Monitoring Server collects data about the quality of your network media, in both Enterprise voice calls and A/V conferences. It also collects call error records (CERs), which you can use to troubleshoot failed calls. Additionally, it collects usage information in the form of call detail records (CDRs) about various Lync Server features so that you can calculate return on investment of your deployment and plan the future growth of your deployment. A monitoring server role can be deployed to collect statistical usage metrics for IM, conferencing and Enterprise voice by tracking call detail records. Monitoring Server is typically collocated with the Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Archiving Server. An SQL Server Back End Server is required to implement a Monitoring Server.
Discovery with the agent
Collector Type: Agent
Category: Application Monitors
Application Name: SharePoint_2013_Monitoring
Global Template Name : Microsoft SharePoint 2013 DotNet v4 - Extended
Pre-requisites : For MSSQL 2007 monitors need Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0.
Collected Metrics
Metric Name | Display Name | Description |
netclrnetworking.bytesreceived | NETCLRNetworking BytesReceived | The cumulative total number of bytes received over all open socket connections since the process was started. This number includes data and any protocol information that is not defined by the TCP/IP protocol. |
netmemorycache40.cacheentries | NetMemoryCache40 CacheEntries | The number of entries within the cache. |
aspnetv4030319.applicationrestarts | ASPNETV4030319 ApplicationRestarts | Number of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime. |
genericikev1authipandikev2.authipmainmodenegotiationtime | GenericIKEv1AuthIPandIKEv2 AuthIPMainModeNegotiationTime | AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP main mode security association negotiated. |
httpservice.currenturiscached | HTTPService CurrentUrisCached | Total number of URIs currently cached by the kernel. |
httpservicerequestqueues.arrivalrate | HTTPServiceRequestQueues ArrivalRate | Rate at which requests are arriving in the queue. |
httpserviceurlgroups.allrequests | HTTPServiceUrlGroups AllRequests | Total number of HTTP requests made for this site. |
memory.committedbytes | Memory CommittedBytes | Active Extended Mode SAs is the number of currently active extended mode security associations. |
memory.pagespersec | Memory PagesPersec | Current State Entries is the number of state entries in the table. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface. |
system.contextswitchespersec | System ContextSwitchesPersec | Active Security Associations is the number of active quick mode security associations. |
logicaldisk.currentdiskqueuelength | LogicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLength | Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations. |
logicaldisk.percentdisktime | LogicalDisk PercentDiskTime | Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations. |
logicaldisk.percentidletime | LogicalDisk PercentIdleTime | Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations. |
ipsecikev2ipv6.activemainmodesas | IPsecIKEv2IPv6 ActiveMainModeSAs | Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations. |
msdtcbridge4000.averageparticipantcommitresponsetime | MSDTCBridge4000 Averageparticipantcommitresponsetime | Average time in milliseconds for the WSAT service to receive a Commit message response from a participant. |
windowssharepointfoundation.activeheapcount | SharePointFoundation ActiveHeapCount | The number of native heaps in use by the process. |
msrs2011webservicesharepointmode.activesessions | MSRS2011WebServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessions | Number of active sessions. This counter provides a cumulative count of all browser sessions generated from report executions, whether they are still active or not. |
msrs2016webservicesharepointmode.activesessions | MSRS2016WebServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessions | Number of active sessions. This counter provides a cumulative count of all browser sessions generated from report executions, whether they are still active or not. |
msrs2011windowsservicesharepointmode.activesessions | MSRS2011WindowsServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessions | Number of active sessions stored in the report server database. This counter provides a cumulative count of all usable browser sessions generated from report subscriptions, whether they are still active or not. |
msrs2016windowsservicesharepointmode.activesessions | MSRS2016WindowsServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessions | Number of active sessions stored in the report server database. This counter provides a cumulative count of all usable browser sessions generated from report subscriptions, whether they are still active or not. |
pacerpipe.averagepacketsinnetcard | PacerPipe Averagepacketsinnetcard | The average number of packets in the network card over the last sampling period. |
processorinformation.percentc1time | ProcessorInformation PercentC1Time | % C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 lowpower idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 lowpower idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running. |
searchanalysisengine.activeanalyticsprocessingcomponents | SearchAnalysisEngine ActiveAnalyticsProcessingComponents | The number of currently registered analytics processing components in the analysis engine. |
searchanalysisengineanalyses.activefiles | SearchAnalysisEngineAnalyses ActiveFiles | The number of files stored on disk. |
searchanalysisengineanalyticsprocessingcomponents.failedtasks | SearchAnalysisEngineAnalyticsProcessingComponents FailedTasks | The number of tasks that have failed since the analytics processing component was started. |
searchcontentprocessing.numbercallbacksavailable | SearchContentProcessing NumberCallbacksAvailable | Current number of callbacks available for consumption, but not yet consumed. |
searchcontentrouter.indextime | SearchContentRouter IndexTime | The number of milliseconds it takes from submitting a document until a callback is received. |
searchflowstatistics.numberinbounditemstotal | SearchFlowStatistics NumberInboundItemsTotal | Total number of items placed on input queues |
