Supported Target Versions
Validated the application by executing powershell script against
Azure stack HCI version 22H2, OS build 20349

Application Version Details

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
1.0.0Initial version with discovery, monitoring, alerts.


Azure Stack HCI is a virtualized workload solution from Microsoft that allows businesses to run Windows and Linux apps and services in a hybrid on-premise/cloud environment. Built on top of Windows Server, Azure Stack HCI is an example of hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI). This technology virtualizes conventionally hardware-defined systems like storage and networking to create flexible, efficient infrastructure solutions.

Key Use cases

Discovery Use cases

  • It discovers the AzureStack HCI components.
  • Publishes relationships between resources to have a topological view and ease of maintenance.

Monitoring Use cases

  • Provides metrics related to job scheduling time and status etc..
  • Concern alerts will be generated for each metric to notify the administrator regarding the issue with the resource.


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway 14.2.0 and above.

  • OpsRamp NextGen Gateway 14.2.0 and above

    Note: We recommend using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of (Recent bug fixes, enhancements.. etc)

  • For powershell cmdlets the following are prerequisites:

    • Windows domain User should be able to do powershell remoting:
      Enable-PSRemoting -Force
    • Windows domain user should be added to Remote Management users group:
      net localgroup "Remote Management Users" /add <user>
    • Windows domain user should be added to Performance monitor users group:
      net localgroup "Performance monitor users" /add <user>
    • Add OpsRampGatewayIP to the TrustedHosts list on the target machine to allow the powershell connection from the gateway to the target machine.
    • To add TrustedHosts use the following command:
      • To allow any host:
        Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Force -Value *
      • To allow a specific host:
        Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Force -Concatenate -Value <OpsRampGatewayIp>
    • Setup and restart the WinRM service for the changes to reflect
      • To set up: Set-Service WinRM -StartMode Automatic
      • Restart using: Restart-Service -Force WinRM
  • Granting remote DCOM Rights

    • To grant the user DCOM rights, log on to each system to be monitored and complete the following procedure:
      1. Go to Command Prompt and enter dcomcnfg.
      2. Navigate to Component Services > Computers > My Computer, right click and click Properties.
      3. Go to COM Security tab.
      4. Under Access Permissions, go to Edit Limits and click Add to enter the domain non-admin user and enable both Local and Remote access.
      5. Click OK.
      6. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, go to Edit Limits, click Add to enter the domain non-admin user and check all boxes.
      7. Click OK.
  • Granting Remote WMI Rights

    • To give the user remote WMI rights, log on to each system to be monitored and complete the following procedure:
      1. Go to Computer Management > Services and Applications > WMI Control.
      2. Right-click on WMI control and go to Properties > Security tab.
      3. Select Root and click the Security button.
      4. Click Add to enter the domain non-admin user, and check the boxes for Execute Methods, Enable Account, Remote Enable, and Read Security.
      5. Click Advanced and select the added non-admin domain user.
      6. Click Edit > Applies to and select This namespace and subnamespaces from the dropdown listbox.
      7. Click OK thrice.
  • For monitoring services like the Windows Cluster Service and other MSSQL services (SQL Server, SQL Agent, SQL Browser, etc.), you would require the Windows domain user to be a part of the ‘Local Administrators group’ as we are using the ‘Win32_Service’ class for fetching the details.

    Refer Microsoft Igniteto

  • If you do not want to add the user to the local administrator group, you can also use “Security descriptors” for monitoring the services. To do this, you need to configure as follows:
    Refer Enable Windows Service Monitoring section of the documentation.

  • Windows domain user should be granted read-only access to Cluster:
    Grant-ClusterAccess -User <domain\user> -Readonly

Hierarchy of Azure Stack HCI Resources

  • Azure stack HCI Cluster
    • Azure stack HCI Server
      • Azure stack HCI Virtual Switch
      • Azure stack HCI Node Disk
      • Azure stack HCI Guest Virtual Machine
    • Azure stack HCI Cluster Role
    • Azure stack HCI Cluster Disk
    • Azure stack HCI Cluster Shared Volume

