
Monitors MSSQL data.

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: MSSQL2000

Global Template Name : Microsoft SQL 2000 - Performance Counters DotNet v4

Pre-requisites : For MSSQL 2000 monitors need Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0.

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
UserConnectionsUserConnectionsThis shows the number of user connections, not the number of users, that are currently connected to SQL Server. A single user can have multiple connections open, and also that multiple people can share a single user connection.
LoginsPersecLoginsPersecThe number of user logins per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
LogoutsPersecLogoutsPersecThe number of user logouts per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
BrokerTransactionRollbacksBrokerTransactionRollbacksThe number of rolledback transactions that contained DML statements related to Service Broker, such as SEND and RECEIVE.
SQLRECEIVEsPersecSQLRECEIVEsPersecThe number of TransactSQL RECEIVE statements processed per second.
SQLSENDsPersecSQLSENDsPersecThe number of TransactSQL SEND statements executed per second.
TaskLimitReachedTaskLimitReachedThis counter reports the total number of times that a queue monitor would have started a new task, but did not because the maximum number of tasks for the queue is already running.
TasksAbortedPersecTasksAbortedPersecThis reports the number of activation stored procedure tasks that end with an error, or are aborted by a queue monitor for failing to receive messages.
LatchWaitsPersecLatchWaitsPersecThe number of latches in the last second that had to wait. Latches are lightweight means of holding a very transient server resource, such as an address in memory. Ideally should be < 10.
AverageLatchWaitTimemsAverageLatchWaitTimemsThe average latch wait time, in milliseconds, for any latch requests that had to wait. This value should generally correlate to Latch Waits/sec and move up or down with it accordingly.
DataSpaceofDBDataSpaceofDBSpace utilization for the Data files.
UsedLogSpaceUsedLogSpaceThe cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
TransactionsPersecTransactionsPersecNumber of transactions started for the database.
LockTimeoutsPersecLockTimeoutsPersecShows the number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks. A value greater than zero might indicate that user queries are not completing. The lower this value is, the better. Ideally should be less than 1.
NumberofDeadlocksPersecNumberofDeadlocksPersecNumber of lock requests, per second, which resulted in a deadlock. Since only a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or deadlock can terminate a transaction (excluding failures or errors), this is an important value to track. Excessive deadlocking indicates a table or index.
OpenConnectionCountOpenConnectionCountThe total number of transport connections currently open.
ReceiveIPerOsPersecReceiveIPerOsPersecThe number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
SendIPerOsPersecSendIPerOsPersecThe number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
SQLCompilationsPersecSQLCompilationsPersecNumber of times that TransactSQL compilations occurred, per second (including recompiles). The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening,
SQLReCompilationsPersecSQLReCompilationsPersecNumber of times, per second, that TransactSQL. objects attempted to be executed but had to. be recompiled before completion. This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks.
MSSQLCacheHitRatioMSSQLCacheHitRatioRatio between cache hits and lookups.