Before troubleshooting, ensure that all prerequisites are met.
If the Windows Failover Cluster integration fails to Discover or Monitor, try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Check if any alerts have been generated on the cluster or gateway, or if there are any error logs in vprobe.
- If an error or alert is related to the End Device Connectivity or Authentication issue, try to establish connection with the end device from a gateway using below power shell command:
- Launch power shell using the
command. - Run the below commands to establish connection, using the details of your end device.
{$pw = convertto-securestring -AsPlainText -Force -String "<password>"}
{$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "<username>", $pw}
{$session = new-pssession -computername "<ipAddress>" -credential $cred -Authentication Negotiate -ErrorAction Stop}
Note: The session state should be open.
- If the session is not establishing, cross check that all of the prerequisites are met on all servers and clusters.
- If the session is establishing, check if there is a failover module installed on all the severs and cluster using the below commands:
{get-cluster | Select-Object name, id, domain, sharedvolumesroot, description}
- If the commands fail, use the following commands to install the failover module:
{Install-WindowsFeature -name FailOver-Clustering -IncludeManagementTools}
{Import-module failovercluster}
- Launch power shell using the
- To validate a new powershell script, use the following commands:
- To validate new powershell scripts, use the following steps:
- In the case of a NextGen gateway, first connect to a native bridge container using
{kubectl exec -it nextgen-gw-0 -c nativebridge -- /bin/bash}
, and then run below commands. For a classic gateway, directly run below commands.- Execute the command
{"cat > <new script file name>”}
. Copy the content of the script with the required changes and paste in the command. - Exit the cat command using
{Ctrl + Z}
- Execute the script using the command
{pwsh -File <script file name> <host ip> <username> <base64 encoded password> 0}
To validate script changes for existing script files, use the following steps:
- Execute the command
- In the case of a NextGen gateway, first connect to a native bridge using
{kubectl exec -it nextgen-gw-0 -c nativebridge -- /bin/bash}
, then proceed to the next steps. If using a classic gateway, proceed directly to the next steps.- Navigate to the path, cd /opt/gateway/content/scripts/windows-failover-cluster.
- Get a backup of the file using the command,
{cp <script file name to be modifed> <backup file name>}
. - Execute the command
{cat ><script file name>}
. For the script file name, copy and paste the content of the script with the required changes. - Exit the cat command using
{Crtl + Z}
. - Check the last modified time for the script file using the command
. The last modified time should be the current time. - Execute the script using the command
{pwsh -File <script file name> <host ip> <username> <base64 encoded password> 0}
. - If the script is responding, restart the POD using the appropriate command:
- If using a Next Gen gateway, use
{kubectl delete pod nextgen-gw-0}
- If using a classic gateway, use
{service vprobe restart}
- If using a Next Gen gateway, use
- If there are no connectivity or authentication issues, reach out to the support team for further assistance.