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameMetric LabelUnitsApplication VersionDescription
Azure stack HCI Clusterazurestack_hci_cluster_network_StateAzure stack HCI Cluster Network State1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster network state.Possible states are: Unavailable : 0, Down : 1, Partitioned : 2, Unknown : 3, Up : 4
azurestack_hci_cluster_OnlineNodesCountAzure stack HCI Cluster Online Nodes CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster online nodes count
azurestack_hci_cluster_NodeHealthAzure stack HCI Cluster Node HealthAvailability%1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster node health
azurestack_hci_cluster_NumberOfNodesAzure stack HCI Cluster NumberOfNodesAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster nodes count
azurestack_hci_cluster_NumberOfStoppedNodesAzure stack HCI cluster NumberOfStoppedNodesAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster nodes stopped count
azurestack_hci_cluster_VirtualDiskOperationalStatusAzure stack HCI Cluster Virtual Disk Operational Status1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual disk operational status. Possible values are - OK : 0, Lost Communication :1, Detached :2, Inactive :3, Transitioning : 4, Unrecognized : 5
azurestack_hci_cluster_VirtualDiskHealthStatusAzure stack HCI Cluster Virtual Disk Health StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual disk health status. Possible values are: Healthy : 0, Warning :1, Unhealthy: 2, Unknown :3
Azure stack HCI Serverazurestack_hci_node_IdleCPUUtilizationAzure stack HCI Server Idle CPU UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Azure stack HCI server idle cpu utilization
azurestack_hci_node_GuestCPUUtilizationAzure stack HCI Server Guest CPU UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Azure stack HCI server guest cpu utilization
azurestack_hci_node_HypervisorCPUUtilizationAzure stack HCI Server Hypervisor CPU UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Azure stack HCI server hypervisor cpu utilization
azurestack_hci_node_TotalCPUUtilizationAzure stack HCI Server Total CPU UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Azure stack HCI server total cpu utilization
azurestack_hci_node_system_services_HealthStateAzure stack HCI System Services Health StateAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI system services health state.Possible values are: 0 = Unknown,5 = OK,10 = Degraded/Warning,15 = Minor failure,20 = Major failure,25 = Critical failure,30 = Non-recoverable error,.. = DMTF Reserved
azurestack_hci_node_AvailableMBytesAzure stack HCI Server Available MBytesUsageMB1.0.0Azure stack HCI server available Mbytes
azurestack_hci_node_PageFileUsageAzure stack HCI Server Page File UsageUsageGB1.0.0Azure stack HCI server page file usage
azurestack_hci_node_VirtualTLBPagesAzure stack HCI Server Virtual TLB PagesUsagecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI server virtual TLB pages
azurestack_hci_node_DepositedPagesAzure stack HCI Server Deposited PagesUsagecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI server deposited pages
azurestack_hci_node_TotalPhysicalMemoryAzure stack HCI Server Total Physical MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Azure stack HCI server total physical memory
azurestack_hci_node_Virtual_MemoryAzure stack HCI Server Virtual MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Azure stack HCI server virtual memory
azurestack_hci_node_TotalRemotePhysicalPagesAzure stack HCI Server Total Remote Physical PagesUsagecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI server total remote physical pages
azurestack_hci_node_NetworkAdaptersBytesReceivedAzure stack HCI Server Network Adapter BytesReceivedPerSecPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI network adapter bytes received per second
azurestack_hci_node_NetworkAdaptersPacketsSentAzure stack HCI Server Network Adapter Packets SentPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Azure stack HCI network adapter bytes received per second
azurestack_hci_node_NetworkAdaptersBytesSentAzure stack HCI Server Network Adapter Bytes SentPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI network adapter bytes sent
azurestack_hci_node_NetworkAdaptersPacketsReceivedAzure stack HCI Server Network Adapter Packets ReceivedPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Azure stack HCI network adapter packets received
azurestack_hci_node_NetworkAdaptersPacketsAzure stack HCI Server Network Adapter PacketsPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Azure stack HCI network adapter packets per second
