
IIS Template

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: IIS

Global Template Name : Microsoft IIS DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


  • For IIS monitors need Microsoft .Net Framework 4.

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
CurrentConnectionsCurrentConnectionsCurrent Connections is the current number of connections established with the Web service.
TotalConnectionAttemptsallinstancesTotalConnectionAttemptsallinstancesTotal Connection Attempts is the number of connections that have been attempted using the Web service (since service startup). This counter is for all instances listed.
ConnectionAttemptsPersecConnectionAttemptsPersecThe rate that connections to the Web service are being attempted.
LogonAttemptsPersecLogonAttemptsPersecThe rate that logons to the Web service are being attempted.
TotalNotFoundErrorsTotalNotFoundErrorsTotal Not Found Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found (since service startup). These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.
NotFoundErrorsPersecNotFoundErrorsPersecThe rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.
TotalLockedErrorsTotalLockedErrorsTotal Locked Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested was locked (since service startup). These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client.
LockedErrorsPersecLockedErrorsPersecThe rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked. These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client.
RequestWaitTimeASPRequestWaitTimeASPThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
RequestsNotFoundASPRequestsNotFoundASPThe number of requests for files that were no found.
RequestsQueuedASPRequestsQueuedASPThe number of requests waiting for service from the queue.
RequestWaitTimeASPNETRequestWaitTimeASPNETThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
RequestsQueuedASPNETRequestsQueuedASPNETThe number of requests waiting to be processed.