
Applicable on Exchange Servers 2003 Version.

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: MSExchange2003

Global Template Name: AD Performance Counters DotNet v4

Version : Microsoft Exchange 2003

Prerequisites: For Exchange monitor need Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
AverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxAverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxActive Client Logons is the number of clients that performed any action within the last ten minute time interval.
ActiveClientLogonsMailBoxActiveClientLogonsMailBoxAverage Delivery Time is the average time in miliseconds between the submission of a message to the mailbox store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
ClientLogonsMailboxClientLogonsMailboxClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
MessageRecipientsDeliveredperminMailboxMessageRecipientsDeliveredperminMailboxMessage Recipients Delivered/min is the rate that recipients receive messages.
MessagesDeliveredperminMailboxMessagesDeliveredperminMailboxMessages Delivered/min is the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients.
MessagesSentperminMailboxMessagesSentperminMailboxMessages Sent/min is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
ReceiveQueueSizeMailboxReceiveQueueSizeMailboxReceive Queue Size is the number of messages in the mailbox store's receive queue.
SendQueueSizeMailboxSendQueueSizeMailboxSend Queue Size is the number of messages in the mailbox store's send queue.
AverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderAverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderActive Client Logons is the number of clients that performed any action within the last ten minute time interval.
ActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderAverage Delivery Time is the average time in miliseconds between the submission of a message to the public store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
ClientLogonsPublicFolderClientLogonsPublicFolderClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
MessageRecipientsDeliveredperminPublicFolderMessageRecipientsDeliveredperminPublicFolderMessage Recipients Delivered/min is the rate that recipients receive messages.
MessagesDeliveredperminPublicFolderMessagesDeliveredperminPublicFolderMessages Delivered/min is the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients.
MessagesSentperminPublicFolderMessagesSentperminPublicFolderMessages Sent/min is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
ReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceive Queue Size is the number of messages in the public store's receive queue.
SendQueueSizePublicFolderSendQueueSizePublicFolderSend Queue Size is the number of messages in the public store's send queue.
WorkQueueLengthWorkQueueLengthWork Queue Length is the number of outstanding messages in the Work Queue, which indicates the number of messages not yet processed to completion by the MTA.
TotalRecipientsQueuedTotalRecipientsQueuedrWork Queue Length is the number of outstanding messages in the Work Queue, which indicates the number of messages not yet processed to completion by the MTA.
WorkQueueBytesWorkQueueBytesWork Queue Bytes is the total volume of message content currently stored in the MTA, measured in kilobytes.