azurestack_hci_node_DynamicWeightAzure stack HCI Node Dynamic WeightNo Category1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Dynamic Weight
azurestack_hci_node_DrainStatusAzure stack HCI Node Drain StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Drain Status.Possible values are- Not Initiated :0, In Progress : 1, Completed :2, Failed:3
azurestack_hci_node_NodeweightAzure stack HCI Node WeightNo Category1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Weight
azurestack_hci_node_StateAzure stack HCI Node StateAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node State. Possible values are - Up:0, Down:1, Paused :2, Joining :3, Evicted: 4, Unknown:5
azurestack_hci_node_AvgDiskSecPerReadAzure stack HCI Node Average Disk Reads Per SecPerformancepsec1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Average Disk Reads Per Sec
azurestack_hci_node_AvgDiskSecPerWriteAzure stack HCI Node Average Disk Writes Per SecPerformancepsec1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Average Disk Writes Per Sec
azurestack_hci_node_CurrentDiskQueueLengthAzure stack HCI Node Current Disk Queue LengthPerformance1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Current Disk Queue Length
azurestack_hci_node_DiskReadBytesPerSecAzure stack HCI Node Disk Read Bytes Per SecPerformancebps1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Disk Read Bytes Per Sec
azurestack_hci_node_DiskReadsPerSecAzure stack HCI Node Disk Reads Per SecPerformancepsec1.0.0Azure stack HCI NOde Disk Reads Per Sec
azurestack_hci_node_DiskWriteBytesPerSecAzure stack HCI Node Disk Write Bytes Per SecPerformancebps1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Disk Write Bytes Per Sec
azurestack_hci_node_DiskWritesPerSecAzure stack HCI Node Disk Writes Per SecPerformancepsec1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Disk Writes Per Sec
azurestack_hci_node_PercentDiskReadTimeAzure stack HCI Node Disk Percent Read TimePerformance%1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Disk Percent Read Time
azurestack_hci_node_PercentDiskWriteTimeAzure stack HCI Node Disk Percent Write TimePerformance%1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Disk Percent Write Time
azurestack_hci_node_PercentIdleTimeAzure stack HCI Node Percent Idle TimePerformance%1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Percent Idle Time
azurestack_hci_node_SplitIOPerSecAzure stack HCI Node Split IOPSPerformanceIOPS1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node Split IOPS
azurestack_hci_node_CpuUsageAzure stack HCI Node Cpu UsageUsage%1.0.0Percentage of processor time that is not idle.
azurestack_hci_node_CpuGuestUsageAzure stack HCI Node Guest Cpu UsageUsage%1.0.0Percentage of processor time used for guest virtual machine demand.
azurestack_hci_node_CpuHostUsageAzure stack HCI Node Host Cpu UsageUsage%1.0.0Percentage of processor time used for host demand.
azurestack_hci_node_TotalmemoryAzure stack HCI Node Total MemoryUsageBytes1.0.0The total physical memory of the server.
azurestack_hci_node_AvailablememoryAzure stack HCI Node Available MemoryUsageBytes1.0.0The available memory of the server.
azurestack_hci_node_MemoryUsageAzure stack HCI Node Memory UsageUsageBytes1.0.0The allocated memory of the server.
azurestack_hci_node_GuestMemoryUsageAzure stack HCI Node Guest Memory UsageUsageBytes1.0.0The memory allocated to guest virtual machine demand.
azurestack_hci_node_HostMemoryUsageAzure stack HCI Node Host Memory UsageUsageBytes1.0.0The memory allocated to host demand.
azurestack_hci_node_CsvCacheIopsReadHitAzure stack HCI Node CSV Cache IOPS ReadHitPerformancepsec1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node CSV Cache IOPS ReadHit
azurestack_hci_node_CsvCacheIopsReadHitRateAzure stack HCI Node CSV Cache IOPS Read Hit RatePerformance%1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node CSV Cache IOPS Read Hit Rate
azurestack_hci_node_CsvCacheIopsReadMissAzure stack HCI Node CSV Cache IOPS Read MissPerformancepsec1.0.0Azure stack HCI Node CSV Cache IOPS Read Miss
azurestack_hci_node_NetAdapterBandwidthInboundAzure stack HCI Node NetAdapter Inbound BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Rate of data received by the network adapter.
azurestack_hci_node_NetAdapterBandwidthOutboundAzure stack HCI Node NetAdapter Outbound BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Rate of data sent by the network adapter.
azurestack_hci_node_NetAdapterBandwidthRDMAInboundAzure stack HCI Node NetAdapter RDMA Inbound BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Rate of data received over RDMA by the network adapter.
