Collector Type: Agent
Category: Application Monitors
Application Name: Varnish
Global Template Name: Linux - Varnish Monitors
Collected Metrics
Metric Name | Display Name | Description |
varnish.cache.misses | Varnish Cache Misses | Cache miss rate. |
varnish.cache.hits | Varnish Cache Hits | Cache hit rate. |
varnish.backend.connections | Varnish Backend Connections | Rate of backend connections success. |
varnish.backend.busy | Varnish Backend Connections Busy | Rate of backend connections busy. | | Varnish Backend Connections Failed | Rate of backend connection failures. |
varnish.backend.toolate | Varnish Backend Connections Closed | Rate of backend connections closed. |
varnish.backend.recycle | Varnish Backend Connection Recycles | Rate of backend connection recycles. |
varnish.backend.req | Varnish Backend Requests | Rate of backend requests made. |
varnish.client.conns.accepted | Varnish Client Connections Accepted | Average number of client connections accepted per second. |
varnish.client.conns.dropped | Varnish Client Connections Dropped | Average number of client connections dropped per second. |
varnish.client.requests | Varnish Client Requests | Average number of client requests received per second. |
varnish.rate.sessions | Varnish Sessions | Rate of total sessions. |
varnish.rate.requests | Varnish Requests | Rate of total received requests. |
varnish.rate.fetches | Varnish Fetches | Rate of total fetches. |
varnish.rate.hdrbytes | Varnish Header Size | Rate of total header size in Kbytes. |
varnish.rate.bodybytes | Varnish Body Size | Rate of total body size in Kbytes. |
varnish.struct.objects | Varnish Objects | Number of objects. |
varnish.worker.threads | Varnish Worker Threads | Number of worker threads. |
varnish.worker.threads.failed | Varnish Failed Worker Threads | Average number of failures per second, when creating worker threads. | | Varnish Dropped Work Requests | Average number of abandoned work requests per second. |
varnish.lru.objects.nuked | Varnish LRU Nuked Objects | Number of LRU nuked objects. |
varnish.lru.objects.moved | Varnish LRU Moved Objects | Number of LRU moved objects. |
varnish.expired.objects | Varnish Expired Objects | Number of expired objects. |
varnish.uptime | Varnish Uptime | Uptime in minutes. |
varnish.rate.esi.errors | Varnish ESI Errors | Rate of ESI parsing errors. |
varnish.cache.hit.ratio | Varnish Cache Hit Ratio | Cache hit ratio. |
varnish.cache.miss.ratio | Varnish Cache Miss Ratio | Cache miss ratio. |
varnish.client.connections.ratio | Varnish Client Connections Ratio | Client accepted connections to received requests ratio. |
varnish.backend.conns.success.ratio | Varnish Backend Connections Success Ratio | Successful backend server connections ratio. | | Varnish Work Thread Ratio | Working threads to created threads ratio. |