
Mediation Server is a necessary component for implementing Enterprise Voice and dial-in conferencing. It translates signaling and, in some configurations, media between your internal Lync Server infrastructure and a public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway, IP-PBX, or a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunk. Mediation Server role be collocated with the Front End Server role in a similar manner as the Web and A/V conferencing roles. Monitors current audio channels with PSM quality reporting, load call failure index, etc.

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: MSLync_Edge_Servers

Global Template Name : Microsoft Lync Mediation Servers DotNet v4

Pre-requisites : For Lync monitors need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
NumberofOutboundCallsNumberofOutboundCallsThis component monitor returns the total number of active calls going through the Mediation Server.
NumberofOutboundActiveMediaBypassCallsNumberofOutboundActiveMediaBypassCallsThis component monitor returns the total number of active calls going through Mediation Server that are in Media Bypass mode. Calls using Media Bypass use significantly fewer Mediation Server resources because the media is not flowing through the Mediation.
NumberofInboundCallsNumberofInboundCallsThis component monitor returns the number of inbound calls in progress.
NumberofInboundActiveMediaBypassCallsNumberofInboundActiveMediaBypassCallsThis component monitor returns the number of media bypass calls in progress.
Media_Relay_MediaConnectivityCheckFailureMedia_Relay_MediaConnectivityCheckFailureThis component monitor returns the number of calls where media connectivity between the Mediation Server and the remote endpoints could not be established. It indicates that the Mediation Server cannot reach the Media Relay.
Mediation_Server_LoadCallFailureIndexMediation_Server_LoadCallFailureIndexThis component monitor returns the scaled index between zero and 100 that is related to all call failures due to Global Health Index as a heavy load. This indicates that the Mediation Server is receiving calls more than it can handle.
Mediation_Server_CurrentAudioChannelsWithPSMQualityReportingMediation_Server_CurrentAudioChannelsWithPSMQualityReportingThis component monitor returns the total number of active channels that are having Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) quality reported. Calculating PSM quality has a processing overhead so this should be taken into account when measuring performance.
Mediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromTheProxyMediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromTheProxyThis component monitor returns the number of calls that failed because of an unexpected response from the Front End Server. The returned value should be as low as possible.
Mediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromAGatewayMediation_Server_TotalFailedCallsCausedByUnexpectedInteractionFromAGatewayThis component monitor returns the number of calls that failed because of an unexpected response from a gateway peer. The returned value should be as low as possible.