azurestack_hci_node_NetAdapterBandwidthRDMAOutboundAzure stack HCI Node NetAdapter RDMA Outbound BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Rate of data sent over RDMA by the network adapter.
azurestack_hci_node_NetAdapterBandwidthRDMATotalAzure stack HCI Node NetAdapter RDMA Total BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Total rate of data received or sent over RDMA by the network adapter.
azurestack_hci_node_NetAdapterBandwidthTotalAzure stack HCI Node NetAdapter Total BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Total rate of data received or sent by the network adapter.
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskTransferPerSecAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Transfer Per SecPerformanceIOPS1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk transfers per second
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskQueueLengthAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Queue LengthPerformance1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk queue length
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskBytesPerSecAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Bytes Per SecPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk bytes per second
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskReadBytesPersecAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Read Bytes Per SecPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk read bytes per second
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskReadsPersecAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Reads Per SecPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk reads per second
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskWritesPersecAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Writes Per SecPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk writes per second
azurestack_hci_node_PhysicalDiskWriteBytesPersecAzure stack HCI Physical Disk Write Bytes Per SecPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI physical disk write bytes per second
Azure stack HCI Virtual Switchazurestack_hci_switch_VirtualSwitchPacketsReceivedAzure stack HCI Server Virtual Switch Packets ReceivedPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual switch packets received per second
azurestack_hci_switch_VirtualSwitchBytesReceivedAzure stack HCI Server Virtual Switch Bytes ReceivedPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual switch bytes received per second
azurestack_hci_switch_VirtualSwitchPacketsAzure stack HCI Server Virtual Switch PacketsPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual switch packets per second
azurestack_hci_switch_VirtualSwitchBytesSentAzure stack HCI Server Virtual Switch Bytes SentPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual switch bytes sent per second
azurestack_hci_switch_VirtualSwitchBytesAzure stack HCI Server Virtual Switch BytesPerformanceBps1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual switch bytes per second
azurestack_hci_switch_VirtualSwitchPacketsSentAzure stack HCI Server Virtual Switch Packets SentPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Azure stack HCI virtual switch packets sent per second
Azure stack HCI Node Diskazurestack_hci_node_disk_HealthStatusAzure stack HCI Disk Health StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI disk health status. Possible states are: 'Unknown': 0 ,'Failing' : 1, 'Failed' : 2, 'Healthy' : 3
azurestack_hci_node_disk_OperationalStatusAzure stack HCI Disk Operational StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI disk operational status. Possible statuses are: 'Unknown': 0, 'Not Ready': 1, 'No Media' : 2, 'Offline' : 3, 'Failed': 4, 'Missing' : 5, 'Online': 6
Azure stack HCI Guest Virtual Machineazurestack_hci_vm_StateAzure stack HCI VM StateAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI guest VM state.Possible values are: Off : 0,Other: 1,Stopping: 2,Saved: 3,Paused: 4,Starting: 5,Reset: 6,Saving: 7,Pausing: 8,Resuming: 9,FastSaved: 10,FastSaving: 11,ForceShutdown: 12,ForceReboot: 13,Hibernated: 14,RunningCritical: 15,OffCritical: 16,StoppingCritical : 17,SavedCritical: 18,PausedCritical: 19,StartingCritical: 20,ResetCritical: 21,SavingCritical: 22,PausingCritical: 23,ResumingCritical: 24,FastSavedCritical: 25,FastSavingCritical: 26,Running: 27
azurestack_hci_vm_diskUsageAzure stack HCI VM Disk UsageUsageMB1.0.0Azure stack HCI guest VM disk usage
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_ReadIOPSAzure stack HCI VM VHD Read IOPSPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of read operations per second completed by the virtual hard disk.
