Applicable on all Exchange DAG Servers.
Discovery with the agent
Collector Type: Agent
Category: Application Monitors
Application Name: WMI_DAGExchange
Global Template Name: Microsoft Exchange DAG DB Performance Counters - WMI DotNet v4
Version : All supported versions of Microsoft Exchange
Pre-requisites: For Exchange server role monitors need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Collected Metrics
Metric Name | Display Name | Description |
replication.copyqueuelength | MSExchange ReplicationCopyQueueLength DAG | Number of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy isn't considered complete until it has been checked for corruption. |
replication.replayqueuelength | MSExchange ReplicationReplayQueueLength DAG | Number of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy. |
proxyhubselector.hubselectionresolverfailures | MSExchange ProxyHubSelector HubSelectionResolverFailures | Number of messages that encountered recipient AD lookup errors in Hub selection. |
proxyhubselector.hubselectionorganizationmailboxfailures | MSExchange ProxyHubSelector HubSelectionOrganizationMailboxFailures | Number of messages that encountered organization mailbox lookup errors in Hub selection. |
proxyhubselector.hubselectionroutingfailures | MSExchange ProxyHubSelector HubSelectionRoutingFailures | Number of messages that failed to be routed. |
deliverysmtpavailability.percentfailuresduetomaxinboundconnectionlimit | MSExchange DeliverySMTPAvailability PercentFailuresDueToMaxInboundConnectionLimit | Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to MaxInboundConnectionLimit. |
frontendtransportsmtpavailability.percentfailuresduetowliddown | MSExchange FrontEndTransportSMPTAvailability PercentFailuresDueToWLIDDown | Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to WLID down. |
transportsmtpavailability.percentfailuresduetobackpressure | MSExchange TransportSMPTAvailability PercentFailuresDueToBackPressure | Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to back pressure. |
transportsmtpavailability.failuresduetomaximumlocalloopcount | MSExchange TransportSMPTAvailabilityFailuresDueToMaximumLocalLoopCount | Total number of message delivery failures due to reaching maximum local loop count. |
transportsmtpreceive.connectionscreatedpersec | MSExchangeTransportSMTPReceive ConnectionsCreatedPerSecond | Number of new connections to the SMTP server that are established each second. |
transportsmtpreceive.messagebytesreceivedpersec | MSExchangeTransportSMTPReceiveMessageBytesReceivedPerSecond | Number of bytes received in messages per second. |
transportsmtpsend.messagesbytessentpersec | MSExchangeTransportSMTPSend MessageBytesSentPerSecond | Number of bytes sent per second. |
deliverysmtpsend.connectionfailures | MSExchangeTransportSMTPSend DNSErrors | Number of DNS errors encountered by the SMTPSend connector. |
deliverysmtpsend.protocolerrors | MSExchange DeliverySMTPAvailability PercentFailuresDueToMaxInboundConnectionLimit | Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to MaxInboundConnectionLimit. |
deliverystoredriver.inboundlocaldeliverycallspersecond | MSExchangeDeliveryStoreDriverInboundLocalDeliveryCallsPerSecond | Number of local delivery calls per second. |
deliverystoredriver.inboundmessagedeliveryattemptspersecond | MSExchange DeliveryStoreDriver InboundMessageDeliveryAttemptsPerSecond | Number of attempts that are made per second to deliver a message. |
deliverystoredriver.inboundrecipientsdeliveredpersecond | MSExchangeTransportSMTPReceive ConnectionsCreatedPerSecond | Number of new connections to the SMTP server that are established each second. |
frontendtransportproxyroutingagent.messagesfailedtoroute | MSExchange FrontEndTransportProxyRoutingAgent MessagesFailedToRoute | Total number of messages failed to be routed. |
frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.percentageproxysetupfailures | MSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy PercentageProxySetupFailures | Percentage of sessions (during the sliding time window) that could not be proxied due to failures. |
frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.totalproxyuserlookupfailures | MSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy TotalProxyUserLookupFailures | Total number of user lookup failures (during the sliding time window) while trying to set up a proxy session. |
frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.totalproxydnslookupfailures | MSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy TotalProxyDNSLookupFailures | Total number of dns lookup failures (during the sliding time window) while trying to set up a proxy session. |
frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.totalproxyconnectionfailures | MSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy TotalProxyConnectionFailures | Total number of connection failures (during the sliding time window) while trying to set up a proxy session. |
ws.totalnumberofbytesproxied | MSExchange WS TotalBytesProxied | Total number of bytes proxied (after proxy session is set up. |