Supported Versions
REST APIs: Hitachi HCI REST API 1.6.3
Gateway version: 8.0 HF cg and above


Hitachi Content Intelligence (HCI), is an end-to-end data processing and retrieval solution that automates the extraction, classification and categorisation of data residing in public, private and hybrid clouds.

HCI is integrated with REST APIs that are exposed through HCI cluster instances.


  • OpsRamp classic gateway 10.0.0 and above.

Supported metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
HCI ComponentOpsRamp Metric NameOpsRamp Metric Display NameMetric Units
Instancehci_Instance_IsMasterhci instance is masterBoolean
hci_Instance_HealthStatushci instance health statusEnum (Up,Down)
hci_instance_UsedMemoryhci instance total memory usedGB
hci_Instance_ServiceUnitStatushci instance serviceunit statusEnum (Good)
hci_Instance_DiskUtilizationhci instance total disk usageGB
hci_Instance_AllocatedServiceUnitshci instance allocated service unitsCount
hci_Instance_CPUUtilizationhci instance total cpu percentage%
hci_Instance_DiskFreeSpacehci instance disk free spaceGB
hci_Instance_LoadAvg1hci instance load avg1%
hci_Instance_LoadAvg5hci instance load avg5%
hci_Instance_LoadAvg10HCI Disk Free Space Percentage%
hci_Instance_DiskFreeSpace_percentagehci instance load avg10%
Servicehci_Service_HealthStatushci service health statusEnum (Healthy)
hci_Service_IsVirtualServicehci service isvirtual serviceBoolean
hci_Service_DiskUsagehci service disk usageGB
hci_Service_MemoryUsedhci service memory usageGB
hci_Service_MemoryLimithci service memory limitGB
hci_Service_CPUUtilizationhci service cpuutilization%
hci_Service_Memory_UtilizationHCI Service Memory Utilization%
hci_Service_Disk_UtilizationHCI Service Disk Utilization%
Jobhci_Job_HealthStatushci job health statusEnum (Completed)
hci_Job_ServiceUnitshci job service unitsCount
hci_Job_TotalErrorCounthci job total error countCount

Configure the integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed. If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click ADD in Hitachi HCI and click Install.
  7. Add Configuration, select Add.
  8. Enter:
    • Name - configuration name
    • HCI IP address
    • Port
    • Protocol
    • Credentials: Enter username and password
  9. Select Resource Types & Metrics
    • Configure threshold values and alert conditions for one or more metrics
  10. Click Save.
Hitachi HCI - Update Adaptor Configuration

Add a discovery and monitoring schedule

  1. From the Update Adapter Configuration section, enable Discovery Schedule.
  2. Select Recurrence Pattern from the drop-down values and configure.
  3. Update Monitoring Schedule. By default it is set to 30 minutes.
  4. Save the integration.

After the integration is saved properly, the Hitachi HCI server is discovered and monitoring is enabled as per the configured metric criteria. The configured resource is displayed in the Hitachi HCI category in the Infrastructure page.

Next steps

After integration profile is created, you can do the following:

  • View the integration: Go to Infrastructure > Resources.
  • Validate that the resource was successfully added to OpsRamp.
  • View metrics graphs from the Infrastructure > Metrics.

To confirm the monitoring of Hitachi HCI resource, review the following:

  • The graph plotted for each metric that is enabled in the configuration.
  • Alerts generated for metrics that are configured as per defined integration.

Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • The availability is shown unknown for few resources even if it is enabled on the respective resource metrics. This is because of the presence of multiple native type resources under the same resource type.
  • Availability metric selection is mandatory while adding the adapter configuration.