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_TotalIOPSAzure stack HCI VM VHD Total IOPSPerformancepsec1.0.0Total number of read or write operations per second completed by the virtual hard disk.
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_WriteIOPSAzure stack HCI VM VHD Write IOPSPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of write operations per second completed by the virtual hard disk.
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_AverageLatencyAzure stack HCI VM VHD Average LatencyPerformanceseconds1.0.0Average latency of all operations to or from the virtual hard disk.
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_ReadThroughputAzure stack HCI VM VHD Read ThroughputPerformancebps1.0.0Quantity of data read from the virtual hard disk per second.
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_TotalThroughputAzure stack HCI VM VHD Total ThroughputPerformancebps1.0.0Total quantity of data read from or written to the virtual hard disk per second.
azurestack_hci_vm_VHD_WriteThroughputAzure stack HCI VM VHD Write ThroughputPerformancebps1.0.0Quantity of data written to the virtual hard disk per second.
azurestack_hci_vm_CpuUsageAzure stack HCI VM Cpu UsagePerformance%1.0.0Percentage the virtual machine is using of its host server's processor(s).
azurestack_hci_vm_AssignedMemoryAzure stack HCI VM Assigned MemoryUsagebytes1.0.0The quantity of memory assigned to the virtual machine.
azurestack_hci_vm_AvailableMemoryAzure stack HCI VM Available MemoryUsagebytes1.0.0The quantity of memory that remains available, of the amount assigned.
azurestack_hci_vm_MaximumMemoryAzure stack HCI VM Maximum MemoryUsagebytes1.0.0If using dynamic memory, this is the maximum quantity of memory that may be assigned to the virtual machine.
azurestack_hci_vm_MinimumMemoryAzure stack HCI VM Minimum MemoryUsagebytes1.0.0If using dynamic memory, this is the minimum quantity of memory that may be assigned to the virtual machine.
azurestack_hci_vm_MemoryPressureAzure stack HCI VM Memory PressureUsage1.0.0The ratio of memory demanded by the virtual machine over memory allocated to the virtual machine.
azurestack_hci_vm_StartupMemoryAzure stack HCI VM Startup MemoryUsagebytes1.0.0The quantity of memory required for the virtual machine to start.
azurestack_hci_vm_TotalMemoryAzure stack HCI VM Total MemoryUsagebytes1.0.0Total memory.
azurestack_hci_vm_VMNetworkAdapter_InboundBandwidthAzure stack HCI VM Network Adapter Inbound BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Rate of data received by the virtual machine across all its virtual network adapters.
azurestack_hci_vm_VMNetworkAdapter_OutboundBandwidthAzure stack HCI VM Network Adapter Outbound BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Rate of data sent by the virtual machine across all its virtual network adapters.
azurestack_hci_vm_VMNetworkAdapter_TotalBandwidthAzure stack HCI VM Network Adapter Total BandwidthPerformancebps1.0.0Total rate of data received or sent by the virtual machine across all its virtual network adapters.
Azure stack HCI cluster roleazurestack_hci_role_RunningStatusAzure stack HCI Role Running StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure Stack HCI role running status.Possible values:Online : 0,Offline : 1,Failed : 2,PartialOnline : 3,Pending : 4 and Unknown : 5
azurestack_hci_role_FailoverStatusAzure stack HCI Role Failover StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster role failover status. Possible values: Failedover: 0, No Failover: 1
Azure stack HCI Cluster Shared Volumeazurestack_hci_csv_UtilizationAzure stack HCI HyperV Csv UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume utilization
azurestack_hci_csv_UsageAzure stack HCI Csv UsageUsageGB1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume usage
azurestack_hci_csv_OperationalStatusAzure stack HCI Csv Operational StatusAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume operational status. Possible values:Offline : 0,Failed : 1,Inherited : 2,Initializing : 3,Pending : 4,OnlinePending : 5,OfflinePending : 6,Unknown : 7,Online : 8
azurestack_hci_csv_CacheIOReadBytesAzure stack HCI Csv Cache IO ReadBytesUsageBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume cache IO
azurestack_hci_csv_CacheReadAzure stack HCI Csv CacheReadUsagecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume cache read
azurestack_hci_csv_CacheSizeConfiguredAzure stack HCI Csv CacheSizeConfiguredUsageBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume cache configured size