searchgathererdatabasecomponentssharepointserversearch.countcommittransactions | SearchGathererDatabaseComponentsSharePointServerSearch CountCommitTransactions | Count Commit Transactions. |
searchgathererdatabasessharepointserversearch.databasesize | SearchGathererDatabasesSharePointServerSearch DatabaseSize | Database Size |
searchhostcontroller.componentrestarts | SearchHostController ComponentRestarts | Number of restarts of a search component since start of the Host Controller. |
searchlinguistics.companyexclusiondictionaryentries | SearchLinguistics CompanyExclusionDictionaryEntries | Number of entries contained in the current exclusion dictionary for company extraction. |
searchplatformservices.messagequeueavgblockedtime | SearchPlatformServices Messagequeueavgblockedtime | Message queue average blocked time. |
searchsplookupservice.avgdocsumlookuptime | SearchSPLookupService AvgDocSumLookupTime | The average number of milliseconds required to perform just a docsum retrieval. |
searchsubmissionservice.numberabortedsessions | SearchSubmissionService NumberAbortedSessions | The total number of aborted sessions since the start of the component. |
securityperprocessstatistics.contexthandles | SecurityPerProcessStatistics ContextHandles | This counter tracks the number of context handles in use by a given process. Context handles are associated with security contexts established between a client application and a remote peer. |
securitysystemwidestatistics.activeschannelsessioncacheentries | SecuritySystemWideStatistics ActiveSchannelSessionCacheEntries | This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) entries that are currently stored in the secure channel (Schannel) session cache and that are currently in use. The Schannel session cache stores information about successfully established sessions. |
servicemodelservice4000.calls | ServiceModelService4000 Calls | The number of calls to this service. |
sharepointservercacheinstances.cachehitratio | SharePointServerCacheinstances CacheHitRatio | Cache hit ratio. |
smsvchost4000.connectionsacceptedovernetpipe | SMSvcHost4000 ConnectionsAcceptedovernetpipe | The total number of named pipe connections accepted over net.pipe. |
sqlagentalerts.activatedalerts | SQLAgentAlerts Activatedalerts | The number of Alerts that have activated since the last SQL Server restart. |
sqlagentjobs.activejobs | SQLAgentJobs Activejobs | Number of running jobs. |
sqlagentstatistics.sqlserverrestarted | SQLAgentStatistics SQLServerrestarted | The number of times the SQL Server has been successfully restarted by SQL Server Agent, since the last SQL Server Agent restart. |
sqlserveravailabilityreplica.bytesreceivedfromreplicapersec | SQLServerAvailabilityReplica BytesReceivedfromReplicaPersec | Total bytes receieved from the availability replica. |
sqlserverbrokertostatistics.avglengthofbatchedwrites | SQLServerBrokerTOStatistics AvgLengthofBatchedWrites | Average Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch. |
sqlserverdatabasereplica.filebytesreceivedpersec | SQLServerDatabaseReplica FileBytesReceivedPersec | Amount of filestream data received by the availability replica for the database. |
sqlserverdeprecatedfeatures.usage | SQLServerDeprecatedFeatures Usage | Feature usage since last SQL Server startup. |
sqlserverfiletable.avgtimedeletefiletableitem | SQLServerFileTable AvgtimedeleteFileTableitem | Average time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item. |
sqlservermemorybrokerclerks.internalbenefit | SQLServerMemoryBrokerClerks Internalbenefit | The internal value of memory for entry count pressure, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer. |
sqlservermemorynode.databasenodememorykb | SQLServerMemoryNode DatabaseNodeMemoryKB | Amount of memory the server is using on this node for database pages. |
sqlserverqueryexecution.localdataaccesspersec | SQLServerQueryExecution LocaldataaccessPersec | Total number of local data access per second. |
sqlserverresourcepoolstats.activememorygrantamountkb | SQLServerResourcePoolStats ActivememorygrantamountKB | Total amount of granted memory in kilobytes in the resource pool. |
sqlserverssispipeline130.blobbytesread | SQLServerSSISPipeline130 BLOBbytesread | The number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the data flow engine has read from all sources. |
sqlserverssispipeline110.blobbytesread | SQLServerSSISPipeline110 BLOBbytesread | The number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the data flow engine has read from all sources. |
sqlserverworkloadgroupstats.activeparallelthreads | SQLServerWorkloadGroupStats Activeparallelthreads | Number of threads used by parallel queries in the workload group. Serial queries and the main thread of parallel queries are not included in this number. |
synchronization.execresourceacquiresacqexcllitepersec | Synchronization ExecResourceAcquiresAcqExclLitePersec | Frequency of first exclusive acquires from ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite. |
teredoclient.interedobubble | TeredoClient InTeredoBubble | Total bubble packets received by the Teredo client. |
teredorelay.interedorelayerrorpacketsdestinationerror | TeredoRelay InTeredoRelayErrorPacketsDestinationError | Total error packets( destination error) received by the Teredo relay. |
teredoserver.interedoservererrorpacketsauthenticationerror | TeredoServer InTeredoServerErrorPacketsAuthenticationError | Total error packets( authentication error) received by the Teredo server. |
usbhub.percenttotalbandwidthusedforinterrupt | USBHub PercentTotalBandwidthUsedforInterrupt | Displays the percentage of BW reserved for interrupt transfers. |
w3svcw3wp.activeflushedentries | W3SVCW3WP ActiveFlushedEntries | Number of file handles cached in usermode that will be closed when all current transfers complete. |
wasw3wp.activelistenerchannels | WASW3WP ActiveListenerChannels | Number of currently active listener channels in the worker process. |
wfp.providercount | WFP ProviderCount | Provider Count is the number of providers registered with the Windows Filtering Platform. |
wfpv4.activeinboundconnections | WFPv4 ActiveInboundConnections | Active Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform. |
wfpv6.activeinboundconnections | WFPv6 ActiveInboundConnections | Active Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform. |
wsmanquotastatistics.activeoperations | WSManQuotaStatistics ActiveOperations | Displays the current number of active operations for all users. |