Supported Metrics

Supported Metrics through Veeam Enterprise Manager

The following tabs represent the Metric Category of Veeam Backup

Tabbed Interface with Table
No Category
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam Enterprise Managerveeam_enterprisemanager_BackupServersCountBackup Servers Countcount1.0.0NoBackup Servers Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_ProxyServersCountProxy Servers Countcount1.0.0NoProxy Servers Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_RepositoryServersCountRepository Servers Countcount1.0.0NoRepository Servers Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_ProtectedVmsCountProtected Vms Countcount1.0.0NoProtected virtual machines count
veeam_enterprisemanager_BackedUpVmsCountBackedUp Vms Countcount1.0.0NoBackedUp virtual machines count
veeam_enterprisemanager_ReplicatedVmsCountReplicated Vms Countcount1.0.0NoReplicated virtual machines count
veeam_enterprisemanager_RestorePointsCountRestorePoints Countcount1.0.0NoRestorePoints count
Veeam Jobveeam_job_CurrentStatusJob Current Status1.0.0NoState of the backup/replication job session. Possible values are Resuming(0), Starting(1), Working(2), Pausing(3), Stopping(4), Stopped(5) and Unknown(6)
veeam_job_LastScanResultJob Last Scan Status1.0.0YesResult of the backup/replication job session. Possible values are Warning(0),Success(1),Failed(2) and NeverStarted(3)
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam Enterprise Managerveeam_enterprisemanager_MaxJobDurationMax Job Durations1.0.0YesMax job duration
veeam_enterprisemanager_MaxBackupJobDurationMax Backup Job Durations1.0.0NoMax backup job duration
veeam_enterprisemanager_MaxReplicaJobDurationMax Replica Job Durations1.0.0NoMax replica job duration
Veeam Jobveeam_job_LastRunTimeJob Last Scan RunTimems1.0.0NoReturns time when the backup job session has ended in milliseconds.
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam Enterprise Managerveeam_enterprisemanager_APIStatisticsVeeam EnterpriseManager API Statistics3.0.0NoProvides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources
veeam_enterprisemanager_RunningJobsCountRunning Jobs Countcount1.0.0NoRunning Jobs Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_ScheduledJobsCountScheduled Jobs Countcount1.0.0NoScheduled Jobs Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_ScheduledBackupJobsCountScheduled Backup Jobs Countcount1.0.0NoScheduled Backup Jobs Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_ScheduledReplicaJobsCountScheduled Replica Jobs Countcount1.0.0NoScheduled Replica Jobs Count
veeam_enterprisemanager_TotalJobRunsTotal Job Runscount1.0.0YesTotal Job Runs in last 24 hours
veeam_enterprisemanager_SuccessfulJobRunsSuccessful Job Runscount1.0.0NoSuccessful job runs in last 24 hours
veeam_enterprisemanager_WarningsJobRunsWarnings Job Runscount1.0.0NoWarnings job runs in last 24 hours
veeam_enterprisemanager_FailedJobRunsFailed Job Runscount1.0.0YesFailed job runs in last 24 hours
veeam_enterprisemanager_FullBackupPointsSizeFullBackup Points SizeGB1.0.0NoFullBackup points size
veeam_enterprisemanager_IncrementalBackupPointsSizeIncremental Backup Points SizeGB1.0.0NoIncremental backup points size
veeam_enterprisemanager_ReplicaRestorePointsSizeReplica Restore Points SizeGB1.0.0NoReplica restore points size
veeam_enterprisemanager_SourceVmsSizeSource Vms SizeGB1.0.0NoSource virtual machines size
veeam_enterprisemanager_SuccessBackupPercentsSuccess Backup Percents%1.0.0NoSuccess backup percents
Veeam Backup Serverveeam_backupserver_JobsCountBackup Server Jobs Count.count1.0.0NoNumber of Jobs Configured on BackupServer. Returns a number of jobs related to backup only, not agent backups.
Veeam Jobveeam_job_ProgressPercentageJob Progress Percentage%1.0.0NoProgress of the backup job session.
Veeam Repositoryveeam_repository_CapacityRepository CapacityGB1.0.0NoTotal space available on the repository.
veeam_repository_FreeSpaceRepository Free SpaceGB1.0.0YesFree space available on the repository.
veeam_repository_BackupSizeBackup Repository Used SpaceGB1.0.0NoTotal space occupied by the data due to backup
veeam_repository_CapacityUtilizationRepository Space Utilization%2.0.0YesAmount of space utilized on the repository in percentage
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam Jobveeam_job_IsScheduleConfiguredJob Schedule Configuration1.0.0NoDefines whether scheduling options are specified for the job. Possible values are false(0) and true(1)
veeam_job_IsScheduleEnabledJob Schedule Is Enabled1.0.0YesDefines whether scheduling is enabled for the job. Possible values are false(0) and true(1)
veeam_job_NextScheduledTimeJob Next Schedule Timems1.0.0NoReturns the scheduled time of the job in milliseconds.This metric is available for scheduled jobs only.
veeam_job_BackupCompetitionWaitingPeriodMinBackup Competition Waiting Period in Minminutes1.0.0NoTime period in minutes for which the job must wait for the backup job to complete.