azurestack_hci_csv_CacheSizeCurrentAzure stack HCI Csv CacheCurrentSizeUsageBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume cache current size
azurestack_hci_csv_CacheStateAzure stack HCI Csv CacheStateAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume cache state. Possible values are - Enabled : 1, Disabled : 0, Transitioning :2
azurestack_hci_csv_FlushesAzure stack HCI Csv FlushesUsagecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume flushes
azurestack_hci_csv_IOReadBytesAzure stack HCI Csv IOReadBytesUsageBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO read bytes
azurestack_hci_csv_IOReadLatencyAzure stack HCI Csv IOReadLatencyPerformancems1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO read latency
azurestack_hci_csv_IOReadQueueLengthAzure stack HCI Csv IOReadQueueLengthPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO read queue length
azurestack_hci_csv_IOReadsAzure stack HCI Csv IOReadsPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO reads
azurestack_hci_csv_IOSplitReadsAzure stack HCI Csv IOSplitReadsPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO split reads
azurestack_hci_csv_IOSplitWritesAzure stack HCI Csv IOSplitWritesPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO split writes
azurestack_hci_csv_IOWriteBytesAzure stack HCI Csv IOWriteBytesPerformanceBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO write bytes
azurestack_hci_csv_IOWriteLatencyAzure stack HCI Csv IOWriteLatencyPerformancems1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO write latency
azurestack_hci_csv_IOWriteQueueLengthAzure stack HCI Csv IOWriteQueueLengthPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO write queue length
azurestack_hci_csv_IOWritesAzure stack HCI Csv IOWritesPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume IO writes
azurestack_hci_csv_LRUCacheSizeCurrentAzure stack HCI Csv LRUCacheCurrentSizeUsageBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume Lru cache current size
azurestack_hci_csv_LRUCacheSizeTargetAzure stack HCI Csv LRUCacheTargetSizeUsageBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume Lru cache target size
azurestack_hci_csv_MetaDataIOAzure stack HCI Csv MetaDataIOUsagecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume metadata IO
azurestack_hci_csv_ReadLatencyAzure stack HCI Csv ReadLatencyPerformancems1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume read latency
azurestack_hci_csv_ReadQueueLengthAzure stack HCI Csv ReadQueueLengthPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume read queue length
azurestack_hci_csv_ReadsAzure stack HCI Csv ReadsPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume reads
azurestack_hci_csv_RedirectedReadBytesAzure stack HCI Csv RedirectedReadBytesPerformanceBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume redirected read bytes
azurestack_hci_csv_RedirectedReadLatencyAzure stack HCI Csv RedirectedReadLatencyPerformancems1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume redirected read latency
azurestack_hci_csv_RedirectedReadQueueLengthAzure stack HCI Csv RedirectedReadQueueLengthPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume redirected read queue length
azurestack_hci_csv_RedirectedWriteBytesAzure stack HCI RedirectedWriteBytesPerformanceBytes1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume redirected write bytes
azurestack_hci_csv_RedirectedWriteLatencyAzure stack HCI Csv RedirectedWriteLatencyPerformancems1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume redirected write latency
azurestack_hci_csv_RedirectedWriteQueueLengthAzure stack HCI RedirectedWriteQueueLengthPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume redirected write queue length
azurestack_hci_csv_VolumeStateAzure stack HCI Csv VolumeStateAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume state, possible values are ONLINE :0,OFFLINE :1,ONLINE (NO ACCESS) : 2,FAILED : 3, INITIALIZING : 4, BACKUP IN PROGRESS : 5
azurestack_hci_csv_WriteLatencyAzure stack HCI Csv WriteLatencyPerformancems1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume write latency
azurestack_hci_csv_WriteQueueLengthAzure stack HCI WriteQueueLengthPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume write queue length
azurestack_hci_csv_WritesAzure stack HCI Csv WritesPerformancecount1.0.0Azure stack HCI cluster shared volume writes
Azure stack HCI cluster diskazurestack_hci_clusterdisk_StateAzure stack HCI Cluster Disk StateAvailability1.0.0Azure stack HCI Cluster disk state.Possible values :Offline : 0,Failed : 1,Inherited : 2,Initializing : 3,Pending : 4,OnlinePending : 5,OfflinePending : 6,Unknown : 7,Online : 8

