Standard edition servers are designed for small organizations and for pilot projects of large organizations. It enables many of the features of Lync Server 2010, including the necessary databases, to run on a single server. Monitors Address book file download failed requests per second, search failure rate, search response time, etc.
Discovery with the agent
Collector Type: Agent
Category: Application Monitors
Application Name: Microsoft Lync Standard Edition Servers
Global Template Name : Microsoft Lync Edge Servers DotNet v4
For Lync monitors need Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Need Lync specific WMI classes. Please follow below steps to validate the presence of classes in the target devices.
Run -> WBEMTest -> Run the below mentioned WMI Queries
If the query is not exists in WBEMTEST check it in Perfmon (Run -> Type Perfmon) in the perfmon if the object is exists we have the command to load the objects from perfmon to WBEMTEST follow the below step.
Go to this path C:\Windows\System32\wbem -> lodctr.exe /r . After doing this command the classes are loaded from perfmon to WBEMTEST forcefully.
To refresh the wbemtest after loading the classes from perfmon to WBEMTEST use this: C:\Windows\System32\wbem -> WMIADAP.EXE /r
Collected Metrics
Metric Name | Display Name | Description |
AddressBookFileDownload_FailedRequestsPerSecond | AddressBookFileDownload_FailedRequestsPerSecond | The per-second rate of failed Address Book file requests. High rate of failure can be caused by authentication issues or network connectivity issues. |
AddressBook_SearchFailureRate | AddressBook_SearchFailureRate | Shows the per-second rate of failed address book search requests. It could be due to backend database performance issues. |
AddressBook_SearchResponseTime | AddressBook_SearchResponseTime | Shows the average processing time for a address book search request in milliseconds. It could be due to backend database performance issues. |
ApplicationSharingMCU_DrainingState | ApplicationSharingMCU_DrainingState | Shows the Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health. |
ApplicationSharingMCU_HealthState | ApplicationSharingMCU_HealthState | Shows the Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health. |
ASMCU_NumberOfApplicationSharingConferences | ASMCU_NumberOfApplicationSharingConferences | Shows number of application-sharing conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers. |
AudioVideoConferencing_NumberOfOccasionsConferenceProcessingIsDelayed | AudioVideoConferencing_NumberOfOccasionsConferenceProcessingIsDelayed | Number of occasions conference processing is delayed. This issue may occur if the Audio Video Conferencing server is overloaded, or is not getting enough CPU resources to process audio in real time. |
AudioVideoMCU_DrainingState | AudioVideoMCU_DrainingState | Shows the Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health. |
AudioVideoMCU_HealthState | AudioVideoMCU_HealthState | Shows the Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health. |
AVMCU_NumberofAudiovideoconferences | AVMCU_NumberofAudiovideoconferences | Shows number of audio-video conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers. |
CallPark_FailedCallParkRequests | CallPark_FailedCallParkRequests | Shows the total number of park requests that failed. |
CallPark_FailedRequestsBecauseNoOrbitIsAvailable | CallPark_FailedRequestsBecauseNoOrbitIsAvailable | Shows the total number of park requests failed because no orbit available. Consider adding more orbits using management console or the Power Shell commands to manage orbit ranges. |
CallPark_FailedTransfersToFallbackURI | CallPark_FailedTransfersToFallbackURI | Shows the total number of failed fallback attempts. The fallback destination might not be reachable. |
DATAMCU_DrainingState | DATAMCU_DrainingState | The Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health. |
DataMCU_EstimatedConferenceWorkitemsLoad | DataMCU_EstimatedConferenceWorkitemsLoad | The estimated time to process all pending items on the session queues measured in milliseconds. |
DATAMCU_HealthState | DATAMCU_HealthState | The Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health. |
DATAMCU_NumberOfDataSharingConferences | DATAMCU_NumberOfDataSharingConferences | Shows number of data-sharing conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers. |
DataMCU_StateOfSessionQueues | DataMCU_StateOfSessionQueues | Shows the state of the session queues. It indicates if the Data MCU is over loaded. |
DBStoreQueueDepth | DBStoreQueueDepth | Shows the average number of database requests waiting to be executed. |
ExpandDistributionList_ResponseTimeInms | ExpandDistributionList_ResponseTimeInms | Average processing time for a successful request to be completed in milliseconds. It indicates if there are any Active Directory performance issues. |
ExpandDistributionList_SOAPExceptionRate | ExpandDistributionList_SOAPExceptionRate | Shows the per-second rate of Soap exceptions. |
IMMCU_NumberOfConferences | IMMCU_NumberOfConferences | Shows number of instant messaging conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers. |
IMMCU_ThrottledSIPConnections | IMMCU_ThrottledSIPConnections | Shows the number of throttled Sip connections. |
