the discovery profile to make them available in the list of Discovery Profiles.
  5. Scan to discover the resources at any time independent of the predefined schedule.
  6. Once the scan is completed, you can view the ECS Clusters resources under Infrastructure > Resources > AWS category.

Event support

CloudTrail event support

  • Not Supported

CloudWatch alarm support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.

Supported metrics

AWS ECS Cluster Metrics

OpsRamp MetricAWS MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescriptionAggregation Type
aws_ecs_CPUReservationCPUReservationCPUReservationPercentThe percentage of CPU units that are reserved by running tasks in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_CPUUtilizationCPUUtilizationCPUUtilizationPercentThe percentage of CPU units that are used in the cluster or service.Average
aws_ecs_MemoryReservationMemoryReservationMemoryReservationPercentThe percentage of memory that is reserved by running tasks in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_MemoryUtilizationMemoryUtilizationMemoryUtilizationPercentThe percentage of memory that is used in the cluster or service.Average
aws_ecs_GPUReservationGPUReservationGPU ReservationPercentThe percentage of total available GPUs that are reserved by running tasks in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_TaskCountTaskCountTask CountCountThe number of tasks running in the cluster.Average

aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_cpu_limitinstance_cpu_limitInstance cpu limitNoneThe maximum number of CPU units that can be assigned to a single EC2 Instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_cpu_reserved_capacityinstance_cpu_reserved_capacityInstance cpu reserved capacityPercentThe percentage of CPU currently being reserved on a single EC2 instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_cpu_usage_totalinstance_cpu_usage_totalInstance cpu usage totalNoneThe number of CPU units being used on a Single EC2 instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_cpu_utilizationinstance_cpu_utilizationInstance cpu utilizationPercentThe total percentage of CPU units being used on a single EC2 instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_filesystem_utilizationinstance_filesystem_utilizationInstance filesystem utilizationPercentThe total percentage of file system capacity being used on a single EC2 instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_memory_limitinstance_memory_limitInstance memory limitBytesThe maximum limit of memory, measured in bytes, that can be allocated to an individual EC2 Instance within this cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_memory_reserved_capacityinstance_memory_reserved_capacityInstance memory reserved capacityPercentThe percentage of Memory currently being reserved on a single EC2 Instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_memory_utilizationinstance_memory_utilizationInstance memory utilizationPercentThe total percentage of memory being used on a single EC2 Instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_memory_working_setinstance_memory_working_setInstance memory working setBytesThe amount of memory, in bytes, being used on a single EC2 Instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_network_total_bytesinstance_network_total_bytesInstance network total bytesBytes/SecondThe total number of bytes per second transmitted and received over the network on a single EC2 Instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_instance_number_of_running_tasksinstance_number_of_running_tasksInstance number of running tasksCountThe number of running tasks on a single EC2 Instance in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_ServiceCountServiceCountService CountCountThe number of services in the cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_ContainerInstanceCountContainerInstanceCountContainer Instance CountCountThe number of EC2 instances running the Amazon ECS agent that are registered with a cluster.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_StorageWriteBytesStorageWriteBytesStorage Write BytesBytesThe number of bytes written to storage in the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_StorageReadBytesStorageReadBytesStorage Read BytesBytesThe number of bytes read from storage on the instance in the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This does not include read bytes for your storage devices. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_NetworkTxBytesNetworkTxBytesNetwork Tx BytesBytes/SecondThe number of bytes transmitted by the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_NetworkRxBytesNetworkRxBytesNetwork Rx BytesBytes/SecondThe number of bytes received by the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_MemoryReservedMemoryReservedMemory ReservedMegabytesThe memory that is reserved by tasks within the specified resource dimension.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_MemoryUtilizedMemoryUtilizedMemory UtilizedMegabytesThe amount of memory currently utilized by tasks within the specified resource dimension.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_EphemeralStorageUtilizedEphemeralStorageUtilizedEphemeral Storage UtilizedGigabytesThe quantity of bytes consumed from ephemeral storage within the resource defined by the dimensions being utilized. Ephemeral storage is used for the container root filesystem and any host volumes bind-mounted as specified in the container image and task definition. It is important to note that the capacity of ephemeral storage cannot be modified during the execution of a task.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_EphemeralStorageReservedEphemeralStorageReservedEphemeral Storage ReservedGigabytesThe quantity of bytes reserved from ephemeral storage within the resource defined by the dimensions being utilized. Ephemeral storage is used for the container root filesystem and any host volumes bind-mounted as specified in the container image and task definition. It is important to note that the capacity of ephemeral storage cannot be modified during the execution of a running task.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_CpuReservedCpuReservedCpu ReservedNoneThe CPU units reserved by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you are using.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_CpuUtilizedCpuUtilizedCpu UtilizedNoneThe CPU units used by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you are using.Average

AWS ECS Service Metrics

OpsRamp MetricAWS MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescriptionAggregation Type
aws_ecs_CPUUtilizationCPUUtilizationCPUUtilizationPercentPercentage of CPU units that are used in the cluster or service.4Average
aws_ecs_MemoryUtilizationMemoryUtilizationMemoryUtilizationPercentPercentage of memory that is used in the cluster or service.Average
aws_ecs_RunningTaskCountRunningTaskCountRunningTaskCountCountNumber of tasks currently in the Running state.Sum

PendingTaskCountPendingTaskCountCountNumber of tasks currently in the Pending state.Sum
aws_ecs_DesiredTaskCountDesiredTaskCountDesiredTaskCountCountThe desired number of tasks for an Amazon ECS service.Sum
aws_ecs_container_insights_TaskSetCountTaskSetCountTask Set CountCountThe number of task sets in the service.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_DeploymentCountDeploymentCountDeployment CountCountThe number of deployments in an Amazon ECS service.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_StorageWriteBytesStorageWriteBytesStorage Write BytesBytesThe number of bytes written to storage in the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_StorageReadBytesStorageReadBytesStorage Read BytesBytesThe number of bytes read from storage on the instance in the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This does not include read bytes for your storage devices. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_NetworkTxBytesNetworkTxBytesNetwork Tx BytesBytes/SecondThe number of bytes transmitted by the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_NetworkRxBytesNetworkRxBytesNetwork Rx BytesBytes/SecondThe number of bytes received by the resource that is specified by the dimensions that you are using. This metric is obtained from the Docker runtime.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_MemoryReservedMemoryReservedMemory ReservedMegabytesThe memory that is reserved by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you are using.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_MemoryUtilizedMemoryUtilizedMemory UtilizedMegabytesThe memory being used by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you are using.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_EphemeralStorageUtilizedEphemeralStorageUtilizedEphemeral Storage UtilizedGigabytesThe quantity of bytes consumed from ephemeral storage within the resource defined by the dimensions being utilized. Ephemeral storage is used for the container root filesystem and any host volumes bind-mounted as specified in the container image and task definition. It is important to note that the capacity of ephemeral storage cannot be modified during the execution of a task.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_EphemeralStorageReservedEphemeralStorageReservedEphemeral Storage ReservedGigabytesThe quantity of bytes reserved from ephemeral storage within the resource defined by the dimensions being utilized. Ephemeral storage is used for the container root filesystem and any host volumes bind-mounted as specified in the container image and task definition. It is important to note that the capacity of ephemeral storage cannot be modified during the execution of a running task.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_CpuReservedCpuReservedCpu ReservedNoneThe CPU units reserved by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you are using.Average
aws_ecs_container_insights_CpuUtilizedCpuUtilizedCpu UtilizedNoneThe CPU units used by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you are using.Average