Default Monitoring Configurations

AzureStack HCI has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business use cases by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. OpsRamp recommends performing the below activity before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    OpsRamp has a Global Device Management Policy for each Native Type of AirWave Management Platform. You can find those Device Management Policies at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies, search with suggested names in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: azure-stack-hci Azure stack HCI Cluster - 1 (i.e, appName = azure-stack-hci, nativeType = Azure stack HCI Cluster, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    OpsRamp has a Global template for each Native Type of AirWave Management Platform. You can find those templates at Setup > Monitoring > Templates, search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: aruba-airwave Azure stack HCI Cluster Template - 1 (i.e, appName = aruba-airwave , nativeType = Azure stack HCI Cluster, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    OpsRamp has a Global Monitors for each Native Type which has monitoring support. You can find those monitors at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors, search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Azure stack HCI Cluster Monitor azure-stack-hci Azure stack HCI Cluster 1 (i.e, monitorKey = Azure stack HCI Cluster Monitor, appName = azure-stack-hci , nativeType = Azure stack HCI Cluster, version= 1)

Configure and Install the AzureStack HCI Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed. If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.
  1. Click ADD in the Azure Stack HCI Cluster application.
  2. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host Name of Azure Stack HCI ClusterIP address/host name of Azure Stack HCI Cluster
PortPort details.

Note: By default port is 443.
Azurestack HCI Cluster CredentialSelect the Credential from the drop-down list.

  • Click + Add to create a credential. The ADD CREDENTIAL window is displayed. Enter the following information.
    • Name: Credential name.
    • Description: Brief description of the credential.
    • User Name: User name.
    • Password: Password.
    • Confirm Password: Confirm password


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • IP Address/Host Name and Port Should be accessible from Gateway.
  • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
  1. Select the below mentioned Custom Attribute:
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the drop down list box.
ValueSelect the value from the drop down list box.

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:

    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:

    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Click NEXT
  2. Below are the optional steps you can perform on the Installation page.
  • Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

Cisco FirePower
  • Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.
Aruba Airwave Integrations
  1. Select an existing registered profile.
Aruba Airwave Integrations
  1. Click FINISH.

The integration is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the Azure Stack HCI Cluster Details

The Azure Stack HCI Cluster integration is displayed in the Infrastructure > Resources > Cluster. You can navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details and Metrics tab to view the metric details for Azure Stack HCI.

View resource metrics

To confirm Azure Stack HCI Cluster monitoring, review the following:

  • Metric graphs: A graph is plotted for each metric that is enabled in the configuration.
  • Alerts: Alerts are generated for metrics that are configured as defined for integration.

Resource Filter Input keys

Azure Stack HCI app Resources are filtered and discovered based on below keys.

Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource TypeSupported Input Keys
All TypesresourceName
Azure stack HCI ClusterDescription
Azure stack HCI Virtual SwitchNetAdapterInterfaceDescription
Azure stack HCI Node DiskDiskNumber
Azure stack HCI Guest Virtual MachineCreationTime
Azure stack HCI Cluster RoleIsCoreGroup
Azure stack HCI Cluster DiskOwnerGroup
Azure stack HCI Cluster Shared VolumeFileSystem

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customise the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alert based on customisation.

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros














                                ${Custom attributes on the resource}

Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • For Cluster object discovery and monitoring implementation, we are considering the object which has Name equals to Cluster Name in Get-ClusterResource response
  • For ClusterGroup monitoring implementation, We are considering the object which has name as Cluster Group in Get-ClusterGroup response
  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration:
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Application will not send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification until the already existing critical alert is recovered.
  • If user enables agent monitoring templates on the Cluster/Node resource, the user might see the duplicate metrics with different naming conventions.
  • While trying to fetch the node ip address we receive multiple node ips, which will include many local ips and actual ips (example: let’s consider actual node ip is when trying to fetch the details we will receive two ips one associated with cluster ( and other is the actual ip). To identify the actual node ip address from the list of ip addresses received we assume that node ip address is part of the same subnet of cluster ip address. meaning if cluster ip is then node ips will be 10.1.X.X.
  • We have provided the provision to give Cluster Ip Address OR HostName in configuration, but hostName provision will work only if the host name resolution works.
  • Classic gateway requires additional libraries to be packaged which are needed to execute the powershell script to achieve this integration approach.
  • This application supports only Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway. Not supported with Cluster Gateway.
  • No support of showing activity logs.
  • The Template Applied Time will only be displayed if the collector profile (Classic and NextGen Gateway) is version 18.1.0 or higher.
  • Component level thresholds can be configured on each resource level.
  • Optional configuration parameters can be defined
  • Application upgrade is an automated process with version change.