Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: Tomcat

Global Template Name: Linux - Apache Tomcat Monitors


Apache Tomcat, often referred to as Tomcat Server, is an open-source Java Servlet Container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements several Java EE specifications including Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EL, and WebSocket, and provides a “pure Java” HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run.

Tomcat is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation, released under the Apache License 2.0 license, and is open-source software. It is monitored through JMX.

Prerequisite: Please refer JMX Monitoring to enable JMX in the java application


NameDefault ValueDescription
IPAddress127.0.0.1IP Address on which the JMX listens
Port7199JMX Listener port
UsernameNAUsername, if enabled in JMX
PasswordNAPassword, if enabled in JMX

Note: All field attributes are mandatory, use default values wherever applicable.

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
tomcat.threads.countTomcat-ThreadCountNumber of threads created.
tomcat.threads.busyTomcat-ThreadsBusyNumber of busy threads.
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_receivedTomcat-ReqProcessorDataReceivedMBytes received per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat.
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_sentTomcat-ReqProcessorDataSentMBytes sent per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat.
tomcat.req.processor.error_countTomcat-ReqProcessorErrorCountErrors per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat.
tomcat.req.processor.processing_timeTomcat-ReqProcessorProcessingTimeThe amount of processing time taken per second.
tomcat.req.processor.request_countTomcat-ReqProcessorRequestCountRequests per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat.
tomcat.servlet.error_countTomcat-ServletErrorCountNumber of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second.
tomcat.servlet.processing_timeTomcat-ServletProcessingTimeThe amount of processing time taken per second.
tomcat.servlet.request_countTomcat-ServletRequestCountNumber of requests served by the servlet per second.
tomcat.cache.access_countTomcat-CacheAccessCountNumber of times the cache was accessed per second.
tomcat.cache.hits_countTomcat-CacheHitsCountNumber of times the cache was hit per second.
tomcat.jsp.countTomcat-JspCountNumber of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications per second.
tomcat.jsp.reload_countTomcat-JspReloadCountNumber of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications per second.
tomcat.active_sessions.countTomcat-ActiveSessionsNumber of active sessions to the server.
tomcat.jvm.uptimeTomcat-UptimeUptime of the server.
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_countTomcat-JVM.GC.collection_countNumber of garbage objects collected.
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_timeTomcat-JVM.GC.collection_timeTime taken for collection of the garbage objects.
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_committedTomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_committedHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server.
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_usedTomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_usedHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server.
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_committedTomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committedNon-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server.
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_usedTomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_usedNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server.
tomcat.jvm.threads.countTomcat-JVM.ThreadsNumber of threads.
tomcat.jvm.open_fds_countTomcat-JVM.OpenFDsNumber of Open file descriptors of the server.