
Using Alerts streaming, subscribe to data streams of raw or deduped OpsRamp alerts to your webhook.


  • Client INBOUND configuration is completed.
  • Webhook URL for subscription

Step 1: Configure client INBOUND integration

Following is an example of a client configuration for INBOUND integration:

Configure client inbound integration

Step 2: Configuring the integration

Install and configure the webhook integration.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Account. The ACCOUNT DETAILS screen is displayed.

  2. Select the Integrations tile. The Installed Integrations screen is displayed with all the installed applications.
    Note: If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations screen with all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.

  3. Click +ADD on the Installed Integrations screen. Note: Search for the integration either by entering the name of the integration in the search bar or by selecting the category of the integration from the All Categories dropdown list.

  4. Click +ADD in Webhook tile.

    Webhook configuration screen

  5. Enter the following information:

    Mandatory fields


    Field NameField TypeDescription
    NameStringUnique name for the integration.
    Webhook URLStringProvide the client (INBOUND) webhook URL.
    Example: `{tenantId}/alerts?vtoken={vtoken}`

    Select values from Name and Value dropdowns.
    1. Name: Select a Header name. Default header name is Content-Type.
    2. Value: Select a Header value. Default header value is application/json.
      • Click +ADD to add more headers.
      • OpsRamp supports only JSON content-type.
    PayloadStringEnter a payload.
    Give a space and enter $ to get a list of tokens.
    Note: The following tokens do not work during the ingestion of raw alerts: `repeatCount`, `alertId`, `technology`, `healedTime`.
    To validate the payload:
    2. Hover over the icon for more information.
  6. Click FINISH.

Apply the configured integration to stream alerts.

View Logs

To view log information for source and target integrations:

Step 3: Enabling alert stream

Follow these steps to configure a streaming export:

  1. Click Setup > Account. The ACCOUNT DETAILS screen is displayed.

  2. Select the Integrations tile. The Installed Integrations screen is displayed with all the installed applications.
    Note: If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations screen with all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.

  3. Click +ADD on the Installed Integrations screen.
    Note: Search for the integration either by entering the name of the integration in the search bar or by selecting the category of the integration from the All Categories dropdown list.

  4. Click +ADD in Streaming Export tile.

    Add Stream Export screen

  5. Enter the following information:


    Field NameField TypeDescription
    NameStringUnique name of the export.
    Category TypeDropdownType of data for export. Select Alerts.
    ClientsDropdownSelect one or more clients that require streaming data.
    Export toDropdownInstalled integration to: AWS EventBridge or Webhook.
    STREAMING EXPORT LIST displays the new export.
    Send raw eventsCheckboxSelect to send raw events to the destination.

  6. Click FINISH to apply the export.

View Streaming Export Data

Column NameDescription
NameName of the streaming export.
StatusIntegration status.
Added OnDate and time details of the added account. Information about the user who added the account is also displayed.
Updated OnDate and time details of the modified account. Information about the user who modified the account is also displayed.

View Streaming Export Data on AWS S3

Check the corresponding folder in the AWS S3 bucket to view the generated streaming export. Example: Alerts stream data is stored in the Alerts folder.

View Stream Export Data in AWS S3

After successful configuration, the alert streaming starts for the selected channel. The alerts are visible at Alert Browser on the console.

View alerts of the target customer

  1. Navigate to Command Center > Alerts.
  2. Search for the related alert and view.