IM_MCUDrainingState | IM_MCUDrainingState | Shows the current draining status of the MCU. A server being drained allows its sessions on existing connections to continue until they naturally end. When all existing sessions have ended, the server is ready to be taken offline. |
IM_MCUHealthState | IM_MCUHealthState | The Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health; these should be 0 at all times, indicating normal operation. This component monitor returns the current health of the instant messaging Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU). Possible values: 0 = Normal, 1 = Loaded, 2 = Full, 3 = Unavailable. |
IM_NumberOfActiveConferences | IM_NumberOfActiveConferences | Shows the number of active instant messaging conferences. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
IM_NumberOfConnectedIMUsers | IM_NumberOfConnectedIMUsers | Shows the number of connected instant messaging users in all conferences. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
IM_WithThrottledSIPConnections | IM_WithThrottledSIPConnections | Shows the number of throttled Sip connections. If the value is greater than ten, it could indicate that Peer is not processing requests in a timely fashion. This can happen if the peer machine is overloaded. Peer is defined as the connected servers, adjacent Front-End servers, or MCUs in the same EE Pool. |
LSCommunicatorWebApp_FailedDataCollaborationAuthenticationRequestsPerSecond | LSCommunicatorWebApp_FailedDataCollaborationAuthenticationRequestsPerSecond | Shows the number of failed Data Collaboration authentication request per second. |
LSCommunicatorWebApp_NumberOfDataCollaborationConnectionFailuresWithDataCollaborationServers | LSCommunicatorWebApp_NumberOfDataCollaborationConnectionFailuresWithDataCollaborationServers | Shows the number of Data Collaboration connection failures with Data Collaboration servers. Connection closed by local party or remote party or network issues. Check availability of Web Conferencing Server servers. |
LSCommunicatorWebApp_ThrottledClientDataCollaborationConnectionsPerSecond | LSCommunicatorWebApp_ThrottledClientDataCollaborationConnectionsPerSecond | Shows the number of Data Collaboration client connections closed due to throttling per second. Client Data Collaboration was closed because client failed to read data in a timely manner. This may indicate a network failure or organized attack. Check client network connectivity to Lync Web App. |
LS_AV_Auth_Edge_BadRequestsReceivedPerSecond | LS_AV_Auth_Edge_BadRequestsReceivedPerSecond | Shows the number of bad requests received/sec. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of invalid requests is received by the A/V Authentication Service. This could be the result of an attempt to misuse the A/V Authentication Service. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimit | AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimit | This component monitor returns the number of allocate requests over TCP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port. This error occurs when there is an unexpectedly high rate of requests. |
Memory_PagesPerSecond | Memory_PagesPerSecond | Shows the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. To resolve hard page faults, the operating system must swap the contents of memory to disk, which negatively impacts performance. A high number of pages per second in correlation with low available physical memory may indicate a lack of physical memory. |
MSMQ_TotalMessagesInAllQueues | MSMQ_TotalMessagesInAllQueues | The size of the queue will vary depending on load. Verify that the queue is not increasing unbounded. Establish a baseline for the counter, and monitor the counter to ensure that it does not exceed that baseline. |
PolicyDecisionPoint_ClientConnectionsAuthenticationTimeoutFailuresPerSecond | PolicyDecisionPoint_ClientConnectionsAuthenticationTimeoutFailuresPerSecond | Shows the per-second rate of client connections timing out before receiving an authenticated message. |
PolicyDecisionPoint_ConnectionsTimedOutPerSecond | PolicyDecisionPoint_ConnectionsTimedOutPerSecond | Shows the per-second rate of sessions that have timed out before the first packet arrived. |
PolicyDecisionPoint_ServerConnectionsAuthenticationTimeoutFailuresPerSecond | PolicyDecisionPoint_ServerConnectionsAuthenticationTimeoutFailuresPerSecond | Shows the per-second rate of server connections timing out before receiving an authenticated message. |
SIP_500ResponseRate | SIP_500ResponseRate | This component monitor returns the rate of 500 responses generated by the server, per second. This can indicate that there is a server component that is not functioning correctly. |
SIP_503ResponseRate | SIP_503ResponseRate | This component monitor returns the rate of 503 responses generated by the server, per second. The 503 code corresponds to the server being unavailable. |
SIP_504ResponseRate | SIP_504ResponseRate | This component monitor returns the rate of 504 responses generated by the server, per second. |
SIP_AddressSpaceUsage | SIP_AddressSpaceUsage | Shows the percentage of available address space currently in use by the server process. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
SIP_AvgFlowControlDelay | SIP_AvgFlowControlDelay | Shows the average delay, in seconds, in message processing when the socket is flow-controlled. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. |
SIP_AvgHoldingTimeForIncomingMessage | SIP_AvgHoldingTimeForIncomingMessage | Shows the average time that the server held the incoming messages currently being processed. |
SIP_AvgOutgoingQueueDelay | SIP_AvgOutgoingQueueDelay | Shows the average time, in seconds, that messages have been delayed in outgoing queues. |
SIP_ConnectionsActive | SIP_ConnectionsActive | Shows the number of established connections that are currently active. |
SIP_ConnectionsRefusedDueToServerOverload | SIP_ConnectionsRefusedDueToServerOverload | The per-second rate of the connections that were refused with Service Unavailable response because the server was overloaded. If the problem persists, please ensure that hardware and software requirements for this server meets the user usage characteristics. |
SIP_EventsInProcessing | SIP_EventsInProcessing | Shows the number of SIP transactions, or dialog state change events, that are currently being processed. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
SIP_FlowControlledConnectionsDropped | SIP_FlowControlledConnectionsDropped | Shows the total number of connections dropped because of excessive flow-control. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. |
SIP_IncomingMessageRate | SIP_IncomingMessageRate | Shows the rate of received messages, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
SIP_IncomingMessagesTimedOut | SIP_IncomingMessagesTimedOut | Shows the number of incoming messages currently being held by the server for processing for more than the maximum tracking interval. This server is too busy and is unable to process user requests in timely fashion. |
SIP_IncomingRequestRate | SIP_IncomingRequestRate | Shows the rate of received requests, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
SIP_MessagesPerSecondDroppedDueToUnknownDomain | SIP_MessagesPerSecondDroppedDueToUnknownDomain | Shows the per-second rate of messages that could not be routed because the message domain is not configured and does not appear to belong to a federated partner. |
SIP_PageFileUsage | SIP_PageFileUsage | Shows the percentage of available page file space currently in use by the server process. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
SIP_SendsOutstanding | SIP_SendsOutstanding | Shows the number of messages that are currently present in the outgoing queues. |
SIP_TLSConnectionsActive | SIP_TLSConnectionsActive | Shows the number of established TLS(Transport Layer Security) connections that are currently active. A TLS connection is considered established when the peer certificate, and possibly the host name, are verified for a trust relationship. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
User_services_DBStoreSprocLatency | User_services_DBStoreSprocLatency | Shows the average time, in milliseconds, it takes to execute a stored procedure call. |
User_services_NumberOfFailedHTTPConnections | User_services_NumberOfFailedHTTPConnections | Shows the rate of connection attempt failures, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. |
ActiveTransactionsToTheRTCDatabase | ActiveTransactionsToTheRTCDatabase | Rtc: stores persistent user data such as user contact lists, scheduled conferences, and access control lists. A high number of active transactions usually indicates database transaction contention. |
ActiveTransactionsToTheRTCDYNDatabase | ActiveTransactionsToTheRTCDYNDatabase | Rtcdyn: stores dynamic Lync user data such as presence information.A high number of active transactions usually indicates database transaction contention. |
ActiveTransactionsToTheTEMPDBDatabase | ActiveTransactionsToTheTEMPDBDatabase | A high number of active transactions usually indicates database transaction contention. |
CPUUtilization | CPUUtilization | Short CPU spikes of around 80% or more for less than a few minutes is to be expected, but the CPU should normally operate at less than 80% during peak load. If it is consistently higher, then determine if there are more users connected than usual or if there has been some other change that may result in higher load. |
LogicalDisk_AverageDiskQueueLength | LogicalDisk_AverageDiskQueueLength | Shows the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. |
LogicalDisk_AverageDiskReadRate | LogicalDisk_AverageDiskReadRate | Shows the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk. |
LogicalDisk_AverageDiskWriteRate | LogicalDisk_AverageDiskWriteRate | Shows the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk. |
LogicalDisk_Percent_Idle_Time | LogicalDisk_Percent_Idle_Time | Shows the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle. |
MemoryAvailable | MemoryAvailable | Shows the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists. |
Memory_CachedBytes | Memory_CachedBytes | Shows the maximum number of bytes used by the file system cache since the system was last restarted. This might be larger than the current size of the cache. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average. |
PercentCommittedBytesInUse | PercentCommittedBytesInUse | Shows the ratio of Memory\\Committed Bytes to the Memory\\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced). This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average. |
PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskQueueLength | PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskQueueLength | Shows the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. |
PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskReadRate | PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskReadRate | Shows the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk. |
PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskWriteRate | PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskWriteRate | Shows the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk. |
PhysicalDisk_Percent_Idle_Time | PhysicalDisk_Percent_Idle_Time | Shows the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle. |
ProcessorPrivilegedTime | ProcessorPrivilegedTime | Shows the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process. |
Processor_InterruptTime | Processor_InterruptTime | Shows the time the processor spends receiving and servicing hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended during interrupts. Most system clocks interrupt the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. suspends normal thread execution during interrupts. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time. |
Arch_service_NumberOfArchivingMessagesThatFailedValidation | Arch_service_NumberOfArchivingMessagesThatFailedValidation | Per second rate of messages that validation failed for. This may be caused if there is a version mismatch between server and the agent or if malformed messages are present in the message queue. Please check the agent and server version as well as the the security settings on the queue. |
Arch_service_RateOfArchivingMessagesThatWereDroppedFromMessageQueuing | Arch_service_RateOfArchivingMessagesThatWereDroppedFromMessageQueuing | Per second rate of dropped messages from MSMQ queue. This may be caused if there is a version mismatch between server and the agent or if malformed messages are present in the message queue. |
Arch_service_RateOfArchivingMessagesThatWereNotWrittenToTheDatabase | Arch_service_RateOfArchivingMessagesThatWereNotWrittenToTheDatabase | Per second rate of messages failed to be written to SQL database. This could happen if the service failed to write a critical message to the back end SQL server. |
MSMQService_totalmessagesinallqueues | MSMQService_totalmessagesinallqueues | The size of the queue will vary depending on load. Verify that the queue is not increasing unbounded. Establish a baseline for the counter, and monitor the counter to ensure that it does not exceed that baseline. |
QMS_MessageTransactionsFailed | QMS_MessageTransactionsFailed | This counter represents the total number of message queue/database transactions that failed since the server was started. A large number of database transactions have failed. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelayAuthenticatedSessions | AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelayAuthenticatedSessions | Shows the number of active relay sessions over TCP. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelayDataSessions | AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelayDataSessions | Shows the number of active relay data sessions over TCP. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelaySessionsWithAllocatedPort | AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelaySessionsWithAllocatedPort | Shows the number of active relay sessions with a TCP port allocation. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestRate | AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestRate | Shows the per-second rate of Allocate Requests over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimit | AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimit | Shows the number of allocate requests over TCP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPAuthenticationFailureRate | AudioVideoEdge_TCPAuthenticationFailureRate | Shows the per-second rate of failed attempts to authenticate with the relay over TCP. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPAveragePacketLatency | AudioVideoEdge_TCPAveragePacketLatency | Shows the average latency for a valid data request over TCP in milliseconds. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketDropRate | AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketDropRate | Shows the per-second rate of packets over UDP dropped by the relay. The returned value should be as low as possible. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of TCP packets is received at the Media Relay (A/V Edge server) causing some packets to be discarded. This could be the result of system overload or an indication of an attempt to misuse the MR(Media Relay). |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketReceiveRate | AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketReceiveRate | Shows the number of packets received per second by the relay over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketSentRate | AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketSentRate | Shows the number of packets sent per second by the relay over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
AudioVideoEdge_TCPPortsInAllocatedPool | AudioVideoEdge_TCPPortsInAllocatedPool | Shows the number of TCP ports available in the Allocated Port Pool. The value should be more than zero. If it reaches zero there is a resource issue. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelayAuthenticatedSessions | AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelayAuthenticatedSessions | Shows the number of active relay sessions over UDP. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelayDataSessions | AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelayDataSessions | Shows the number of active relay data sessions over UDP. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelaySessionsWithAllocatedPort | AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelaySessionsWithAllocatedPort | Shows the number of active relay sessions with a UDP port allocation. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPAllocateRequestRate | AudioVideoEdge_UDPAllocateRequestRate | Shows the per-second rate of Allocate Requests over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimit | AudioVideoEdge_UDPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimit | Shows the number of allocate requests over UDP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPAuthenticationFailureRate | AudioVideoEdge_UDPAuthenticationFailureRate | Shows the per-second rate of failed attempts to authenticate with the relay over UDP. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPAveragePacketLatency | AudioVideoEdge_UDPAveragePacketLatency | Shows the average latency for a valid data request over UDP in milliseconds. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketDropRate | AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketDropRate | Shows the per-second rate of packets over UDP dropped by the relay. The returned value should be as low as possible. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets is received at the Media Relay (A/V Edge server) causing some packets to be discarded. This could be the result of system overload or an indication of an attempt to misuse the MR(Media Relay). |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketReceiveRate | AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketReceiveRate | Shows the number of packets received per second by the relay over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketSentRate | AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketSentRate | Shows the number of packets sent per second by the relay over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
AudioVideoEdge_UDPPortsInAllocatedPool | AudioVideoEdge_UDPPortsInAllocatedPool | Shows the number of UDP ports available in the Allocated Port Pool. This monitor should be more than zero. If it reaches zero there is a resource issue. |
AV_Authentication_Edge_BadRequestsReceivedPerSecond | AV_Authentication_Edge_BadRequestsReceivedPerSecond | Shows the number of bad requests received/sec. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of invalid requests is received by the A/V Authentication Service. This could be the result of an attempt to misuse the A/V Authentication Service. If the situation persists then enable Microsoft Lync Server 2010 logging for SIP messages to the A/V Authentication Service to identify the source of the invalid requests. |
SIP_503ResponseRate | SIP_503ResponseRate | Shows the rate of 503 responses generated by the server, per second. The 503 code corresponds to the server being unavailable. On a healthy server, you should not receive this code at a steady rate. However, during ramp up, after a server has been brought back online, there may be some 503 responses. Once all users get back in and the server returns to a stable state, there should no longer be any 503 responses returned. |
SIP_504ResponseRate | SIP_504ResponseRate | Shows the rate of 504 responses generated by the server, per second. A few 504 responses to clients (for clients disconnecting abruptly) is to be expected, but this counter mainly indicates connectivity issues with other servers. It can indicate connection failures or delays connecting to remote servers. Check the number of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) sends outstanding to validate this issue. |
SIP_ActiveConnections | SIP_ActiveConnections | Shows the number of established connections that are currently active. A connection is considered established when peer credentials are verified (e.g. via MTLS), or the peer receives a 2xx response. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. This returned value should be less than 15,000 connections per Front-End. |
SIP_ActiveTLSConnections | SIP_ActiveTLSConnections | Shows the number of established TLS connections that are currently active. A TLS connection is considered established when the peer certificate, and possibly the host name, are verified for a trust relationship. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
SIP_AverageHoldingTimeForIncomingMessage | SIP_AverageHoldingTimeForIncomingMessage | Shows the average time that the server held the incoming messages currently being processed. If this counter is more than 10 seconds (12 seconds maximum), then the server goes into throttling mode and only allows one outstanding transaction per client connection. If this value goes down to 3 seconds, then the server allows up to 20 outstanding transactions per client connection. |
