
Applicable on Exchange Servers with the HTS role.

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: MSExchange2010HUBTransportServers

Global Template Name: Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - HUB Transport Servers (HTS)

Version: Microsoft Exchange 2010

Prerequisites: For Exchange 2010 HTS server role monitors need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
AggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregate Delivery Queue Length (All Queues) is the number of items queued for delivery in all queues.
ActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActive Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active remote delivery queues.
ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthActive Mailbox Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active mailbox queues.
SubmissionQueueLengthSubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue Length is the number of items in the submission queue.
ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthActive NonSmtp Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active NonSmtp queues.
RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthRetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Mailbox Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in retry in the retry mailbox queues.
RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthRetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthRetry NonSMTP Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in retry in the NonSMTP queues.
UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue Length is the number of items in the unreachable queues.
LargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargest Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the largest delivery queue.
PoisonQueueLengthPoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue Length is the number of items in the poison queues.
MessagesSubmittedPerSecondMessagesSubmittedPerSecondMessages Submitted Per Second is the number of messages enqueued in the submission queue per second.
MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMessages Completed Delivery Per Second is the number of messages delivery per second.
MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessages queued for delivery per second.
VersionbucketsallocatedVersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets Allocated is the total number of version buckets allocated.
IODatabaseReadsPersecIODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
IODatabaseWritesPersecIODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
LogRecordStallsPersecLogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls/sec is the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because they are full. If this counter is nonzero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck.
LogThreadsWaitingLogThreadsWaitingLog Threads Waiting is the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log in order to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck.