Collector Type : Agent
Category : Application Monitors
Application Name : k8s State
Global Template Name : Kubernetes State
Collected Metrics
Metric Name | Display Name | Description |
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limit | Container Cpu Limit | The limit on cpu cores to be used by a container. |
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requested | Container Cpu Requested | The number of requested cpu cores by a container. |
kubernetes_state.container.memory_limit | Container Memory Limit | The limit on memory to be used by a container. |
kubernetes_state.container.memory_requested | Container Memory Requested | The number of requested memory bytes by a container. |
kubernetes_state.container.ready | Container Ready | Describes whether the containers readiness check succeeded. |
kubernetes_state.container.restarts | Container Restarts | The number of restarts per container. |
kubernetes_state.container.running | Container Running | Describes whether the container is currently in running state. |
kubernetes_state.container.terminated | Container Terminated | Describes whether the container is currently in terminated state. |
kubernetes_state.container.waiting | Container Waiting | Whether the container is currently in waiting state. |
kubernetes_state.daemonset.desired | Daemonset Desired | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod. |
kubernetes_state.daemonset.misscheduled | Daemonset Misscheduled | The number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to. |
kubernetes_state.daemonset.ready | Daemonset Ready | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready. |
kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduled | Daemonset Scheduled | The number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.paused | Deployment Paused | Whether the deployment is paused and will not be processed by the deployment controller. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas | Deployment Replicas | The number of replicas per deployment. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_available | Deployment Replicas Available | The number of available replicas per deployment. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desired | Deployment Replicas Desired | The number of desired replicas per deployment wrong help in kube-state-metrics.cross check. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_unavailable | Deployment Replicas Unavailable | The number of unavailable replicas per deployment. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_updated | Deployment Replicas Updated | The number of updated replicas per deployment. |
kubernetes_state.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailable | Deployment Rollingupdate Max Unavailable | Maximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment. |
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_allocatable | Node Cpu Allocatable | The CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacity | Node Cpu Capacity | The total CPU resources of the node. |
kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatable | Node Memory Allocatable | The memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
kubernetes_state.node.memory_capacity | Node Memory Capacity | The total memory resources of the node. |
kubernetes_state.node.pods_allocatable | Node Pods Allocatable | The pod resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
kubernetes_state.node.pods_capacity | Node Pods Capacity | The total pod resources of the node. |
kubernetes_state.node.status | Node Status | The condition of a cluster node.Sum this metric by either status to get the number of nodes in that status. |
kubernetes_state.pod.ready | Pod Ready | Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests.In association with the `condition` tag, whether the pod is ready to serve requests, e.g. `condition:true` keeps the pods that are in a ready state. |
kubernetes_state.pod.scheduled | Pod Scheduled | Describes the status of the scheduling process for the pod. |
kubernetes_state.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicas | Replicaset Fully Labeled Replicas | The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet. |
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas | Replicaset Replicas | The number of replicas per ReplicaSet. |
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desired | Replicaset Replicas Desired | Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet. |
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_ready | Replicaset Replicas Ready | The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.limit | Resourcequota Limits Cpu Limit | Hard limit on the sum of CPU core limits for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.used | Resourcequota Limits Cpu Used | Observed sum of limits for CPU cores for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.limit | Resourcequota Limits Memory Limit | Hard limit on the sum of memory bytes limits for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.used | Resourcequota Limits Memory Used | Observed sum of limits for memory bytes for a resource quota |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.limit | Resourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims Limit | Hard limit of the number of PVC for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.used | Resourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims Used | Observed number of persistent volume claims used for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.limit | Resourcequota Pods Limit | Hard limit of the number of pods for a resource quota |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.used | Resourcequota Pods Used | Observed number of pods used for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.limit | Resourcequota Requests Cpu Limit | Hard limit on the total of CPU core requested for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.used | Resourcequota Requests Cpu Used | Observed sum of CPU cores requested for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.limit | Resourcequota Requests Memory Limit | Hard limit on the total of memory bytes requested for a resource quota. |
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.used | Resourcequota Requests Memory Used | Observed sum of memory bytes requested for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Requests Storage Limit | Hard limit on the total of storage bytes requested for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Requests Storage Used | Observed sum of storage bytes requested for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Services Limit | Hard limit of the number of services for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Services Loadbalancers Limit | Hard limit of the number of loadbalancers for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Services Loadbalancers Used | Observed number of loadbalancers used for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Services Nodeports Limit | Hard limit of the number of node ports for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Services Nodeports Used | Observed number of node ports used for a resource quota. | | Resourcequota Services Used | Observed number of services used for a resource quota. |