SIP_AverageIncomingMessageProcessingTime | SIP_AverageIncomingMessageProcessingTime | The average time (in seconds) it takes to process an incoming message. This could indicate if this server is too busy and is unable to process user requests in timely fashion. This might be a temporary condition. If the problem persists, please ensure that hardware and software requirements for this server meet the user usage characteristics. |
SIP_AverageOutgoingQueueDelay | SIP_AverageOutgoingQueueDelay | Shows the average time, in seconds, that messages have been delayed in outgoing queues. Check the Outgoing Queue Delay for delays in sending messages to other servers or clients that could be causing messages to be accumulated in the server. The server will drop client connections if it is in a throttle state and messages stay in the outgoing queue for more than 32 seconds. |
SIP_ConnectionsRefusedDueToServerOverload | SIP_ConnectionsRefusedDueToServerOverload | The per-second rate of the connections that were refused with Service Unavailable response because the server was overloaded. If the problem persists, please ensure that hardware and software requirements for this server meets the user usage characteristics. |
SIP_ExternalMessagesWithAllowedPartnerDomain | SIP_ExternalMessagesWithAllowedPartnerDomain | Shows the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with an allowed partner server domain. |
SIP_ExternalMessagesWithConfiguredAllowedDomain | SIP_ExternalMessagesWithConfiguredAllowedDomain | Shows the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with a configured allowed domain. |
SIP_ExternalMessagesWithInternallySupportedDomain | SIP_ExternalMessagesWithInternallySupportedDomain | Shows the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with an internally supported domain. |
SIP_IncomingMessageRate | SIP_IncomingMessageRate | Shows the rate of received messages, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
SIP_IncomingRequestsRate | SIP_IncomingRequestsRate | Shows the rate of received requests, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. |
WebConferencingEdge_CurrentNumberOfActiveConnectionsToWebConferencingServer | WebConferencingEdge_CurrentNumberOfActiveConnectionsToWebConferencingServer | Shows the total number of server connections that are currently active. Expected number of connections to each Web Conferencing Server is 4. |
Mediation_Server_CurrentAudioChannelsWithPSMQualityReporting | Mediation_Server_CurrentAudioChannelsWithPSMQualityReporting | Shows the total number of active channels that are having Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) quality reported. Calculating PSM quality has a processing overhead so this should be taken into account when measuring performance. This counter is for information only. |
Mediation_Server_LoadCallFailureIndex | Mediation_Server_LoadCallFailureIndex | Shows the scaled index between zero and 100 that is related to all call failures due to Global Health Index as a heavy load. This indicates that the Mediation Server is receiving calls more than it can handle. Try upgrading existing hardware or lower the calls through this Mediation Server. |
Mediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromAGateway | Mediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromAGateway | Shows the number of calls that failed because of an unexpected response from a gateway peer. The returned value should be as low as possible. |
Mediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromTheProxy | Mediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromTheProxy | Shows the total number of active channels that are having Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) quality reported. Calculating PSM quality has a processing overhead so this should be taken into account when measuring performance. This counter is for information only. |
Media_Relay_MediaConnectivityCheckFailure | Media_Relay_MediaConnectivityCheckFailure | Shows the number of calls where media connectivity between the Mediation Server and the remote endpoints could not be established. It indicates that the Mediation Server cannot reach the Media Relay. |
NumberofInboundActiveMediaBypassCalls | NumberofInboundActiveMediaBypassCalls | Shows the number of media bypass calls in progress. |
NumberofInboundCalls | NumberofInboundCalls | Shows the number of inbound calls in progress. |
NumberofOutboundActiveMediaBypassCalls | NumberofOutboundActiveMediaBypassCalls | Shows the total number of active calls going through Mediation Server that are in Media Bypass mode. Calls using Media Bypass use significantly fewer Mediation Server resources because the media is not flowing through the Mediation Server. |
NumberofOutboundCalls | NumberofOutboundCalls | Shows the total number of active calls going through the Mediation Server. |
AV_MCU_NumberOfConferenceProcessingDelays | AV_MCU_NumberOfConferenceProcessingDelays | Number of occasions conference processing is delayed. |
AV_MCU_NumberOfDNSResolutionFailures | AV_MCU_NumberOfDNSResolutionFailures | This object includes counters tracking usage/load of media engine for external use. |