Supported Metrics through Veeam Service Provider Console

The following tabs represent the Metric Category of Veeam Backup

Tabbed Interface with Table
No Category
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam Enterprise Managerveeam_spc_enterprisemanager_StatusEnterprise Manager Status3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_enterprisemanager_Status)YesEnterprise Manager Status. Possible values are Unknown(0), Healthy(1), Inaccessible(2), OutofDate(3)
Veeam Backup Serverveeam_spc_backupserver_StatusBackup Server Status3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_backupserver_Status)Backup Server Status. Possible values are Unknown(0), Healthy(1), Warning(2) and Inaccessible(3)
Veeam Repositoryveeam_spc_repository_StatusRepository Status3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_repository_Status)YesRepository Status. Possible values are Unknown(0), Healthy(1), Warning(2) and Error(3)
Veeam Backup Proxyveeam_spc_backupproxy_StatusBackup Proxy Status3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_backupproxy_Status)YesReturns Backup Proxy Status. Possible values are Unknown(0),Healthy(1),Warning(2),Error(3)
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam ServiceProvider Consoleveeam_spc_APIStatisticsVeeam SPC API Statistics3.0.0NoProvides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources
veeam_spc_VMCopyJobCountVMware Or Nutanix BackupCopy Job VM Countcount3.0.0YesReturns number of backup copy jobs for a vmware or nutanix vm for a particular organization.
veeam_spc_CloudVMCopyJobCountCloud BackupCopy Job VM Countcount3.0.0YesReturns number of backup copy jobs for a cloud vm for a particular organization.
veeam_spc_AgentVMCopyJobCountAgent BackupCopy Job VM Countcount3.0.0YesReturns number of backup copy jobs for an agent vm for a particular organization.
Veeam Repositoryveeam_spc_repository_CapacityRepository CapacityGB3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_repository_Capacity)NoTotal space available on the repository.
veeam_spc_repository_FreeSpaceRepository Free SpaceGB3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_repository_FreeSpace)YesFree space available on the repository
veeam_spc_repository_CapacityUtilizationRepository Capacity utilization%3.0.0 s(In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_repository_CapacityUtilization)YesRepository Capacity utilization
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDefault MetricsDescription
Veeam Jobveeam_spc_job_LatestJobSessionStatusJob Last Scan Status3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_job_LastScanResult)YesResult of the backup/replication job session. Possible values are Warning(0),Success(1),Failed(2) and NeverStarted(3)
veeam_spc_job_LastRunTimeJob Last Scan RunTimems3.0.0 (In 2.0.0 metric is available as veeam_job_LastRunTime)YesReturns time when the backup job session was ended in milliseconds.
veeam_spc_unknown_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam Unknown Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an Unknown Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_backup_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam Backup Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0YesReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an Backup Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_backupcopy_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam BackupCopy Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an BackupCopy Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_replication_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam Replication Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an Replication Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_backuptotape_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam BackupToTape Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an BackupToTape Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_snapshot_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam Snapshot Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an Snapshot Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_remotesnapshot_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam Remote Snapshot Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of an remote snapshot Job in terms of Days
veeam_spc_publiccloudarchive_job_DaysSinceLatestRestorePointVeeam Public Cloud Archieve Job DaysSinceLatestRestorePointDays4.0.0NoReturns the Latest Restore Point Time of a Public Cloud Archieve Job in terms of Days

Default Monitoring Configurations

Veeam has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: veeam Veeam Enterprise Manager - 1 (i.e, appName = veeam, nativeType = Veeam Enterprise Manager, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: veeam Veeam Enterprise Manager Template - 1 (i.e, appName = veeam, nativeType = Veeam Enterprise Manager, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Veeam Enterprise Manager Monitor veeam Veeam Enterprise Manager 1 (i.e, monitorKey = Veeam Enterprise Manager Monitor, appName = veeam, nativeType = Veeam Enterprise Manager version = 1)