
Applicable on Exchange Servers 2007 Version.

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: MSExchange2007

Global Template Name: AD Performance Counters DotNet v4

Version : Microsoft Exchange 2007

Prerequisites: For Exchange monitor need Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestAverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions.
CopyQueueLengthReplCopyQueueLengthReplCopy Queue Length is the number of log generations waiting to be both copied and inspected successfully.
ReplayQueueLengthReplReplayQueueLengthReplReplay Queue Length is the number of log generations waiting to be replayed.
RPCAverageLatencyISClientRPCAverageLatencyISClientRPC Average Latency is a server RPC latency in milliseconds averaged for the past 1024 packets.
HubServersInRetryMailSubHubServersInRetryMailSubHub Servers In Retry is the number of hub servers in retry.
FailedSubmissionsPerSecondMailSubFailedSubmissionsPerSecondMailSubFailed Submissions Per Second.
RPCLatencyaveragemsecSIRPCLatencyaveragemsecSIRPC Latency average (msec) is the average latency in milliseconds of RPC requests. Average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
AverageResponseTimeOWAAverageResponseTimeOWAAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request.
AverageSearchTimeOWAAverageSearchTimeOWAAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete.
AverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxAverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxAverage Delivery Time is the average time in miliseconds between the submission of a message to the mailbox store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
ActiveClientLogonsMailBoxActiveClientLogonsMailBoxActive Client Logons is the number of clients that performed any action within the last ten minute time interval.
ClientLogonsMailBoxClientLogonsMailBoxClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
MessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessage Recipients Delivered/sec is the rate that recipients receive messages.
MessagesDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessagesDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessages Delivered/sec is the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients.
MessagesSentPersecMailBoxMessagesSentPersecMailBoxMessages Sent/sec is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
MessagesQueuedForSubmissionMailBoxMessagesQueuedForSubmissionMailBoxMessages Queued For Submission is the current number of submitted messages which are not yet processed by transport.
ReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxReceive Queue Size is the number of messages in the mailbox store's receive queue.
SendQueueSizeMailBoxSendQueueSizeMailBoxIndicates the number of messages in the mailbox store's send queue.
AverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderAverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderAverage Delivery Time is the average time in miliseconds between the submission of a message to the public store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
ActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderActive Client Logons is the number of clients that performed any action within the last ten minute time interval.
ClientLogonsPublicFolderClientLogonsPublicFolderClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
MessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessage Recipients Delivered/sec is the rate that recipients receive messages.
MessagesDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessagesDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessages Delivered/sec is the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients.
MessagesSentPersecPublicFolderMessagesSentPersecPublicFolderMessages Sent/sec is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
MessagesQueuedForSubmissionPublicFolderMessagesQueuedForSubmissionPublicFolderMessages Queued For Submission is the current number of submitted messages which are not yet processed by transport.
ReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceive Queue Size is the number of messages in the public store's receive queue.
SendQueueSizePublicFolderSendQueueSizePublicFolderIndicates the number of messages in the public folder's send queue.
LongRunningLDAPOperationsLongRunningLDAPOperationsShows the number of LDAP operations on this domain controller that took longer than the specified threshold per minute. (Default threshold is 15 seconds.). Should be less than 50 at all times.
LDAPSearchTimeLDAPSearchTimeShows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response. Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.
LDAPSearchesTimedOutLDAPSearchesTimedOutLDAP Searches timed out per minute is the number of LDAP searches returned LDAP_TIMEOUT during the last minute.
PollingDelayPollingDelayPolling Delay is the latency between when the most recent Mapi Event was polled and when the event was created in seconds.
PercentageofFailedEventDispatchersPercentageofFailedEventDispatchersPercentage of Failed Event Dispatchers is the percentage of Event Dispatchers that are in failure mode.
LogBytesWritePersecLogBytesWritePersecLog Bytes Write per second is the rate bytes are written to the log.
IODatabaseReadsPersecIODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
IODatabaseWritesPersecIODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
LogGenerationCheckpointDepthLogGenerationCheckpointDepthLog Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.
VersionbucketsallocatedVersionbucketsallocatedTotal number of version buckets allocated.
LogBytesWritePersecLogBytesWritePersecLog Bytes Write per second is the rate bytes are written to the log.
IODatabaseReadsPersecIODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
IODatabaseWritesPersecIODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
LogGenerationCheckpointDepthLogGenerationCheckpointDepthLog Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.
VersionbucketsallocatedVersionbucketsallocatedTotal number of version buckets allocated.
ClientRPCsSuccededClientRPCsSuccededThe clientreported total number of successful RPCs (since the store was started).
RPCRequestsRPCRequestsRPC Requests is the number of client requests that are currently being processed by the information store.
ClientLatency10secRPCsClientLatency10secRPCsThe clientreported number of successful RPCs with latencies > 10 seconds.
RPCNumofSlowPacketsISRPCNumofSlowPacketsISNumber of RPC packets in the past 1024 that have latencies longer than 2 seconds.