
This section contains the following information:

  • Metrics - This tab displays configurations related to metrics data ingestion. Here, you will find the details about instrumenting your app with OpenTelemetry, configuring your OpenTelemetry collector to ingest metrics and other details.
  • Logs - In this section, you will find settings associated with logs data ingestion. Here, you will find the details about instrumenting your app with OpenTelemetry and configuring your OpenTelemetry collector to ingest logs.
  • Traces - In this section, you will find settings associated with tracing data ingestion. Here, you will find the details about installing a tracing proxy using the given steps and exporting traces from the OpenTelemetry collector to the OpsRamp tracing proxy.

Note: If configuration for all three types of telemetry data metrics, logs, and traces is required, ensure that common settings, such as authorization extensions, are added only once.