
Kubernetes 2.0 offers comprehensive resource discovery and monitoring for components like Nodes, Pods, Namespaces, Services, Persistent Volumes (PVs), Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs), Daemonsets, and Deployments. It includes customizable dashboards that provide both an overview and in-depth analysis of key metrics for infrastructure monitoring.

The topology explorer gives a visual representation of resources and their relationships, simplifying the troubleshooting of network-related issues.

Key Features

  • Kubernetes 2.0 offers unified visibility of resources and metrics.
  • Topology Explorer organizes and displays information in a hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and understand resource dependencies.

Supported Components

You can monitor the following Kubernetes components:

  • Kube API Server
  • Kube Scheduler
  • Kube Controller
  • KubeDNS / CoreDNS
  • ETCD
  • Kubelet
  • Kube Proxy
  • Cluster Metrics

Kubernetes 1.0 Vs Kubernetes 2.0 Integrations

Kubernetes 1.0Kubernetes 2.0
Only the following are discovered and monitored:
  • Container
  • Node
We are discovering and monitoring (collecting metrics) for more Kubernetes objects such:
  • Nodes
  • Pods
  • Namespaces
  • Services
  • Persistent Volumes (PVs)
  • Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs)
  • Daemonsets
  • Deployments
Metrics are collected via our agent onlyWe are using open-source OpenTelemetry framework which is an observability framework and toolkit designed to create and manage telemetry data such as metrics.
Kubernetes 1.0 was having limited topology relationship viewKubernetes 2.0 comes with enhanced topology explorer which provides a visual representation of resources, their relationships, and availability, facilitating effective troubleshooting issues.

Hierarchy of Kubernetes 2.0 Resource

      • Kubernetes 2.0
              • Cluster
                      • Node
                      • Pod
                      • Namespaces
                      • Services


Is this a flag-based feature?

Yes, Kubernetes 2.0 is controlled by the show-v2-kubernetes-integration flag, which is disabled by default. Customers can request the support team to enable this feature flag at the client level to use this feature.

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