Monitoring Server : Monitoring Server collects data about the quality of your network media, in both Enterprise voice calls and A/V conferences. It also collects call error records (CERs), which you can use to troubleshoot failed calls. Additionally, it collects usage information in the form of call detail records (CDRs) about various Lync Server features so that you can calculate return on investment of your deployment and plan the future growth of your deployment. A monitoring server role can be deployed to collect statistical usage metrics for IM, conferencing and Enterprise voice by tracking call detail records. Monitoring Server is typically collocated with the Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Archiving Server. An SQL Server Back End Server is required to implement a Monitoring Server.
Discovery with the agent
Collector Type: Agent
Category: Application Monitors
Application Name: Microsoft Lync Performance Monitoring
Global Template Name : Microsoft Lync Performance Monitoring DotNet v4
Pre-requisites : For Lync monitors need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.
Collected Metrics
Metric Name | Display Name | Description |
lsasmcucccpprocessing.asmcucccpmessagesretriedpersec | MSLync LSAsMcuCCCPProcessing ASMCUCCCMessagesRetriedPerSec | The total number of retried CCCP messages per second. |
lsasmcucccpprocessing.asmcucurrentcccpmessagequeuesize | MSLync LSAsMcuCCCPProcessing ASMCUCurrentCCCPMessageQueueSize | The number of CCCP messages currently in the send queue. |
lsasmcucccpprocessing.asmcunumberofadduserrequestsfailed | MSLync LSAsMcuCCCPProcessing ASMCUNumberofadduserrequestsfailed | Number of adduser failed responses returned. |
aspnetappsv4030319.requestsrejected | MSLync ASPNET4030319 RequestsRejected | The number of requests rejected because the application request queue was full. |
lssipauthentication.sipauthenticationsystemerrorspersec | MSLync LSSIPAuthentication SIPAuthenticationSystemErrosPerSec | The persecond rate of authentication failures caused by system errors (due to low memory conditions or otherwise). |
lsroutingappsemergencycallrouting.routingappsnumberofincomingfailureresponses | MSLync LSRoutingAppsEmergencyCallRouting RoutingAppsNumberofincomingfailureresponses | Number of times an Emergency Call failure response was received from Gateway. |
lsjoinlauncherjoinlauncherservicefailures.joinlauncherjoinfailures | MSLync LSJoinLauncherJoinLauncherServiceFailures JOINLAUNCHERJoinFailures | The number of join failures. |
mssqlrtclocalbuffermanager.pagelifeexpectancy | MSLync MSSQLRTCLOCALBufferManager Pagelifeexpectancy | Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. |
networkinterface.outputqueuelength | NetworkInterface OutputQueueLength | Output Queue Length is the length of the output packet queue (in packets). If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. |
networkinterface.packetsoutbounddiscarded | NetworkInterface PacketsOutboundDiscarded | Packets Outbound Discarded is the number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space. |
networkinterface.packetsreceiveddiscarded | NetworkInterface PacketsReceivedDiscarded | Packets Received Discarded is the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their delivery to a higherlayer protocol. |
lsusrvregdbstore.usrvthrottledrequestspersec | MSLync LSUSrvREGDBStore UsrvThrottledrequestsPersec | The number of requests that were rejected/sec with a retryafter since the database queue latency was high. |
lsusrvshareddbstore.usrvthrottledrequestspersec | MSLync LSUSrvSHAREDDBStore UsrvThrottledrequestsPersec | The number of requests that were rejected/sec with a retryafter since the database queue latency was high. |
lsusrvdbstore.usrvthrottledrequestspersec | MSLync LSUSrvDDBStore UsrvThrottledrequestsPersec | The number of requests that were rejected/sec with a retryafter since the database queue latency was high. |
lssippeers.sipsendstimedoutpersec | MSLync LSSIPPeers SIPSendsTimedOutPerSec | The persecond rate of sends dropped because they stayed in outgoing (send) queue for too long. |
lssippeers.sipflowcontrolledconnections | MSLync LSSIPPeers SIPFlowControlledConnections | The number of connections that are currently being flowcontrolled (no socket receives are posted). |
lssipprotocol.sipincomingrequestsdroppedpersec | MSLync LSSIPProtocol SIPIncomingRequestsDroppedPersec | The persecond rate of incoming requests dropped because they could not be processed (due to bad headers, insufficient routing information, server resource allocation failure). |
lssipprotocol.sipincomingresponsesdroppedpersec | MSLync LSSIPProtocol SIPIncomingResponsesDroppedPersec | The persecond rate of incoming responses dropped because they could not be processed (due to bad headers, insufficient routing information, server resource allocation failure). |
lswebauthproviderrelatedcalls.webtotalvalidatecertcallstothecertauthprovider | MSLync LSWEBAuthProviderrelatedcalls WEBTotalvalidatecercallstothecertauthprovider | The total number of validate cert calls to the cert auth provider. |
lswebdistributionlistexpansion.webtimedoutactivedirectoryrequestspersec | MSLync LSWEBDistributionListExpansion WEBTimedoutActiveDirectoryRequestsPersec | The persecond rate of timed out Active Directory requests. |
lsasmcuasmcuconferences.asmcuconnectedusers | MSLync LSAsMcuAsMcuConferences ASMCUConnectedUsers | The number of connected Users. |
lsimmcuimmcuconferences.immcuconnectedusers | MSLync LSImMcuIMMcuConferences IMMCUConnectedUsers | The number of connected users in all conferences. |
memory.cachebytespeak | Memory CacheBytesPeak | Cache Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes used by the system file cache since the system was last restarted. This might be larger than the current size of the cache. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average. |
processor.percentidletime | Processor PercentIdleTime | % Idle Time is the percentage of time the processor is idle during the sample interval. |
processor.percentusertime | Processor PercentUserTime | % User Time is the percentage of elapsed time the processor spends in the user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems. |
lssiploadmanagement.sipincomingmessagesheldaboveoverloadwatermark | MSLync LSSIPLoadManagement SIPIncomingMessagesHeldAboveOverloadWatermark | The number of incoming messages currently being held by the server for processing for more than the overload watermark time threshold. |
lsusrvconferencemcuallocator.usrvcreateconferencerequeststimedout | MSLync LSUSrvConferenceMcuAllocator UsrvCreateConferenceRequestsTimedOut | Number of Create Conference requests that did not receive a response in time. |
lsusrvendpointcache.usrvactiveregisteredendpoints | MSLync LSUSrvEndPointCache UsrvActiveRegisteredEndPoints | Total number of active endpoints connected to this Server. |
lsxmppfederationsipinstantmessaging.xmppfederationfailureimdnssentpersec | MSLync LSXmppFederationSIPInstantMessaging XmppFederationFailureIMDNssentPersec | Failure IMDNs sent/sec. |
lsusrvclustermanager.usrvnumberoffailuresofreplicationoperationssenttootherreplicaspersecond | MSLync LSUSrvClusterManager USrvNumberoffailuresofreplicationoperationssenttootherReplicaspersecond | The persecond rate of replication operation failures. |